Tournament etiquette

geebee wrote:
we all fish different ways, I don't think we have the right to judge how others fish.

a fishing tourney is no different to a casting class or a Casting for Recovery, Healing Waters day on public water - they want the public water for a day or two days, so what ?

Takes me 2 to 2.5 hours to drive to the Little Juniata, and I really only have one or two spots I know to park and walk. I don't know how big of a section of the river a 'beat' is, but it wouldn't be as easy as 'so what' if the trip was messed up or if I drive to one spot and got there early only to find out my trip would be messed up by an event so I had to drive to another spot and it's starting to get filled up with anglers.
PocketWater wrote:
geebee wrote:
we all fish different ways, I don't think we have the right to judge how others fish.

a fishing tourney is no different to a casting class or a Casting for Recovery, Healing Waters day on public water - they want the public water for a day or two days, so what ?

Takes me 2 to 2.5 hours to drive to the Little Juniata, and I really only have one or two spots I know to park and walk. I don't know how big of a section of the river a 'beat' is, but it wouldn't be as easy as 'so what' if the trip was messed up or if I drive to one spot and got there early only to find out my trip would be messed up by an event so I had to drive to another spot and it's starting to get filled up with anglers.

You could most certainly still fish the section that was for the tournament, it wouldn't really effect you at all, seeing as how its only one tournament attendee fishing each beat anyways. It would only really effect the attendee by you being there not yourself.

I know if I had to drive that far and that's the only spot I really knew then I probably would of just fished it and kept a normal distance apart
Salvelinusfontinali wrote:
PocketWater wrote:
geebee wrote:
we all fish different ways, I don't think we have the right to judge how others fish.

a fishing tourney is no different to a casting class or a Casting for Recovery, Healing Waters day on public water - they want the public water for a day or two days, so what ?

Takes me 2 to 2.5 hours to drive to the Little Juniata, and I really only have one or two spots I know to park and walk. I don't know how big of a section of the river a 'beat' is, but it wouldn't be as easy as 'so what' if the trip was messed up or if I drive to one spot and got there early only to find out my trip would be messed up by an event so I had to drive to another spot and it's starting to get filled up with anglers.

You could most certainly still fish the section that was for the tournament, it wouldn't really effect you at all, seeing as how its only one tournament attendee fishing each beat anyways. It would only really effect the attendee by you being there not yourself.

I know if I had to drive that far and that's the only spot I really knew then I probably would of just fished it and kept a normal distance apart

Out of curiosity, as I have never come across something like that, how big is a 'beat' and how many guys are in a tournament like that? Does it take up just a few hundred yards or something or are we talking about a beat itself being a few hundred yards and a mile or two of the river being part of the competition?
PocketWater wrote:
Salvelinusfontinali wrote:
PocketWater wrote:
geebee wrote:
we all fish different ways, I don't think we have the right to judge how others fish.

a fishing tourney is no different to a casting class or a Casting for Recovery, Healing Waters day on public water - they want the public water for a day or two days, so what ?

Takes me 2 to 2.5 hours to drive to the Little Juniata, and I really only have one or two spots I know to park and walk. I don't know how big of a section of the river a 'beat' is, but it wouldn't be as easy as 'so what' if the trip was messed up or if I drive to one spot and got there early only to find out my trip would be messed up by an event so I had to drive to another spot and it's starting to get filled up with anglers.

You could most certainly still fish the section that was for the tournament, it wouldn't really effect you at all, seeing as how its only one tournament attendee fishing each beat anyways. It would only really effect the attendee by you being there not yourself.

I know if I had to drive that far and that's the only spot I really knew then I probably would of just fished it and kept a normal distance apart

Out of curiosity, as I have never come across something like that, how big is a 'beat' and how many guys are in a tournament like that? Does it take up just a few hundred yards or something or are we talking about a beat itself being a few hundred yards and a mile or two of the river being part of the competition?

I can only answer from what I saw one single time, so it may vary widely for all I know.

But one beat seemed to be right around 100-150 yards.
And there are multiple beats back to back.

That was just my experience with one tournament on one river so I have no idea how the rest are managed.

As far as people I'm not sure, they took turns.. One fisherman and one "scorekeeper" per beat. I think each fisherman had an hour or so to fish his section
Is it a crime? Is it a hate crime? Is it free speech?

1.) Spray paint trout legend ya right on a tree or rock at a beat?

2.) Spray paint trout legend ya right on a telephone pole up the bank from a Stream beat?

3.) Staple paper with trout legend ya right on it Up the bank on telephone pole by the stream beat?

4.) Hold a sign with a becker loch style fishing saying I'm a trout legend and stand at The public low watermark in front of a streambeat.

salvelinusfontinalis wrote:
Is it a crime? Is it a hate crime? Is it free speech?

1.) Spray paint trout legend ya right on a tree or rock at a beat?

2.) Spray paint trout legend ya right on a telephone pole up the bank from a Stream beat?

3.) Staple paper with trout legend ya right on it Up the bank on telephone pole by the stream beat?

4.) Hold a sign with a becker loch style fishing saying I'm a trout legend and stand at The public low watermark in front of a streambeat.

