Steelhead 2013-2014 Thread

>>RLeeP, you and I are going to have to hook up to do some fishing some day. I was hoping it would be in Wisconsin for trout, but NWPA for ww species would be fine.>>

Sounds like a plan, Dave... Once I'm back, I'll be doing a lot more WW fishing of all types, particularly small lakes for bass and pike and larger streams for walleye and bass. Less trout fishing, except that I'm still pretty enthused about coming home and chasing wild trout in smaller streams in PA.

>> I won't need lodging though.>>

That's OK. I don't really have a Plott hound, anyway. My Dad and his brothers all had Plotts though. They all ran coon until they got too old to hear the dogs, let alone get out of the truck.

The NW portion of the state is underrated in regards to fishing. Not just on WW species, but wild trout as well.

You've got Lake Erie and everything it supports real close. I mean, the smallmouth fishery is just unbelievable. Plus world class walleye, perch, musky. And of course, the steelhead circus.

You've got the Allegheny Reservoir which rivals Erie in some respects. You've got the Allegheny River, from the tailwater fishery down through, which supports a myriad of river species in an absolutely spectacular river. Trout, walleye, catfish, muskie, etc. Whatever you desire. You've got plenty of larger coolwater rivers like the Brokenstraw, Oil, Tionesta, Clarion, etc. which are all fine smallmouth fisheries. I'd be remiss if I didn't add French Creek to that, which is just a really, really interesting fishery to the non-trout kind of guy. Most of those also get stocked fairly heavily in the spring with hatchery trout.

Not to mention, that it is a real, natural lake area, with LB/panfish type waters everywhere you look on a map. Heck, throw some bowfin fishin in there for a few of them!

And then you got loads of good small to medium sized wild trout streams all through the region, for the trout enthusiasts. I mean, the places known more for trout are known more for a reason. But this area is under-rated in regards to trout, with lots of options with very little pressure in beautiful surroundings.

Yeah, for a fishermen who isn't picky about exactly what he wants to fish for at any given time, there's no shortage of options in that region. It's respectable in everything and world class in some things.
Good points pcray, when signs say world class fishery and people make fun of it, I kinda scratch my head. Where else can you go for all those species and literarily fish until your arm is tired. Erie is awesome no matter artificial or natural.
RLeeP wrote:

That's OK. I don't really have a Plott hound, anyway. My Dad and his brothers all had Plotts though. They all ran coon until they got too old to hear the dogs, let alone get out of the truck.

That's too bad.



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Caught this on a Steelhead stream with no hatchery on it and no rainbow trout stocking throughout the year. I know there are wild Steelies up there but it is the first time I ever caught one! The picture is crappy because I only had him out of the water to snap a quick picture and release him. Pretty awesome day!


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So I was curious, I plan to go up to Erie this weekend to try my hand at some Steelhead.

Is a 6 weight rod with 4x leader/tippet strong enough for the big monsters?
Jfad77 wrote:
Caught this on a Steelhead stream with no hatchery on it and no rainbow trout stocking throughout the year. I know there are wild Steelies up there but it is the first time I ever caught one! The picture is crappy because I only had him out of the water to snap a quick picture and release him. Pretty awesome day!

20 Mile in particular has a much greater amount of wild steelhead reproduction than folks realize.
Jfad77 wrote:
Caught this on a Steelhead stream with no hatchery on it and no rainbow trout stocking throughout the year. I know there are wild Steelies up there but it is the first time I ever caught one! The picture is crappy because I only had him out of the water to snap a quick picture and release him. Pretty awesome day!

That's very cool. Three years ago when I was up in Erie I saw a few pairs of fish on redds in two different streams. So they were at least trying.. With that many fish returning, there has to be a handful of them that figure it out.


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It was definitely my favorite catch of the year! Hopefully the little guy survives. It was on a west side stream that luckily doesn't get that much pressure.
What is a fishable level for elk or walnut? Walnuts gauge is at 4.75 and going down after some rain last night and I'd hate to arrive to see it own out.
Walnut is at 300 cfs and dropping. It should fish well in the afternoon at some point. Elk will probably be very good tomorrow.
PorkChop wrote:

So I was curious, I plan to go up to Erie this weekend to try my hand at some Steelhead.

Is a 6 weight rod with 4x leader/tippet strong enough for the big monsters?

Yes it is, but longer is better.

A 9 foot or longer 6 wt moderate to slow action in my opinion would be just about perfect for the Erie PA tribs. Faster action works too, but the slower action helps protect the tippet and is easier to roll cast and cast heavily weighted presentations.

I was using a 5/6 moderate action on Friday. It was my backup rod, but I've caught 30 inch steelhead on it before. The weak link is the tippet, and I often use 4X when the water is clear. Some people even go smaller tippet, but I "usually" don't.
Is a 6 weight rod with 4x leader/tippet strong enough for the big monsters?

IMO, certainly acceptable, but on the lower side of optimal.

As FD said, longer is better for most Erie streams. A 10 ft, 7 wt I think is perfect. 9 ft would be the minimum length. 6 wt's and 8 wt's are fine.

As for tippet. 2x when I can. In clearer water I'll use 3x fairly often. 4x only when absolutely necessary, but it does happen, and yes, you can sometimes land them with 4x, but you'll lose plenty as well.
Snow on the ground up here 2-6" weather to warm so streams will go up with melt. Usually a melt will bring up the stream and cool the water and make the bite sluggish. More to fall tonight warming up result of week. Next week expect another round of snow.
Last night the roads were very bad round town and in the county with little salt put down. Expect this in the future with the state perusing a gas tax increase.
On my way up 79 I saw 3 cars, 1 a state trooper down in the ditch off the highway stuck, and a penndot truck teetering on top of the concrete median just outside Pittsburgh. It was a very interesting drive to my first go at steelhead. Went to Elk, Walnut, and Crooked. All were high and murky, but I managed to get 2 browns out I crooked on a greenie weenie, and at Walnut the last hour I hooked my first steelie on a white Bugger that got off after a huge jump. Saw only 2 people catch fish all day long.. However I did enjoy the trip, but I'm more a spring creek guy.. Way too many people for my taste, and they got no problem fishing shoulder to shoulder. Still, the worst day of fishing is better than the best day at work
So how'd the Jam go?? I was able to make it up Saturday afternoon and hit a couple spots on Elk. Didn't recognize anyone, but none of the few board members I've met said they were going so who knows maybe I did run into a few of you guys without knowing it.

As for the fishing, it was ok for the time I was there. Landed 3, and they were all out of the "in-between" water. Didn't need to fish shoulder to shoulder in the popular pools. Just found fishy looking runs and caught a couple fish lol. Conditions seemed just about perfect.

LetortAngler, just curious, how big were the browns on Crooked?
Any reports any one can offer up? Looking at Saturday again.. is there still a decent amount of snow on the ground up there?
Not much snow up there.
Eastside is back to low and clear.
Elk is still fishing good with flow and a little color, but is coming down and clearing.
What is the best sized hook for egg patterns?
PorkChop wrote:
What is the best sized hook for egg patterns?

That really depends on the pattern. I use Daiichi 1130. #14 for my single eggs (I really don't ever make big Glo-Bug patterns) and #12 for my sucker spawn patterns.