The Rumble on the River!

SurfCowboyXX wrote:
Gulliver's Travels down the Susquehanna...

LOL! That really says it all.



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Just stopped at lunch to check conditions. Continues to drop and clear. Now with 18" + of visibility at Ft Hunter. Ruling out a freak storm, should be green light for Saturday. May want to install some wheels on the bottom of that boat Derek. We're looking at the scuff, bang, boom float is she gets to 11k or lower. LOL.

I'll let my tactics cat out of the bag already. Rowing hard first mile and rowing out the last mile. Fishing the middle. 😉

What is the estimated launch time? Anywhere between 6 am and noon will work
If she gets so low that we will be dragging the entire time, we should move the float to the 4 mile float I regularly do. It is also loaded with structure and baitfish, but has plenty of water at 11k. I don't want to actually look like Gulliver in the pic FarmerDave shared.

I'm thinking a launch time of about 9am will suffice. I don't feel like having to leave the house at 6am. How late do we want the takeout to be? 5-6?
It is 5.18 miles from ramp to ramp. If you row out to the main flow and glide on down, you could be at the takeout in 3 hours or so. If you weave around the boulders, fish the islands and weedbeds, it could take 3 days to get to the takeout. This float is all what you want to make it.

Like I said, plan on rowing the first section (size of lake Lenoir). Then crazy fishing until you've had enough and we row out. Trying to cover all the spots would be like walking in at Stockport with the intention of gridding off the riffle and high sticking every square foot of it. It could be done, it would take forever and suck.
Was out prefishing for Saturday
We currently have some of the best water conditions this year. 80% chance of storms Friday ....keep fingers crossed it doesn't mess things up.
As for your practice Fred, I don't need any. I have the 18 foot pile cast down pat
I wouldn't mind just a little color to the water, but we do have to hope that the storms either miss mostly to the south or at least stay reasonable.
There's still a tint. I enjoy when it get real clear. You can spot them and pick the size of fish you'd like to cast at.
Okay, here are the rules:

-Fly fishing only. Can use any fly with any number of hooks (barbless, no trebles) and can fish two or more flies at once.

- Two anglers per boat.

-Winning team will be selected based on one outcome: total points earned by boat.

-Points will be accrued with the following formula covering only smallmouth bass:

SMB under 15" = 1 Point
15-18" = 2 pts
18-20 = 3pts
20" or greater = 5pts

All other species do not count for any points (although pics are welcome of course).

Points will be tallied by anglers per honor system. Fish must be physically touched to count.

Any final appeals for rule changes will be considered but we have had enough discussion...I recommend we lock this in.
Once the location and time has been agreed upon, someone will need to PM me so I know where to find you and to verify that both boats are back to the take out ramp by the designated end time.

Contestants will report their scores upon arriving at the ramp to me and I will identify the winner.

The defeated and disgraced team will then be required to provide the beer per the winning teams' terms and conditions.

Much at stake men....much at stake. Let's have a fair fight and no hitting below the belt. :lol:
I wish I had the time to come view this spectical and offer support via heckling.

Good luck guys. Hope the weather holds for ya.
I fished from my kayak at Liverpool yesterday. Water was in great shape, could see bottom almost everywhere.
Per your scoring system I had 14 points (6 < 15, 1 @16, and 2 @19). I had to buy my own beer.
Looking forward to seeing the comments and or excuses after the event. I've really enjoyed the pre event hype.
Good luck, be safe and have fun.
krayfish2 wrote:
As for your practice Fred, I don't need any. I have the 18 foot pile cast down pat

Dave I would to add a rule stating that all fish caught using a 18 foot pile cast should be null and voided as a catch. Smallmouth only deserve the finest quality of casts presented to them and not something that looks like someone deuced fly line on the river.
Why not toss in the stipulation that you have to cast with your "off hand" until you get a fish that break the 17" mark.....then you get to switch back to your normal casting hand? That would be comical to watch.
Let's declare 4pm as the end time.

Of course, anyone wanting to fish afterwards can do so, I probably will. But we need a hard time to get the boats back to the ramp for final scoring.
Let's actually do 5 pm. It's a pretty long float (between 4 and 6 miles), and I don't think we'll get started until 9am. I could conceivably go as late as 6, but I think 5 gets everyone home in time to not catch too much crap.
How's the weather I know its raining were I am ?