Steelhead swap?

im ok tying 2 each
nice troll attempt CHaZ
the flies i plan on tying are simple 2 materials flash and a bead
boss can we get an extention on that date im getting married next week and then ill be in mexico on honeymoon till the 8 th and right now im busier than a 2 peckered billy goat with my own wedding stuff and other family issues and wedding i have to attend ill do what i can though
Sure, will another week get you by....congrats...will you be selling all of your fishing stuff now that you are getting married...just kidding.

October 20th for deadline...
yes the 20th would be great thx and no im trying to get her into fly fishing
Guys, Have half my flies tied up, here's a sneak peak.
Since i'm gonna be doing mostly swinging this fall for the steel, i went with a a slightly larger pattern.
Hope you guys like

Hook is a TMC7999 #2
nice fly !!
should swing nice with the wire in the mid section
that is wire isn't it
it is wire. Ultrawire, size large.
I'd frame that thing instead of fishing it. Nicely done.
you can frame one of them, fish with the other :)
Guys, I'm sorry but I'm going to have to drop out. Just don't have time to do 26.
My contribution..

I met a "guide" in the lower FF stretch of SR last year who taught me this one. He was slaying fish with them. Killer caddis glass bead, double rib, flashy dubbing. I hooked in to two fish at Staircase with them last fall, but didnt land either. Hopefully one of you will have better luck.


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nice flies..
Nice Mr DTT.
Last year in the FF zone i saw a guy had a size 16 midge pattern on - catching fish left right and center. you gotta love fish that actually feed when they're in the river.
so... how many flies are we supposed to tie still 26? or less?

dubthethorax- Killer caddis glass bead, double rib, flashy dubbing
jay348- ?
bossteb- lightning bug
eunanheron- Royal Coachman Hairwing
Leteras- ?
wetflyguy- ?

Is SBecker in or not with the Psycho Princes?

Just trying to get an idea on what to tie. In the past I've done a pattern called Don's Glass Egg that has been very productive for me. also, are we doing the two fly thing? Would like to knock my flies out this week since I have a upcoming Central Pa trip coming up in a few weeks.

Yep, I am in. Just want to know how many flies to tie.
Hey all. It's been a while since I've been on the site. Busy with life. Is there a spot in the swap for another tier. I'm in if so...
dubthethorax- Killer caddis glass bead, double rib, flashy dubbing
jay348- ?
bossteb- lightning bug
eunanheron- Royal Coachman Hairwing
Leteras- ?
wetflyguy- ?
SBecker- Psycho Princes
are we locking this sucker up at 9 tyers? it would make it much easier for folks to get the flies done and out in time, knowing how many they had to tie.

Flys are done and mailed
26 steelhead soft hackles
Thanks for the swap!!!!!!
Sorry Guys...crazy at work...

I would say make it an even 10 tyers inlcuding Bobby MO!

My flies are done...I will try to post a picture but my skills are lacking in that area. 2X the number of tyers or 20 total plus some throw in for the MODS...
