Steelhead 2013-2014 Thread

14 for scrambled eggs and 16 for blood dots most of the time. If water is up I have some chartreuse and pink eggs in 12
They need to mimic the eggs in the stream. They are not that big.
Awesome, thank you for your time! I am just learning the ways.

Do you typically use a veil on the egg pattern. I was going to hook a salmon egg on a hook and tie a veil over it... Thoughts?
I use glo bug yarn the big kind, split it in half than in three. So it's about 1/6 of original strand, that's what I found makes a good realistic pattern, and that's what your looking for, I use light roe as the blood dot. It's my go to in clear conditions. As far as putting the egg on and tying it, I wouldn't. Use trout beads or something like that if your not too comfortable tying eggs.
PorkChop wrote:
Awesome, thank you for your time! I am just learning the ways.

Do you typically use a veil on the egg pattern. I was going to hook a salmon egg on a hook and tie a veil over it... Thoughts?

That should work. I have a few ties that are a small orange bead with a pink or cream veil tied over it. It looks like a fertilized egg.

Not the greatest picture but here is an example:

PorkChop wrote:
That seems so small???
I've used #18 articulated stoneflys for steel.
One brown was 11" and the other about 16".
I fished elk yesterday. I started at the boro park and fished the area till about 12:20. Unfortunately, i slipped on that damn shale stream bed and took on a little bit of water about 3-4 mins into the fishing trip. I spent the rest of the day with freezing feet. Had one hookup at the first location and saw a guy catch an 18" jack. I decided to relocate cause of the crowds and lack of action and flipped a coin to go higher or lower. Lower won. I got to the mouth of elk around 12:45. It was crowded, but when i got to the cascade pool a group was leaving cause a son had taken on some water and was complaining about being cold. I happily took their spot and fished next to a chain smoking russian for 3 hours. I foul hooked one and then finally landed my one and only fish of the day. It was a beautiful dime bright buck in the 8-9lb range.

I dont know what it was. There were moments in the day where i had the feeling "this is it, its going to come together and im going to smash them". I never get to fish elk when its at a perfect height and clarity. I always have to fish when its low and clear. I think the brandy gauge held steady at 10cfs so most would consider that perfect. In addition to good flow, there were two moments where i had very popular spots all too myself. I had the lower 250' of the cascade pool to myself in the afternoon after the russian left. Still, i only managed one fish. It was a tough day to say the least.
Fished Conneaut(in OH) and Elk today with my brother. Both streams were in great shape. Hooked into a nice fish at Conneaut which eventually spit the hook. Other than that we didn't have any other hook-ups there.

Our plan B was Elk, and it was a great decision going there! We salvaged the day and ended up catching 8, though 6 of those eight were out of the same run. Just happened to stumble a nice pod of fish(who knows how many, couldn't see them) and had consistant action. Didn't really move around much, just kinda stuck with that one short stretch so I'm not sure how the rest of the stream fished(we were on the upper part). Nice day on the water.....
Some pictures from the Jam :


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    Number 2. Caught the fever. GG.jpg
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gulfgreyhound wrote:
Some pictures from the Jam :

Looks like that spot worked out well for you guys. Good stuff!
streamerguy wrote:
Fished Conneaut(in OH) and Elk today with my brother. Both streams were in great shape. Hooked into a nice fish at Conneaut which eventually spit the hook. Other than that we didn't have any other hook-ups there.

Our plan B was Elk, and it was a great decision going there! We salvaged the day and ended up catching 8, though 6 of those eight were out of the same run. Just happened to stumble a nice pod of fish(who knows how many, couldn't see them) and had consistant action. Didn't really move around much, just kinda stuck with that one short stretch so I'm not sure how the rest of the stream fished(we were on the upper part). Nice day on the water.....

Streamer guy-
What were you using? I fished Elk on saturday for 8 hours plus and didn't even get a hit! I was so determined and so frustrated all at the same time!!
Well done GG!
Some great pics - I love it.
thanks for sharing the pics GG! it was a great day fishing with you guys, even though we got skunked that day! glad to see you eventually got into some fish and your trip to the frozen north wasn't a bust!
I'm pretty much with you Porkchop- I was on Elk between Platz road and Follys end- covered a ton of water in 5 hours, only one hook-up / landed. pretty much heard the same from most of the people I talked to that day too.
Well, my plans to get up to the Jam didn't work out unfortunately, so I took this past Friday off and headed up to make up for it. Fished 16 and 20 mile on Friday, went 4 for 5, a good number of fish around, but very finnicky, 2 on streamers, 1 on about a size 20 or 18 zebra nymph, the other on a prince nymph, both fished under a tandem rig with a pink egg on top. Saturday, went to the 79 section of Elk for the first time ever, had a few hook ups, got one on a streamer early on, after that they shut down especially for the fly guys. Planning to head up Thanksgiving weekend, need a few more rains/ snows to get some fish spread out and fresh fish moving in, from the reports I've heard it sounds most of the fish are concentrated in certain holes.


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