Quill Gordon Summit Roll Call and Food Prep!

there ya go again Brad, givin all this mountain goodness away....Got me a patch of leeks up near asaph that I have been tending since I moved here..It's near my still...

Squashy old bud what time is the dinner on sat. my buddy is coming up and we figured on coming out for the evening on sat. Will bring a few things to share..home made pickles and relish for one..
My guess is, Saturday's dinner will be LATE! Last year we fished til dark, weren't eating till about 9pm. Maybe a little earlier, depending on how close to the cabin we fish. Last year we were down by Slate Run.
The_Sasquatch wrote:
My guess is, Saturday's dinner will be LATE! Last year we fished til dark, weren't eating till about 9pm. Maybe a little earlier, depending on how close to the cabin we fish. Last year we were down by Slate Run.

FWIW, The Manor Hotel has descent food.

Also, the steer that will be our dinner has just come back and is in the freezer! I'll see what I can do about grabbing some steaks w/ the ground as well.
turkey wrote:
I have a 6 week old...you know the answer to that.
Ha! That's not true, Turkey! They do eventually learn to sleep.
This should be the week for that. Went brookie fishing yesterday and that water is extremely cold still. There is also still snow on the ground here and I'm considerbly further south.
Brad you know they have machines up there that make that snow, right? ;-)

The brookies down here are rising!
Wow really? We do need that to melt, if anything so that we can get back to the camp! It'll melt this week.
BradFromPotter wrote:

I think it will, it will be in the 60's to low 70's the next couple of days with showers.

I'm hoping the showers will warm up the streams some too. The streams are too cold up here, and a tad low. Hopefully some rain and some more mild temperatures will help even things out some.
I'd love to join you guys but have a gig with my band the 27th which kills that; about a four hour drive for me. Love fishing the upper Kettle drainage for brookies, and used to go up for my birthday every year. (June 4) Might have to try it this year assuming the water levels come up, which they seem to be doing.
Wishing you luck for good weather and fishing too!

2 weeks today! I hope things are a little less extreme between now and then. Everything from here to Ohio to the Adirondacks just got blown out.
I'm getting excited!

Last year everything was very low.
So let's get this thing straight!!!! Everyone who is planning attending, what's your plan?

Sal, Csoult and I will be up on Thursday AM.
I'm going to leave work at some time on Friday and hope to be there between 2-5PM on Friday. I'm going to try to meet up with everyone and fish Friday evening.
Csoult, Sal and I are meeting at 9am next Thursday at Wolfe's General Store. We will be fishing Slate Run if anyone can meet us that early.

Thursday evening we will be heading back to camp and meeting up w/ wsender around 5pm-ish. We'll then be heading out to whatever stream we can get to relatively quickly from our camp on Denton Hill.

If anyone needs directions or GPS coordinates to the cabin, PM me!

I"m pumped! Warm temps this week for the region!