Thanks mods

Since 2000

Thanks, I though it was longer then that!

Paul G
Paul, I could be wrong, but I sort of remember the "old board" had stream reports beginning in 1998.
The real credit of the evolution of the site and the forum goes to Pad and Maurice. They have been huge supporters of making the forum a fun and informative place for us to share ideas and meet other like anglers. They are they are the ones that pushed me along to move off the old board and onto a more modern forum. And as for Mods I could not do it with out their knowledge and support today.
I thank Jack for helping me out as of late too.

I am still working out the tweaks, but making progress. I still plan to update the stream reports like we had a couple of years ago. Very technically difficult for me. Still very much on my mind.

Stream reports were started in think in 1996 and I have kept them all. I have about 8,000 reports over a ten year period. I intend to bring the old ones back in when the reports get going they way I want.

As for the age of the site and when it started...1995. The first month I had 20 page views from users. In the last six months there were 32,000 different people to view the site and May of this year the site had 248,000 page views. Busy place from twelve years ago.

Thanks to all of you for making the site a valuable place to visit.

Dear Dave,

Thanks for the status/history report. I know I found this place in it's original format back in the late 1990's.

I'll echo Paul's comments about the board. I've met a number of good friends that I doubt I would have otherwise had the pleasure of meeting courtesy of this message board. I am grateful for that even if I don't always properly show that gratitude. :)

Thank you for tolerating me for so long!

Tim Murphy :)

The site and board certainly had an outcome that I never anticipated with so many people meeting each other. I am always pleasantly surprised to hear about people getting together to go fishing.

Glad to have everyone here!
