Respecting Comps on Public Waters

dang smart alecky whippersnappers
I entered a fish competition this afternoon. Fishing from 1:15 to 3:15, I turned out to be the top rod in the competition. However, I was also the low rod, since I was the only human competitor, the others all being trout. About 2:00, there was a hatch of rubber duckies (I suspect FD or Fox was upstream from me and stirred up the duckies), but since the duckies were larger than the trout I was trying to catch, I did not even try to match the hatch.

Anyhow, it turned out to be a tough competition, and the trout won a lot more challenges than I did (as usual).
rrt- I would send you a ribbon or medal or plaque if I had something suitable.
If you're not first, you're last.
flipper wrote:
Get off my lawn.

Very funny Gran Torino reference. A great Clint Eastwood movie!
Lip Rippin and smokin em...
1. Sal -- I second your IQ evaluation.

2. Fox -- Just send me a rubber ducky. I couldn't get ahold of any of the ones hatching. I think I will mount it in my fly-tying room.
My favorite part is the hatchery dust sign behind him, what the hell is that?
Googled it. Hatchery Dust should be illegal to use! Lol. It is like a new and improved power bait or something made my Lip Ripperz.
Some of you guys may want to go back and review your bible; you know, the part about not judging others.

I know some wealthy physicians who you would think were homeless if you saw them walking on the street.

It's best not to judge a book by its cover.

The guy in the video just might own his own business and make ten times the amount of money you make per year.

And he might even own a fly rod or two...
Couldn't agree with driftingdunn more. I watched the video and I fail to see why the guy would be labeled a low IQ nit wit. I guess that's to be expected from the tweed hat crowd.
I try to judge no one....sure everyone does to some extent. The guy in the video seems not different than most people from the area in which I live. I still get a kick out of hatchery dust, though.
I can't help it, that sign said hatchery dust for God's sake!
I snorted hatchery dust once and still get flashbacks
rrt, your participation trophy is in the mail.
foxtrapper1972 wrote:
I snorted hatchery dust once and still get flashbacks


...One of the only funny things you've ever said
Judging people is human nature. It helps us in our primal instinct of survival and social interactions.

Now on the other hand, I don't find any difference between a homeless guy and a wealthy physician or a wealthy physician who looks homeless. I don't really give a crap if someone has money or not. It certainly does not mean they are any different. I judge people based on their character not their wealth.

CLSports wrote:
Judging people is human nature. It helps us in our primal instinct of survival and social interactions.

Now on the other hand, I don't find any difference between a homeless guy and a wealthy physician or a wealthy physician who looks homeless. I don't really give a crap if someone has money or not. It certainly does not mean they are any different. I judge people based on their character not their wealth.

Well said.

I almost responded with something similar, but I left it alone because I couldn't have helped but be a about it.

The next time someone on here advises reading the bible to decide who to respect or not, I probably won't be able to show such restraint.
Yea, you guys who passed judgement should be ashamed. ;-)

I watched a fly fishing show over the weekend where the host was fishing in WV with the coach of the WV Mountaineers, the coaches son, and coaches dad.

They were all fishing the same hole and taking turns.

Coach went first, and caught a brook trout. State fish! woohoo! Obviously stocked, but nice size and not in terrible shape.

Next, it was the sons turn. He caught a huge rainbow trout which was in similar condition as the one in the previous video. The fins were a mess. Looked like a warn out hatchery breeder. Not quite as bid as the one in the youtube, but big.

Then grandpa caught a brown trout.

By this time the sun was up, so I went outside.

Anyway, I don't see much difference. Plant a huge fish, catch a huge fish. Not my thing.

Then again, that was first time I ever heard of hatchery dust. :lol:

I don't care if someone has money, either. That is why I dress like I don't. Keeps people guessing. ;-)
