Respecting Comps on Public Waters

The_Sasquatch wrote:
See, referring to the comp guys as "the top guys" is what drives many people crazy. Being a successful comp fly fisherman does not make you a "top guy". It doesn't put you at the top of the fly fishing world. I'd be willing to bet most of the "legendary" fly fishermen, most of the really skillful, craft-filled fly fishermen NEVER entered a competition in their lives. In fact, most of the comp guys I know are relatively "new" to the sport (been doing it 5 years or so, but even if they've been fly fishing for 10 year, compared to many, that's still pretty "new" to the sport).

Let's not act as if comp fishermen are on another level here. Being a comp fisher, or a guide, or even a fly fishing vet doesn't make anyone a "top guy".

your right, just because your enter a comp doesnt make you on another level. but i do believe the top guys on the us team do have some valuable info that anyone can learn from
Listen here whippersnappers....I'm the top guy on my beat! When ya see me a comin just scram!

Only once have I ever seen this happen was on Penns many years ago. I just went home but then again I live 5 minutes away so wasn't a big deal.
Is a permit needed to release hundreds of rubber duckys just upstream of the competition?
If I went to play kickball at a public park and there was a travel league having a competition that day, I would understand, chalk it up as bad luck and move to the next park. However, if I was standing near the field and someone rudely told me to stay away because I was spooking all the "hot babes" in the bleachers, I would probably take off with the first base.

Most likely the kid was nervous and didnt mean to handle the situation inappropriately. It never hurts to teach a lesson though :D
Just imagine all these super serious , all decked out , pro anglers wearing intense mirror shades as they tightline....surrounded by hundreds of bright yellow rubber duckys. Friggin hilarious.
Reff wrote:
If I went to play kickball at a public park and there was a travel league having a competition that day, I would understand, chalk it up as bad luck and move to the next park. However, if I was standing near the field and someone rudely told me to stay away because I was spooking all the "hot babes" in the bleachers, I would probably take off with the first base.

Yeah but you were spooking the hot babes, move along :cool:
Reff wrote:

Most likely the kid was nervous and didnt mean to handle the situation inappropriately.

There is no appropriate way to go up to someone fishing and suggesting they quit fishing there and fish someplace else.

Just wear that mankini the Borat wore and stand uncomfortably close asking a lot of questions
I accidentally moved in on a comp on Oil Creek once. I saw the fellas downstream from me and having never seen a comp before I just assumed they were doing some kind of fish survey. Measuring the fish in the plastic tube.
So I went in about 50 yards above them. After pounding out about a dozen trout it was time to move on.
As I exited the water one of the fellas running the comp came over and we had a very good conversation about the comp. I apologized for jumping in on their beat as I didn't realize it was a comp. He gave me a business card and asked me to join in next year. He was very pleasant.
When the angler left the water he came over and see what the hot fly was. He had only netted 2 fish. He was also very pleasant and we were both respectful to each other.
I don't fish comps but have absolutely no problem with gents that find that sort of thing enjoyable. That particular comp cost $125 a two man team. Ouch....

krayfish- Good one, That's hilarious!
jifigz wrote:
jkilroy wrote:
Now I know why I don't post to this forum.


I too saw nothing really posted offensive towards you after your comment. I didn't drive far, like 15 minutes, but when you only have 2 hours to fish or so relocating chews into that time. And I have no problems with sharing the water with competitions. After all it is PUBLIC water, I have problems with some 14 year old kid acting like I'm a buffoon who has no idea how to be in a trout stream, let alone one that I have fished forever and they have probably only been on a handful of times anyways.

How'd you do? Kish was tough a few days.

That is why I made the mouthy little brother comment.

If I was in a competition, I could picture my mouthy little brother doing that when he was 14. ;-)

Wait, maybe the mouthy kid was jkilroy's little brother. I hadn't thought of that. I won't apologize for that.
afishinado wrote:
jkilroy wrote:
Now I know why I don't post to this forum.


I've always tried to be fair to comp FFers. While I wouldn't consider fishing a competition, I do recognize many of the anglers that participate are great FFers. Plus I mess around with Euro methods because it's interesting to me and is a great way to catch fish under certain conditions.

With all that being said, it's not my job to stick up for you guys. I posted your comp events and asked all on here to embrace all types of fishing.

Maybe one of you, or a few of you can come on here stick up for your own sport, rather than just throwing up your hands when someone voices an opinion counter to what you do or believe.

Good luck.

Or maybe they should rope off a spot away from the stream as a safe space. :roll:

Edit: Apparently at least two people beat me to that. I hat it when that happens. Fortunately I am already at my safe place. ;-)
Midge22 wrote:

Please come out and hang out at one with everyone, hell, sign up and compete. It is a lot of fun.

Can I bring my mouthy little brother? LOL!
LOL! Foxtrapper. That rubber duck comment was priceless.

And for the record, I got it without the explanation.
If a competition is on public water, then the competitors have to consider other anglers being on the water as part of the challenge.
NewSal wrote:
And for the record, I got it without the explanation.

Boy, you must be just plain ole' genius eh?
