Steelhead Thread 2014-2015

Headed up Friday to fish later in the afternoon. Rain in the forecast looks good for the next few weeks. Looks like we will finally have water for the JAM this year. Looking forward to it!
Always good to see the little fellas!


Fishing was tough this weekend but my brother and I both managed to catch some fish. Got into some two weekends ago as well. I too am liking the rain in the forecast. Hopefully it lines up nicely for the JAM!

Also, we need some wind and a LOT of water to get rid of all the leaves. Fished Conneaut Saturday afternoon and the leaves made it unfishable. They were a little annoying at times on Elk as well, more so yesterday than Saturday. The joys of fall fishing!!

Check out the little guy?

Actually good to see.

Caught one of those on upper Conneat Creek years ago while fishing for stocked browns in the regular trout season. It was likely a stream bred steelhead smolt. Unfortunately it took the spinner deep. I made the mistake of casting downstream into a spot that was difficalt to hit any other way. But it tasted good.

rather than a smolt on its way down to the lake, is that not one of the one winter steelies ? - what some call a half pounder ?

beautiful fish - well fed too.

geebee wrote:
rather than a smolt on its way down to the lake, is that not one of the one winter steelies ? - what some call a half pounder ?

beautiful fish - well fed too.

You are probably right about the one in the picture.

The one I caught was smaller and in the Spring and likely a wild smolt. Just a guess. WAY up above where smolt are stocked and looked wild to me.
I'm guessing it's a one year-old wild fish. It'll probably head out to the lake this spring.

No organizations that I know of stock them in the fall(PFBC stocks in the spring), and I don't think it's from last spring's batch of fish and just decided to stay in the creek.........but that possibility is out there I guess. I've heard of quite a few other little wild fish being caught this fall. Even saw another little one the day before. Cool summers definitely help!
FarmerDave- Cool that you got one out of Conneaut. I hear that wild trout do taste better than stockies. Might have to give it a try one of these days.. ;-)

That little guy was definitely well fed and healthy. Put up a spirited fight!
Any predictions for the weekend? I'll be making my second trip of the season and I'm hoping it's as good as the first.
Saturday looks great. 41 degrees and rain/snow and wind!

The rain on Friday may set things up nicely, but the streams may blow out especially if we get a lot of rain Saturday. Worst case just hit the smaller streams. We definitely need the water though. There's fish in the streams from top to bottom. Mix of fresh and older fish.

Leaf hatch should be pretty good!
rather than a smolt on its way down to the lake, is that not one of the one winter steelies ? - what some call a half pounder ?

"half pounder" is reference to the size of the smolt leaving the river in the spring... then only spends a few months in the salt and returns with the summer-run fish in Aug-Oct as a sexually immature fish

it will then will stay in the system for a year and reach sexual maturity... OR it heads back to the salt in the spring returning anytime it sees fit over the next 4 or so years

This only happens in a very few select watersheds in Northern CA and very southern OR

PA/Lake Erie genetic mess-o-fish don't count
Conditions on Elk today were terrible. It's about as low as it can go and full of leaves. Poor fish are doing the chinese fire drill when anything hits the water. Did manage a few, but you have to go small with fly and tippet.
Rollingdog wrote:
"half pounder" is reference to the size of the smolt leaving the river in the spring... then only spends a few months in the salt and returns with the summer-run fish in Aug-Oct as a sexually immature fish

it will then will stay in the system for a year and reach sexual maturity... OR it heads back to the salt in the spring returning anytime it sees fit over the next 4 or so years

This only happens in a very few select watersheds in Northern CA and very southern OR

PA/Lake Erie genetic mess-o-fish don't count

oh okay, thanks - like a peal or finnock ?

i read that most of them are male, same as the one-winter fish. its the females that multiwinter.

reports from the DSR are pretty promising - rain is due Wednesday and Sunday too.

only 6 days to go til my trip. :)
There are a crap load (real measurement) of steelhead in the SR. Gee, where are you staying? Tailwaters?
I'm staying at the Quality Inn in Oswego - when i booked in May i didn't know about tailwaters, and i wanted a place with proper heat for drying my stuff at night.

imho theres nothing worse than putting on damp kit in the dark, and ive been caught out by motels n 'lodges' before - enough heat to keep the room warmish but not to dry jackets, fleeces etc
Fished around Folly's yesterday for about 3 hours. The water isn't the worst I've seen but it's pretty low. I managed to find some moving water and willing fish. Landed 2 and missed a few. Looking forward to the JAM next week.


Tailwaters lodge is amazing. Definitely recommend it. 3 of us stayed in a room think it cost us $55pp a night with the guide discount. Super clean, great location, private bank on the water, great bar/restaurant, hot free breakfast, and.... some cute waitresses and concierge.

You can't find a better deal and place.