Steelhead swap?

Gorgeous flies Eunan!

I'll follow that up with my lowly estaz nymphs. Kinda fell behind on this one, so I took the quick and simple route.


Regardless, I finished these up tonight, and they'll be in the mail tomorrow. Thanks for hosting boss!
Some sweet looking flies...

Let-your flies are in...not sure how to fish it but interesting none the less and Iwill definately give them a try. Do you fish them dead drifted?

I dead drift them. They create the illusion of an emerald shiner chasing after a free floating salmon egg. Two flies in one. You should do well on them.
jay the flies i tied are simple ones too but very effective i bet they would do well in spring creek too or anywhere there are minnows
As much as I should know better, being the host of several swaps myself, I need to bail. It's my bad, a victim of my own procrastination! It's not fair to those of you guys that are already waiting and the fishing is getting good now. Sorry again.

ANy chance you are of now...

Only flies received are

Nello..I think that is Flip
Dub Thorax-got here today...look great...

I know a few others are in the mail...
Mine were sent yesterday.
Jay and Hendron's arrived today. Almost home boys...
Finish mine tonight, will mail Monday if you don't mind. amazing what a self guilt trip can do for motivation!
Thanks a ton...we will be repackaging and sending early next week.

yeah boss im nello
Flies mailed yesterday...look good and very different...Thanks to everyone that participated.

Great job.

Thanks Boss! Look forward to receiving everybody's ties.
I have a confession...I will need all of your addresses pm to me. I need to send out some flies that didn't make the packs...don't worry. They will be on their way shortly.

just drop me a PM and I will get them mailed out to everyone on Monday. Like getting two mini christmas for the price of one.

i got mine in the ones ive got were very nice im anxious to fish them
Boss, address sent and thanks a ton for hosting! Looking forward to seeing these.
Here is a 36 inch Atlantic Salmon I caught today in NY on the fly I did for the swap(emerald shiner chasing an egg). Also the browns fell for it too.


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nice fish....hope they work for me...I might need to be sick next Friday...cough...cough...
Boss I am with you on that maybe a self imposed sick day might be a good thing. If you fish Erie with them let me know how you do.
Is that brown on a stringer? :(

Nice flies. Leteras, your pattern is definitely innovative. Eunan, well done! Whoever tied the lightning bug, I dig.