Nice ties - they'll get you started. They have a nice combination of materials that will breath and create nice movement in the water and the color selection is good. Personally, I'd nix the eyes but they're fun to use and won't hurt fishability.
Generally speaking, muskie flies tend to be tied very large and with bright colors. Next time you're in a sporting goods store, check out the muskie lures (very few fly shops, at least in PA, stock flies designed for muskies). Muskie lures often use a lot of orange/black combination colors as well as pinks and reds and more natural color combinations that resemble perch or suckers. Most of these lures are over 6" in length and many of them, mainly plugs, are nearly 12" or sometimes more. Studies in the past have suggested that muskies tend to prefer forage fish that are nearly a third of their body length. This is amazing if you think about it - a 36" muskie would eat fish 10-12" in length! Anyway, still I like my muskie flies on the smaller size for castability and I enjoy the frequent strikes from smallies. Most of my muskie flies are in the 6-10" range. Also, I always put at least two hooks in my muskie flies as, in my experience, muskies tend to seize lures/baits from the rear and these guys are just too darn much work to hook - you want a "stinger" in the back of the fly to ensure good hookups.
The pics below show a couple of my recent muskie ties. These ones are mostly deer hair but use some synthetics too - I recommend materials that don't soak a lot of water. They'll also be fitted with short wire bite tippets before going in the muskie box.
And yes, little ones count too (at least in my book). 🙂
How big was he compared to the fly? I've caught small muskies on flies that were almost as long as they were.