Steelhead swap?

Yes that Brown is on the stringer. I caught so many browns up there. I kept a few to eat. The others went back. Thanks for the compliment too on the fly.
im confused. were we supposed to get more flies mailed?
I have yet to receive any, lol. I was going to wait till tomorrow to ask if anybody else has not received them, but since you posted, I midaswell throw it out there.
SBecker wrote:
I have yet to receive any, lol. I was going to wait till tomorrow to ask if anybody else has not received them, but since you posted, I midaswell throw it out there.

just when you thought you could trust your mailman again...

(In all seriousness, hope you get em soon)

My bad fly pattern came in after I shipped...I need to send out the last two flies from the swap.

Do my best to get them out asap...I leave before work thinking...ok just get them in the mail...then three...five days passed and I am like...damn...didn't get them out yet...

I apologize big time...2 flies come to each of you...

Becker...yours should be there or nearly there....shipped on Friday...again sorry...everyone else should have received them. have the full load...

Don't shoot the mailman...all me!

Received them Boss! Thanks again, if mine showed up late I apologize, I sent them before Sandy, maybe the storm affected the service a little.
I don't think it was you...they got here a bit late...but I think I lost count of how many guys were in...I will take the heat...

Thanks to all who helped out...


Hey no problem, it is not easy being the swap master. You did a fine job.