Respecting Comps on Public Waters

Now I know why I don't post to this forum.

That's too bad. You are welcome to engage, but you have to be willing to engage.
jkilroy wrote:
Now I know why I don't post to this forum.


Just reread the comments after your last post, where's your beef? No one said anything worth getting upset about.
If I see anyone on one of my beats when I fish a comp gang way or sick bay . JK just be respectful I recommend you watch as you will gain allot of knowledge by observing .
jkilroy wrote:
Now I know why I don't post to this forum.


I too saw nothing really posted offensive towards you after your comment. I didn't drive far, like 15 minutes, but when you only have 2 hours to fish or so relocating chews into that time. And I have no problems with sharing the water with competitions. After all it is PUBLIC water, I have problems with some 14 year old kid acting like I'm a buffoon who has no idea how to be in a trout stream, let alone one that I have fished forever and they have probably only been on a handful of times anyways.

How'd you do? Kish was tough a few days.
jkilroy wrote:
Now I know why I don't post to this forum.


I've always tried to be fair to comp FFers. While I wouldn't consider fishing a competition, I do recognize many of the anglers that participate are great FFers. Plus I mess around with Euro methods because it's interesting to me and is a great way to catch fish under certain conditions.

With all that being said, it's not my job to stick up for you guys. I posted your comp events and asked all on here to embrace all types of fishing.

Maybe one of you, or a few of you can come on here stick up for your own sport, rather than just throwing up your hands when someone voices an opinion counter to what you do or believe.

Good luck.
It all boils down to basic stream etiquette......I could care less if they're in a comp, a weekend warrior, or just trying to outfish their buddy.

If someone came up to me and said something like "I'd appreciate that you don't fish here, and try not to do anything stupid to spook fish" that would definitely ruffle my feathers big time. I'd certainly continue fishing. As said a bunch of times.....first come first serve.

Try to pull that off on Erie's Elk Creek this fall. "Hey I'd appreciate that you don't fish here......and don't do anything stupid." lol

My response would likely be different if they just wanted to make me aware of the event, and asked if I was working my way up or down, etc. Something like that. But man basically asking someone to leave that got there before you is crazy.
"I only came here to catch some fish, drink some beer, and kick some butt. Looks like the fish aren't biting, and I'm outta beer..."

I think I've posted this before, but applicable again here. I like the Thomas Haden Church approach to these situations...


I have NEVER run into a comp while fishing!!! Must be 'cause I don't fish the State College area enough, and when I do I try to be there in the middle of the week so as to avoid crowds.

I don't know how I'd react if a kid approached me like that. I'm pretty passive externally, so I'd probably just leave, but would more than likely be fuming over it the rest of the day.

If someone said, "hey, there's a comp here today, just an FYI in 'cause there's gonna be a lot of guys and they'll be fishing pretty hard", I would still be annoyed that there's actually something in existence called a "fly fishing competition", but I wouldn't be angry. I may stick around and watch the dynamics of things a bit, then head to another stream.

In general, "bro" culture sorta grates on me, and my PERCEPTION of the "comp scene" is that it IS a "scene", and I associate "scenes" (this is coming from my punk rock days!) with hipsters and "bros". BUT, I've had the pleasure of meeting a few guys who participate in comps, and most of them are salt-of-the-earth guys like myself, who happen to be younger and have a lot more time and money with no family ties which allows them to travel all around the world, in some cases, to fly fish. And that, in part, makes me a little envious that I spent my early 20s pursuing rock and roll instead of using my money, before having a family (which I'd take over FFing any day!) on fly fishing.
Suggestion to mods.....

Topics exist such as General, Beginners, Gear Talk, etc. Would you consider adding new ones like Competition or Safe Space?
krayfish2 wrote:
Suggestion to mods.....

Topics exist such as General, Beginners, Gear Talk, etc. Would you consider adding new ones like Competition or Safe Space?

The "Safe Space" idea popped into my head as well lol!

Maybe a competition one wouldn't be a bad idea. At least someone might post when they are so people avoid those areas if they want during those times.
Everyone arguing would do themselves some good and take some lessons from the comp guys, you'll catch more fish.

What if I already catch a lot of fish?

Wasn't there an old thing with stages of fly fishing? Think it was something like this....

#1 - you just want to catch a fish
#2 - you want to catch a lot of fish
#3 - you want to catch big fish
#4 - you want to catch fish on your terms (when / how you choose)

I've been at #4 for many years but will occasionally step back to #3 and hunt big uns
I was one of the guys in the comp this past weekend. so I will try to pick up where the other guy left off (honestly not sure who he is).

First off, the kid that talked to you was in the wrong, and i have brought this up with the guy who held the comp. Quite frankly, they have no freaking case to justify telling someone anything other than HI!!! If the guy jumps 10 yards upstream of him, than ya, you can say something, not because its a comp, but because its a **** thing to do. Be courteous, its not that difficult.

I talked with a Father and Son while controlling on the Little J. I told them to jump in above the guy fishing as he was working his way back down stream, and we actually held a conversation for 10-15 minutes. turns out he knows one of my good friends that has a camp on Spring Creek (if you are on here, it was a pleasure to meet you).