1. Terrorism
2. Terrorism
3. Terrorism
4. Terrorism
Salvelinusfontinali wrote:
1. Terrorism
2. Terrorism
3. Terrorism
4. Terrorism

Disagree. Spincasters x4.
Is it a crime? Is it a hate crime? Is it free speech?

1.) Spray paint trout legend ya right on a tree or rock at a beat?

2.) Spray paint trout legend ya right on a telephone pole up the bank from a Stream beat?

3.) Staple paper with trout legend ya right on it Up the bank on telephone pole by the stream beat?

4.) Hold a sign with a becker loch style fishing saying I'm a trout legend and stand at The public low watermark in front of a streambeat.

:-? what?
I'm a little confused on the name "Trout Legends"
Are the Trout the legends or is it the fishermen who are the legends?
I asked this to a tournament fishermen two weeks ago on their Oil Creek Comp.
He replied that team Canada was here.

Their beats were through and above both delayed harvest areas and was scheduled on Sat and Sun, the busiest times on this creek and especially busy because of the Mothers Day Hatch. Most of the participants were respectful of fishing room but not all. I let the first guy who wandered through pick apart the nice glide I was fishing. I told him that as soon as the fish started to rise that he had to move on. When he heard be wade up from behind, he moved a couple hundred feet up above. Good guy. The rest of my day was pleasant.
I didn't have any problems with the rest of the competitors but heard on two occasion from a couple of old timers down stream comments like "that's close enough pal" and "why don't you learn how to fly fish".
One thing I did notice is that not one of these guys used any fly line out of the reel. Just mono through the guides and out the tip.
All cast were inside of 10ft. No one imitated the hatch that I could see.
I guess you could still call this fly fishing and they caught fish. But there was no art to it. no casting, no mending. Just dredging heavy flies off mono at a very fast pace. It seemed to me like a lot of work. To each their own but definitely not for me.
Now, normally I don't fish the weekend but the timing of the hatch and perfect water got me out.
dano wrote:
I'm a little confused on the name "Trout Legends"
Are the Trout the legends or is it the fishermen who are the legends?
I asked this to a tournament fishermen two weeks ago on their Oil Creek Comp.
He replied that team Canada was here.

Their beats were through and above both delayed harvest areas and was scheduled on Sat and Sun, the busiest times on this creek and especially busy because of the Mothers Day Hatch. Most of the participants were respectful of fishing room but not all. I let the first guy who wandered through pick apart the nice glide I was fishing. I told him that as soon as the fish started to rise that he had to move on. When he heard be wade up from behind, he moved a couple hundred feet up above. Good guy. The rest of my day was pleasant.
I didn't have any problems with the rest of the competitors but heard on two occasion from a couple of old timers down stream comments like "that's close enough pal" and "why don't you learn how to fly fish".
One thing I did notice is that not one of these guys used any fly line out of the reel. Just mono through the guides and out the tip.
All cast were inside of 10ft. No one imitated the hatch that I could see.
I guess you could still call this fly fishing and they caught fish. But there was no art to it. no casting, no mending. Just dredging heavy flies off mono at a very fast pace. It seemed to me like a lot of work. To each their own but definitely not for me.
Now, normally I don't fish the weekend but the timing of the hatch and perfect water got me out.

I agree on the fishing style.. not for me.
poopdeck wrote:

If the tourney guys think they have the entire place to themselves then I would question their etiquette. I already question why they strive to be a FF legend.

I would question their intelligence also. It's the Little Juniata after all, I doubt anyone involved in the tournament expects to have the stream completely to themselves.
While FFing tournaments have long been a contentious topic. . .frankly, this thread includes some posts which include unwarranted name calling and provocation and that are not in keeping with the spirit of our forum community. I have edited as appropriate.

Disagreement on a topic such as this is to be expected, but take it easy on the name calling folks - we're friends around here.
Dave W
I hope they filed the proper paper work with pafbc if not I would have a problem. I think these tournaments need to consider the average Joe and avoid eiltest mentality to stream etiquette. I hpe that is the intent of these competitions. Otherwise fish private waters.
If I knew there was an event, I'd fish elsewhere. Since I don't read about events, I'd probably go in a bit of a pickle. If I drove there to fish the creek, I'd probably find a spot among the competition anglers and do my thing. Pretty much ignore them and hopefully we stay out of each other's way.
Hey, Dave, not me! As you, as a moderator know, I have turned into the kinder, gentler rrt. I probably wouldn't even have weighed in, but today was not conducive to fishing, at least for me. (But, wasn't it kind of fun to see some of the old-style banter?)
For the most part everyone here competes with themselves when they are on the water . Either it be a straight numbers game or catching a certain fish that's in a hard to target area or just catching fish using only a certain technique . Comp anglers just take it to the next level and compete against other like minded anglers . A bunch of comp anglers on a stream is no different then a local Tu fishing together for the day or any other fly fishing related group spending a day on the water together like the Paflyfish jam . I bet there will be more than a few anglers mad this weekend because board members will be crowding up the streams in the area . Here is a little video for anyone that is curious about what goes on at a Fly Comp.
Sal and sal- All free speech but hilarious.

Sincerely, The pink ribbon vandal
Stop hurting breast cancer awareness.

It's serious!
That video was quite interesting. I use some of the techniques but have zero desire to be competitive with my fishing.