Tournament etiquette

I would not worry about it at all.
I have found that fishing behind most people regardless if in a tournament or not I will catch the fish they pass.
So go ahead. Call your buddies to crowd stream, fish in front of me.
With that said I would let tournament participant fish anywhere they would like.
Yo Far

I wasn't being sarcastic with my CO tale of polite separations - I was merely making light of the situation with a little poetic license. Guess the guy with the 30.06 wasn't no poet. lol

Yo Bhu - re ffishing around another angler: they call that the San Juan shuffle if'n you're nymphing. Besides, ever notice how some folks seems to attract bugs? Maybe they create a hatch right there in front of you?
"With that said I would let tournament participant fish anywhere they would like.". ????

If I was fishing a section before the guy with the measure board walks up......that's life bud. Go around. I'm not going to bow out to the comp guy. Stream is public and I've got just as much right to use it. Sorry.
Yes. I would let them fish anywhere they wanted and have.
Spring of 2015 I was fishing a section of spring creek below Bellefont.
There was an individual fishing a tournament I told him to go ahead of me since he was in the tournament.
He proceeded to fish ahead of me and I waited until he was about 40 to 50 yards up before I started.
Why did I do this?
Because I was confident I would out fish him either way.
I did not see him hook up at all.
Once I started I had a productive day on the stretch of Spring creek.
That was Shane. Lmao. Should have introduced yourself.
Lol wasn't me. I don't think I was at the 2015 Spring Creek Masters. If I did it was the year I took 3rd. Think that was 2014 though.
I wonder if past winners wear their gold fish vest at spruce.

I'm not a fan of ff comps but I'm not a fan of golf either.
salvelinusfontinalis wrote:
I wonder if past winners wear their gold fish vest at spruce.

I'm not a fan of ff comps but I'm not a fan of golf either.

Actually it would be a green vest, Sal...:roll:

As I wrote earlier, i would find out where the comp beats are and fish in another section of the stream. I'm out there to have a good time (and so are the comp guys). Why not just find another place to fish without competing?!

The comp first mentioned by the OP was on the Little J. It was held in a small section above the quarry. I would fish above that area or from the quarry down to below Barree...miles and miles of stream to fish.

If you want to ***** about tourneys, how 'bout those bass tourneys on public lakes or rivers. Ever pull up to a launch site and see a flotilla in the water and have thirty trailers and boats in line looking to that's a sucky situation. The entire lake, launch and parking area is jammed up and essential closed to anglers just looking for a place to fish for the day.

I've always believed that tournament schedules should be should be published and posted at lakes and launch sites to minimize conflict. Also, the number of tourneys, especially on weekends should be regulated, especially in smaller lakes and launch sites.

Anyway, each to his or her own. If competition fishing is your thing, just do it....or not. The fly guy comps have a very low impact on our streams and the anglers that compete are generally good guys (Shane excepted).


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So the One Fly tournament was here back in mid April. I was there earlier this week. There are still signs posted on trees with the different beat numbers. They will probably be on the trees until the wind blows them off into the water. Do little things like this bother anyone else?
phiendWMD wrote:
So the One Fly tournament was here back in mid April. I was there earlier this week. There are still signs posted on trees with the different beat numbers. They will probably be on the trees until the wind blows them off into the water. Do little things like this bother anyone else?

On what stream?

The Little Schuylkill
phiendWMD wrote:
The Little Schuylkill

Thanks. Maybe someone involved with the contest will read this, and go clean it up.

That was where I noticed the crap on trees....plastic ribbons and signs. I had a feeling it wouldn't be removed. It really pisses me off that these jerks had their stupid event and left their trash behind. Not surprised really when you consider the mentality of people who turn fly fishing into a competition.

phiendWMD wrote:
The Little Schuylkill

Thanks. Maybe someone involved with the contest will read this, and go clean it up.

Or spend thirty odd minutes with the Google and figure out where to send a note direct to the event organizer, the land owner(s) where the litter was left and the licensing agency for the event, probably PA Fish and Boat. Raise a stink and make them clean up after themselves instead of just hoping they randomly run across this thread and feel guilted in cleaning it all up now. Push some buttons on Facebook if they've got a page and show some supporting evidence for your gripes. Hold the organizer accountable with a simple picture or two and probably a couple emails. I don't have any problems with competitions, but I do have problems with folks who don't clean up after themselves, regardless of the event.
Is this the organizer?-
I take it you never saw Happy Gilmore. In general, I would liken these goons to mini golf experts over pga professional golfers.
To each his own
Caveat: Never have fished in a contest, unless you count the trout derby's I did when I was 7 or 8 years old...

Some internet muscles being flexed in this thread, but no one took the 10 seconds to post on that TU facebook page to ask them to take their garbage down. For all you know, maybe one specific person was assigned to clean-up everything and he screwed up, so you will hold it against every competitive fly fisher in the world.

And don't tell me that we as men (and women's flyfishers as well) are not "competitive".

90% of the guys you walk by or ask "how did you do", need to brag about their catch. It's almost never "had a great time, weather was great, fish were hungry, landed a few". It's "i caught 37, how did you do?". Especially when you flat out mention you aren't doing well, do people really think its a nice thing to say "oh, thats crazy, I caught 10 or 15 or whatever, your luck will turn around"....

We're all competitive. These guys just happened to organize it. If you read their events, they almost always do some type of stream clean-up or educational event (the TL guys at least), but basically if you're judgmental, that's how you are going to be.

Your hooks hurt just as bad as their hooks do, in a trout's mouth, and I'll guarantee you on the streams they are catching, if they aren't catching them that day, 300 other anglers are catching those fish the rest of the year.
