Terrestrial Swap 2012

Any tying spots available? If so, I would tie my foam beetle imitation that Gary Borger had named the "Mack Truck Beetle", in his 1st book of his newest-to-be-finished 20 book series.

I know that I tied this fly for one of the first fly swaps that we had here.

Take Care!
Address has been PM'd. Let me know if you didn't get it.

My flies are on the way.

The lady bug is a pattern from a DVD by Glenn Weiser and Wayne Samson called " Terrestrials, the other Hatch"
I did a little modification to it because of material available to me.

Hook: Dai Riki 060 size 14
Thread: Black 6/0 I make a dubbing loop at the rear of the fly to
make the wing split over the back.
Body: Orange foam
Under body: Peacock Black Ice Dub
Legs: Kreinik Med. Braid (#16) 005HL
Head: Black Hairline Dubbing

If you look at the fly you will see it is easy to tie.
Hook: Daiichi 1100 # 18
Thread: Gray 8/0
Under body: black 2mm foam cut in 2mm x 2mm strips
Body: Mole hair dubbed
Hackle: Grizzly
Wing: Jungle **** nail

Start tying thread on the back 1/3 of the hook wrap back to the barb. Tie in grizzly hackle. Dub tapered body with the mole hair. Palmer the hackle. Clip the top and the bottom. Tie in jungle **** nail. Form a nice head and whip finish. I hit the nail with Sally Hansons for durability.


I decided I wanted to do another fly, found this pattern which I found interesting. So I decided to give it a go.

LaFontaine White Deer Hair Moth
Hook: Allen #8 2xl
Thread: White 6/0
Body: 2mm white foam
Hackle: white saddle
Wing: white deer hair
Head: Snowshoe hare dubbed


Tie in thread to hook barb. Tie in saddle hackle. Tie in foam toward the rear of the hook. Fold the foam over, tie down so it wraps around the hook (I did about six segments). Palmer hackle in segment grooves. Tie down hackle and add two whip finishes. Clip hackle short. Tie in deer hair wing, I used about a half a pencil's worth stacked. The original pattern calls for mink, I didn't have any so I decided to go with snowshoe hare. Dub behind the wing then figure 8 splitting the wings equally and tying them back to about 45 degrees. Dub a rather large head, whip finish.

Both these patterns can be found on the web, as I'm sure my descriptions aren't the best.
Foam Beetle with Poly Post
Hook:#12 TMC scud hook
Body: 4-5 strands peacock herl
Wingcase: 2mm black craft foam
Post: White Poly yarn
Thread: Uni 6/0 Black

Start your thread and advance to rear of the hook. Tie in 1/4"-3/8" piece of black foam 1/8" behind eye of hook and wrap forward and back again to secure. I do not completely cover foam with thread in attempt to keep body fat. Tie in 4-6 strands peacock herl tips first. I like to wrap herl around my thread to make a rope and increase fly durability. Wrap peacock rope to just behind hook eye and secure. bring foam over peacock herl and tie/secure with 1 loose and 3 tight wraps. Poly post is optional, I like it for fishing in the shaded areas. bring thread under foam and whip finish behind eye of hook. Trim head of beetle to desired size. Enjoy!
Flies will be mailed out tomorrow! Excited to receive everyone elses creations. The posted pics looks awesome!

flies are here.


Flies are here!

I went with the UV Drowned Ant

Hook: Size 16 3906B hook
Body: Black 6/0 Uni Thread
Legs: Black Crystal Flash

Top of the Gastor and head with UV Knot Sense...cover with Hard as Nails.

Fish it drowned.

My entry

Brown beetle

Hook- 12 dry fly straight eye
Thread- 6/0 black
Body- Root Beer Estaz
Case- Burnt Orange Foam


Flies are here.

My lab just ate 5 size twenty parachute ants! Had them on the counter and went to search for a tin to mail them and came back to ants scattered on the floor with 5 missing. Hope they were small enough not to hurt her. Looks like mine will be in the mail Monday.
Flies finished. They will be mailed on Monday.
Flies finished and ready to mail on Monday...

Hook: #14 Dai Riki 305 or equivalent
Thread: Brown or Orange 6/0
Underbody: 2mm or less cinnamon foam
Body: 2mm or less orange foam
Legs (Optional): Medium Tan/Brown Centipede Legs
Body: Peacock Herl - 2 wraps
Hackle: Brown or Orange rooster hackle (I used orange grizzly hackle)

- Wrap thread to bend

- Tie in brown foam underbody leaving a small tag rounded off

- Tie in orange foam right on top of underbody

I used a small amount of flex cement on the thread to secure the foam (it tends to roll)

- Tie in legs on either side, then pull legs and orange foam back and secure to vice (I use lead wire left overs, makes next steps much easier)

- Wrap thread forward to a hook eye behind the eye
- Pull down underfoam to the thread point and tie in 4 wraps minimum. spiral wrap back to end and tie in hackle, spiral back to eye.
- Tie in herl and wrap back and forward then tie off and clip excess.
- Palmer hackle forward over herl and tie off/remove excess
- Trim hackle down evenly all over to hook gap length or less - brushy effect
- Release legs and orange foam overbody from lead wire
- Trim legs to size
- Fold orange foam down and tie off behind eye, fold back and tie over, trim and shape
- Trim underfoam to just past hook eye

I put a half hitch in here for strength

- Tie in rubber legs and trim to fit
- Whip finish on top of foam wrap point


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btw, I'm tying an AZ Mini-Hopper, which is pretty much my favorite go-to surface fly for all species from May through October.
I'll post pics and pattern later. I got done the first 6 last night.
Flies sent...sorry for the delay...
My flies were sent out today. Thanks everyone in advance, they look really good. Hope mine don't disappoint too bad....ha.
I hats to do this but I need to drop out of this one. Life has gotten hectic and I wont have time to get finished. Sorry everyone.
mine are leaving here tomorrow or Sat. Tying is done.
Here's a sneak peak.


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