The Official Spring Jamboree May 16-18, 2014 Announcement

Great, I better bring plenty of yellow soft hackles then.

geebee wrote:
Great, I better bring plenty of yellow soft hackles then.

Make sure you have some of these. Absolutely deadly....

The embedded video doesn't work, as it's been deleted, but that's the fly.
Yeah, the biggest thing coming from SE PA is that mayflies, not caddis, are the driver for the fish.

Don't get me wrong, there are a few caddis around. But in late May mayflies are FAR more abundant, and in the limestoners the fish have the luxury of really focusing on the most abundant food source, to the exclusion of others.

It's really about being set up in the right place for the hatches and spinner falls.
I have a bunch of comparaduns n spinners to go with the soft hackles.

I'm hoping to get a chance for a couple of hours each at Poe Paddy, the narrows & fishermans paradise. Storied waters even if I don't catch much.

The sulphurs can be outstanding on Spring. Definitely make sure you have a good life cycle in your box with plenty of spinners! Penns can be a "crap shoot" as to what's coming off, but you can't go wrong with March browns and Green drakes...
We saw a decent March Brown spinnerfall last year on Saturday evening just before dark on Penns. I didn't catch much but it was really cool to watch. It was one of those nights where just being there to witness it was enough for me!
Yes, they were quite uncooperative that evening John. I remember us saying any minute now... any minute now... But they teasingly stayed off of the water until it was to dark to do anything. But I agree it was very cool to be in the middle of that many bugs. :-D
I would recommend bringing a headlamp and a wading staff. 2012 had a very warm Spring and the green drakes were starting to go on Penns early. A handful of us stayed in the water til well after dark. I was cleaning caddis out of my waders the next morning and you could feel your rod hitting coffin flies while you were casting that night. Too bad the water was so dirty. Could've been great. Oh well, that's why we keep coming back.
brown diesels work well.
Yes, they were quite uncooperative that evening John. I remember us saying any minute now... any minute now... But they teasingly stayed off of the water until it was to dark to do anything.

Methinks you just didn't stay late enough. We did very well at dusk on MB's. This is normal for Penns. You bring a headlamp for the best fishing, and a flashlight to walk out.
Enough of this fishing talk. The Jamboree is a social event as well. There is no telling what you might learn gathering with dozens of very enthusiastic fly anglers for a weekend of whatever.

A few years back, I went fishing with an eclectic bunch because we all happened to be around at the same time. It's an experience I won't forget. I'm looking forward to it fondly. I reserved a parked van for my sleeping quarters and it isn't even my parked van.
JackM wrote:
It's an experience I won't forget.

The only thing you remember are the stories you were later told.

You did, however, provide a lifetime of stories for some people. Turkey had an out of body experience on that trip.

It was more of an out of my mind experience.
How dare you question my memory. Go ahead, ask me a question.
JackM wrote:
How dare you question my memory. Go ahead, ask me a question.

How many times did you get reprimanded for littering in gfen's car?
dc410 wrote:
We saw a decent March Brown spinnerfall last year on Saturday evening just before dark on Penns. I didn't catch much but it was really cool to watch. It was one of those nights where just being there to witness it was enough for me!

I'll never forget that, was an incredible sight.
MB's, caddis, etc. It was a veritable blizzard just before nightfall.
Did you forget the sulfurs. GG