Terrestrial Swap 2012

Just got my vise jaws back from Renzetti so I'm gonna start cranking out flies this weekend
I am probably going to tie a hopper or cricket.
lv2nymph wrote:
I have, I fished one with and one without floatant. The one not treated floated lower in the film but did float. Tried it in riffles, runs and pools. I lost the none treated one in the branches above screwing around slapping it down on the water to see if it would go under. A few dry casts and off it would go. Got both shoes soaked trying to get it back. :-o The treated one performed very well. Gave each one a half an hour to see how it would go drifts were 15' or so. I was hoping the strip of foam would kinda give it a neutral buoyancy and help keep it on top, all in all not bad...
Hey, thanks Delta.

They are good looking flys! I had to tye some woven mayflys for a swap on another board. I don't recommend that at all, but it was an odd swap and the rules made it so I had to do it that way. After playing around for a while I decided to wax the floss with tying wax and it helped a lot, but I still wouldn't recommend it. It got me wondering if it would be worthwhile pretreating the floss with floatant or Scotchgard. All that aside, I have heard that fish take sunken hoppers (naturals) quite a bit, so a hopper that looks realistic and is a less than perfect floater might be an interesting pattern.

Swappers of the Terrestrial Swap 2012

delta_dog - TBA
Leteras - hopper or cricket
lv2nymph - Charlies baby hopper & a woven cricket
whheff - Lady Bug
sniperfreak223 - Freak's foam hopper and a periodical cicada
hbgbswanson - jassid
GRP - Letort Cricket
mkoloch - TBA
mrchunk - orange rubber leg ant
Phish_On - TBA
FrequentTyer - olive stimmi
jerseygeorge - TBA
dryflyguy/boss_steb - TBA
YoughnessMonster - TBA
Grassrod - parachute ant
dubthethorax - TBA
flyfishermanj - foam wasp

Remember we have an extra tier, so you will need to submit at least 16 flies.

Thanks FT with the talk of woven terrestrials I started thinking about it and figured what the hey. From what I saw it sits with the wing out of the water (untreated) and the body in the film, it had a sprawled out look.I saw this style of weaving and it looked perfect for what I was thinking, I liked the way the colors mixed to a point both up and down. When it's wet the body has a tone that's brown but not black and vise versa,I really like the way it looks. Hopefully so will the fish. :)
Field tested the orange ant last night on the EB Brandywine. 15 inch brown certainly liked it!
Correction: The under wing on the cricket should have said four strands of purple crystal hair. Apparently proof reading is not a strong point. :oops:
well,still have 15 of each to go, but before I forget, here are the recipes for my submissions:

Foam Hopper

Hook: TMC 200R or equivalent, #6-#12 (these are #8 JS 430's)
Thread: Tan 8/0 UNI thread
Back: tan 2mm foam
Abdomen: strip of 2mm yellow foam, tied in at the bend and wrapped forward.
wing: natural deer hair
Rear Legs: knotted brown round rubber
thorax: amber superfine dubbing
head: remainder of back foam pulled back over thorax and tied down over wing.
front legs: tan barred centipede legs

Periodical Cicada

Hook: Mustad 3366 #4
Thread Black 6/0 UNI thread
Back: Black 2mm foam
Abdomen: blend of orange rabbit and orange Ice Dub
Wing: pearl Krystal flash edged with 5 strands of orange Krystal Flash
Legs: Orange barred Centipede legs
Thorax: same as abdomen
Head: remainder of back foam pulled back over thorax and tied down over wing.

The hopper is just a generic pattern I use primarily as an indicator fly on dry/dropper rigs, and since I couldn't get a woven cicada to float right, I just tied the periodical cicada pattern from the Spring 2008 issue of Fly Tyer magazine.



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mine are done...will be going out Monday.
Here is a picture of the hoppers I'm tying for the swap. I just started tying them up and this is the first one.


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That's wild looking what's the material?
2 mm foam and the wing is thin packaging foam I kept from the box that my daughter's crib was in. lol
Cool,nice job on seeing a use for the packing foam. Sleeping all night yet? Or is that time long gone?

Flies are here!

I haven't received the address where to send the flies yet.
Leteras wrote:
2 mm foam and the wing is thin packaging foam I kept from the box that my daughter's crib was in. lol

Cool! I am starting to feel unworthy to be in this swap. You guys are tying some really nice flies.
I am going to tell my daughter to save that foam for me. She is expecting twins so there should be plenty. :)
Thanks FFJ.
Flies are finished, but I haven't received an address. Others look great!
My flies are done. Did some foam beetles with a white Vis post. I too do not have an address to send my flies yet.