Thanks mods



Jan 22, 2007
It looks like the FFP board won't go back up, as moderating it was taking up too much of the owner's time. So, thanks to the mods of this site for your significant investment of time and money. As a new flyfisher, this site has been an enjoyable and invaluable resource.

A thought - Have you considered selling merchandise to support the cost of runing the site? I've never done it, but I think it would be easy to set something up through Cafe Press.
ian, Dave Kile bears the cost of the site, so the greatest thanks go out to him. What little I do as one of four moderators is a small contribution for all the use and pleasure I get from the site.

Dave used to (or maybe still does) have an account for voluntary contributions to help him somewhat with costs and the banner ads probably provide a very small reimbursement.

If anyone knows where the link for voluntary contribution is and can reproduce it here, please do so. There may be some of us that would like to make a small contribution.
I second what Ian is saying!! I would visit both FFP and this site daily and what happened @ FFP is terrible. IMO, Steve did the right thing, just goes to show you a few bad apples can ruin it for everyone.
So my fishing hat is off to Dave K. and the moderators of this board. Keep up the good work and if you need a donation or start selling something to offset the costs. I'll be one of the first ones in line!!

I too am grateful for the work of the moderators on this board, and especially for the cost and effort that Dave Kile bears in providing this site for all of us. I would also be happy to make a voluntary contribution if we can get the link located, etc.

However, I would suggest that we keep the discussion focused on the above-described good feelings, and not on what happened at FFP. In other words, think we ought to welcome everyone without expressing views that could provoke or invite someone to try to re-hash the FFP situation on this board. That's the last thought I will be offering on the matter.

Good fishing to all, if you can find any in this heat.
I also second the thanks to Dave and the moderators. I always considered PaFlyFish and FFP as my two go to sources. Having lost one I realize how valuable this is. Anything we can do to help continue to keep this a quality site let us know.
Yah what about merchandise? My PA fly hat is getting a little rank.....
I don't know what I am going to do when it dies.
I have been visiting FFP site for years, I don't know what the heck happened, but looks like a few ruined it for many, just like litterers and polluters. Hopefully some day they bring the site back up.
I think they asked you not to talk about this topic actaully a thread was locked from this talk !!! It only contributed to the ever increasing pressure on our waters .

No, I think they asked those who ruined the other site not to bring the battle over to this one now that the other one is gone.

Frankly, I never have been there but It sounds like a shame. Message boards are not the place to puff up your chest and dance around in the battle for male dominance of the pack. Civility rules. Without it, the place just shuts down.
This site has been very entertaining over the years, as well as a valuable resource of great fishing knowledge. Thanks Dave for hosing the site and to all of the moderators for the time spent keeping this place great.
But they wont be up at all . At least that is what A staff member said..
JackM you're sure a hell of a mod....not knowing where we can give money for this thing. :) I'd give it to Tim Murphy but he'd blow it all on beer and I'd probably help him drink it. Please find out if there is a link where we can contribute and let us know.

This board rocks. I lurked for about two years before posting because I was intimidated by the level of knowledge and the passion for flyfishing and conservation on this board......but I have grown to appreciate this boards capacity for a substantive and civil debate about ideas and not personality. Most boards are either uncensored, insulting free-for alls or tightly moderated affairs lacking substance.

I also am very heartened by the boards willingness to share and bend over backwards helping newcomers and visitors. You are all first class sportsmen/women in my book.

I agree with Will's feeling that we should avoid rehashing the FFP issues here, but I must say this: I used to visit FFP regularly because it was an excellent forum with a lot of good information and discussion. But last year I stopped participating because there was so much negative bantering and sparring going on that it just wasn't enjoyable. I don't spend my time on forums like this to get annoyed and aggravated. I'm not posting this as a jab at the FFP site, but as a reminder that it's important to treat each other with respect and civility, even on the anonymous internet, not only because of the extreme example of what happened at FFP, but because in the end it makes it a more enjoyable experience for yourself and everyone else. I like Littlejuniata's analogy of the litterers and polluters. You will always have a few lunkheads who can ruin a good thing for everybody, you just have to weed them out, or get them to change their behavior if possible. And I wanted to say that it's very enjoyable visiting here, due to the good character that all the participants show in their discussions. It may get edgy at times, but the extremes aren't as extreme as they are on many forums, and nobody wants things to be too sanitized, either.
Can we please stop calling people involved in the FFP dispute names like bad apples and lunkheads and whatever else? Even if you think, probably erroneously, that our moderators can keep anyone from causing a similar problem here, is offering your 2 cents on the FFP situation really so important that you want to buy that kind of work and aggravation for the site and the mods?

Will thanks for your comments. The offending post was deleted and any other similar posts will be too. My suggestion is to not mention FFP at all even if it is to say how much you miss it. Moderators are on high alert and will be acting in a heavy-handed manner for as long as it takes to weather this possible storm.
Sorry. I just meant to make a point that it’s important to be civil on these forums, and that I like the people here. The reference to lunkheads was a general one, not directed at any particular site. Just trying to take the opportunity to promote good forum etiquette, that’s all.
Wulffman wrote: "And I wanted to say that it's very enjoyable visiting here, due to the good character that all the participants show in their discussions. It may get edgy at times, but the extremes aren't as extreme as they are on many forums, and nobody wants things to be too sanitized, either."

I've been coming to this site from the begining and have enjoyed it the over the years. I've may a lot of great frindships over the years. I don't how any people I have fished with from this site but it's been a lot of them.

So Im greatful For finding this site a bunch of years ago! Thanks Dave!


Ps, Dave or someone how long has this site been on line!