Quill Gordon Summit Roll Call and Food Prep!

I have a 6 week old...you know the answer to that. I have her in the basement right now wrapping up grannoms.
She'll be ready for trips in the baby backpack soon. Just have to watch the back-cast. But I think you posted a video for taking hooks out so it'll be ok either way. :)
I have a 6 week old...you know the answer to that. I have her in the basement right now wrapping up grannoms.

You have a six-week old tying Grannoms? MAN that is AWESOME!
Start them on midges, take advantage of those tiny hand.
Are you saying the small streams won't be fishable?
ahhh gotcha. Have you been out at all this year yet? Is it pretty icey yet?
The_Sasquatch wrote:
ahhh gotcha. Have you been out at all this year yet? Is it pretty icey yet?

Can't speak for Brad, but we're pretty much free of ice up here. We got a little snow yesterday, ~1 inch. It's suppose to warm up a bit for the weekend and we should see that inch melt. Hatches are definitely a touch late up here though. I don't think we've ever really seen any Olives yet...
The_Sasquatch wrote:
ahhh gotcha. Have you been out at all this year yet? Is it pretty icey yet?

No fishing yet this year:-( I'm hoping this weekend. Most all of the snow has melted expect those places where the sun don't shine! There's plenty of those places up here. The extended forecast calls for temps to be in the 50's to low 60's starting tomorrow.
BradFromPotter wrote:
Now..don't shoot me but, if I can catch a few browns on opening day or so I might make some of my smoked trout & wild leek cakes.

those sound awesome!
bikerfish wrote:
BradFromPotter wrote:
Now..don't shoot me but, if I can catch a few browns on opening day or so I might make some of my smoked trout & wild leek cakes.

those sound awesome!

I second this.
wsender wrote:
bikerfish wrote:
BradFromPotter wrote:
Now..don't shoot me but, if I can catch a few browns on opening day or so I might make some of my smoked trout & wild leek cakes.

those sound awesome!

I second this.

so it's ok to NOT to catch & release for a few trout? :)

just a few stockers...
if we don't eat em, someone else will!

Do you ever come across any wild mushrooms when you're leek hunting?
wsender wrote:

Do you ever come across any wild mushrooms when you're leek hunting?

Mushrooms are one thing that I have not gotten into but want to. I have been keeping an eye out for some morels but haven't found any yet. Leeks are pretty much everywhere. I have a spot that there are plenty right next to the road. If anyone wants to dig some I can point you to where they are.