Respecting Comps on Public Waters

1. I'll be looking for my participation trophy.

2. Yes, Dave, as one who passed judgement, I am ashamed. I am glad D Dunn was around to pass judgement on me (and others) for my passing judgement on the video guy.

3. My wife has told me I ought to be ashamed of how I dress when I am fishing. It was cold this morning, so I wore a flannel shirt that surrounds several holes, though I covered it with an old windbreaker with a torn hood that I once tried to sew. (You ought to see that. Or not.) Under my waders were a pair of jeans like the kids wear, except mine come from being worn and are not bought that way. My hat, though, is a reasonably new camo cap.

4. I have never snorted hatchery dust. Perhaps if I did, I'd catch more fish than I did this morning.
Trying to picture you in skinny jeans, but can't because we have never met. ;-)

Just say no to the hatchery dust.