Terrestrial Swap 2012

Room for a Greenhorn?
Tying pattern TBD
I'm in with a parachute ant if there's a spot left

Will update with list of tiers and PM my address out sometime today or tomorrow.

I'll make sure to tie some thing easy to strip so if no one likes the fly atleast they get themselves a nice Tiemco hook!
Youghness -
It's surprising how some very easy to tie flies, can also be very effective.
A green weenie is certainly about as simple as it gets. But also catches lots of trout. At least from what I hear anyway!

Ok, cricket looks good. ( imitates field cricket)Hard to see the top of the pattern with a wing on it, plus it's done with black and brown dmc floss in a tiger weave it blends the two colors nicely and that's what I was looking for. The field cricket is brownish/black in color and prominant around trout streams. Hope you like it. "J" put me in for Charlies baby hopper & a woven cricket. Thanks Jack
goddamnit I missed this :(

and I think you should open it to one more since I was the one that suggested it in the other thread! :)
I'm okay with tying one more fly for the swap if we let dub in.
I have no problem with letting dub in either.
Same here as long as he ties a woven foam camel spider with wings. Lol just kidding.
All for an additional tier
Dub is in! Sorry for not getting the PM's sent out or the update. Will get to it this week.

If anyone backs out, even at the last minute...let me know...I can crank out some flies in a hurry for this...just drop me a PM...

Flyfishermanj -

With the overwelming response to this swap, I can easily back out.
In fact, with the spring hatches starting so unusually early this year, I have quite a few other things that I really would like to get tying now.
You guys rock. THANK YOU. I'm in.
UM...not trying to be pushy...does that mean I am in or out...no pressure one way or another...I am really fine...


Woven cricket:
Hook: Daiichi 1180 # 10
Thread: Black
Under body: black 2mm foam cut in 2mm x 2mm strips
Body: Dmc floss, black # 310,brown # 898 Done in a tiger weave
Under wing: four strands purple floss
Wing: black deer hair
Head: pearl chenille, micro black
Tie in floss behind eye, light on the far side, darker color on the near side. Tie down back to the bend of the hook, tie in the strip of foam about 3-4 mm behind the eye ( leaves room for the head ) tie it down to just before the bend of the hook, cut off. When you tie the strip down use enough thread pressure to secure it but not so much you completely crush it.Bring thread to the front of the hook, tie off thread and cut I don’t like to weave with it hanging gets in the way. Google “ Tiger weave” for instructions on how to, will be better than I can do. Weave body to the end of the foam strip you tied in. Reattach the thread and tie off. With your left hand pinch the floss on the hook have bodkin ready pinch the thread between your left finger and the hook reattach thread and tie down floss and cut excess off.( a little practice getting the thread back on the hook one handed doesn’t hurt before you’re actually holding on to what you’ve just weaved) Tie in chenille at the eye of hook move thread to the point your weave stopped, wrap chenille to that point and tie off. Tie in crystal hair at body/head ( thread should be there already ) junction, cut off at the bend of the hook. Tie in deer hair ( give a good pinch so it does not rotate on you) at body/head point tips stopping around the bend or a little longer. Whip finish trim head to your liking.


Charlies baby hopper:
Hook: Daiichi 1180 # 10
Thread: color to match body
Under body: 2mm x 2mm strip of foam
Body: 2 mm foam cut to the width of the hook gap ( or a tad smaller )
Legs: tarantu-legs
Wing: natural deer hair
Google Charlies hopper for lots of really good pics and very good tying instruction ( one thing the baby hopper only has two segments and no flash under the wing).

lv2nymph wrote:

Woven cricket:
Hook: Daiichi 1180 # 10
Thread: Black
Under body: black 2mm foam cut in 2mm x 2mm strips
Body: Dmc floss, black # 310,brown # 898 Done in a tiger weave
Under wing: four strands purple floss
Wing: black deer hair
Head: pearl chenille, micro black
Tie in floss behind eye, light on the far side, darker color on the near side. Tie down back to the bend of the hook, tie in the strip of foam about 3-4 mm behind the eye ( leaves room for the head ) tie it down to just before the bend of the hook, cut off. When you tie the strip down use enough thread pressure to secure it but not so much you completely crush it.Bring thread to the front of the hook, tie off thread and cut I don’t like to weave with it hanging gets in the way. Google “ Tiger weave” for instructions on how to, will be better than I can do. Weave body to the end of the foam strip you tied in. Reattach the thread and tie off. With your left hand pinch the floss on the hook have bodkin ready pinch the thread between your left finger and the hook reattach thread and tie down floss and cut excess off.( a little practice getting the thread back on the hook one handed doesn’t hurt before you’re actually holding on to what you’ve just weaved) Tie in chenille at the eye of hook move thread to the point your weave stopped, wrap chenille to that point and tie off. Tie in crystal hair at body/head ( thread should be there already ) junction, cut off at the bend of the hook. Tie in deer hair ( give a good pinch so it does not rotate on you) at body/head point tips stopping around the bend or a little longer. Whip finish trim head to your liking.


Charlies baby hopper:
Hook: Daiichi 1180 # 10
Thread: color to match body
Under body: 2mm x 2mm strip of foam
Body: 2 mm foam cut to the width of the hook gap ( or a tad smaller )
Legs: tarantu-legs
Wing: natural deer hair
Google Charlies hopper for lots of really good pics and very good tying instruction ( one thing the baby hopper only has two segments and no flash under the wing).

ave you tested the floatability of the woven cricket? I've nearly abandoned my woven cicada simply because everything I've tried weaving with doesn't seem to float right...last hope is poly yarn :-(
ave you tested the floatability of the woven cricket? I've nearly abandoned my woven cicada simply because everything I've tried weaving with doesn't seem to float right...last hope is poly yarn

Same here but they sure look nice.
I have, I fished one with and one without floatant. The one not treated floated lower in the film but did float. Tried it in riffles, runs and pools. I lost the none treated one in the branches above screwing around slapping it down on the water to see if it would go under. A few dry casts and off it would go. Got both shoes soaked trying to get it back. :-o The treated one performed very well. Gave each one a half an hour to see how it would go drifts were 15' or so. I was hoping the strip of foam would kinda give it a neutral buoyancy and help keep it on top, all in all not bad...
Hey, thanks Delta.