It is not hard to be a nice human being... IT COSTS NOTHING...

Secondly, there is a permitting process, and the state can approve or deny. They are generally happy to oblige, sometimes they have stuff that needs to be done (like monitoring stream temps etc). The comp guys have called off comps on their own regard due to these types of issues, and they really do care about the resource.

And finally, what i do with my free time should cause no issues with what you all do. I enjoy fishing comps. I have met some of my closest friends, I have learned more during comps than i would in 10 or 20 years otherwise, I have traveled all over to compete (I more than likely would never have traveled to fish on a weekend outside of comps), and keeps me more active on the tying bench.

If you cannot accept that there is no harm in what we do, then that is on you. But do not lump all comp guys/gals into the bad people group due to isolated incidents. Please come out and hang out at one with everyone, hell, sign up and compete. It is a lot of fun. It really is not that different from any FFPA outing. It is just a bunch of people who get together to fish, only difference is that we keep accurate size and numbers of fish. I am sure at the outings, there are at least some people who keep track of the number fish that they caught.... And like all things in life, there are bad apples occasionally, but the vast majority of people are great people.

krayfish2 wrote:

What if I already catch a lot of fish?

Wasn't there an old thing with stages of fly fishing? Think it was something like this....

#1 - you just want to catch a fish
#2 - you want to catch a lot of fish
#3 - you want to catch big fish
#4 - you want to catch fish on your terms (when / how you choose)

I've been at #4 for many years but will occasionally step back to #3 and hunt big uns

Then good for you
krayfish2 wrote:

What if I already catch a lot of fish?

Wasn't there an old thing with stages of fly fishing? Think it was something like this....

#1 - you just want to catch a fish
#2 - you want to catch a lot of fish
#3 - you want to catch big fish
#4 - you want to catch fish on your terms (when / how you choose)

I've been at #4 for many years but will occasionally step back to #3 and hunt big uns

And to add.. I'm sure you could still learn a thing or two regardless if you think you catch a lot of fish. To say that you know everything and cant learn anything and become a better angler from the top guys is a little silly..
Geez, don't get your 34' leader all bunched up just because I don't agree with ya. If you want to catch fish beside your boot on jig flies, more power to you....just don't expect me to move because I was on your beat 3 hours before you showed up.
See, referring to the comp guys as "the top guys" is what drives many people crazy. Being a successful comp fly fisherman does not make you a "top guy". It doesn't put you at the top of the fly fishing world. I'd be willing to bet most of the "legendary" fly fishermen, most of the really skillful, craft-filled fly fishermen NEVER entered a competition in their lives. In fact, most of the comp guys I know are relatively "new" to the sport (been doing it 5 years or so, but even if they've been fly fishing for 10 year, compared to many, that's still pretty "new" to the sport).

Let's not act as if comp fishermen are on another level here. Being a comp fisher, or a guide, or even a fly fishing vet doesn't make anyone a "top guy".
krayfish2 wrote:
Geez, don't get your 34' leader all bunched up just because I don't agree with ya. If you want to catch fish beside your boot on jig flies, more power to you....just don't expect me to move because I was on your beat 3 hours before you showed up.

I keep my leader on a spool when not on the river so i dont think its bunched up unless my dog got into it

and its not 34', more like 18, get your facts straight mr kray :cool:
Midge22 wrote:
I was one of the guys in the comp this past weekend. so I will try to pick up where the other guy left off (honestly not sure who he is).

First off, the kid that talked to you was in the wrong, and i have brought this up with the guy who held the comp. Quite frankly, they have no freaking case to justify telling someone anything other than HI!!! If the guy jumps 10 yards upstream of him, than ya, you can say something, not because its a comp, but because its a **** thing to do. Be courteous, its not that difficult.

I talked with a Father and Son while controlling on the Little J. I told them to jump in above the guy fishing as he was working his way back down stream, and we actually held a conversation for 10-15 minutes. turns out he knows one of my good friends that has a camp on Spring Creek (if you are on here, it was a pleasure to meet you).

It is not hard to be a nice human being... IT COSTS NOTHING...

Secondly, there is a permitting process, and the state can approve or deny. They are generally happy to oblige, sometimes they have stuff that needs to be done (like monitoring stream temps etc). The comp guys have called off comps on their own regard due to these types of issues, and they really do care about the resource.

And finally, what i do with my free time should cause no issues with what you all do. I enjoy fishing comps. I have met some of my closest friends, I have learned more during comps than i would in 10 or 20 years otherwise, I have traveled all over to compete (I more than likely would never have traveled to fish on a weekend outside of comps), and keeps me more active on the tying bench.

If you cannot accept that there is no harm in what we do, then that is on you. But do not lump all comp guys/gals into the bad people group due to isolated incidents. Please come out and hang out at one with everyone, hell, sign up and compete. It is a lot of fun. It really is not that different from any FFPA outing. It is just a bunch of people who get together to fish, only difference is that we keep accurate size and numbers of fish. I am sure at the outings, there are at least some people who keep track of the number fish that they caught.... And like all things in life, there are bad apples occasionally, but the vast majority of people are great people.

Well said. You represent your "crew" well!