Quill Gordon Summit (NCPA Jam) April 26th-28th - 2013



Well-known member
Jul 6, 2011
Malden, WV
Any interest in doing another 2013 NCPA jam? I'm more than willing to offer my camp up for REALLY cheap lodging.
Depending on date, I might be interested.
I'd be interested too but I might be baby sitting. It'll probably be a gametime decision.
Yeah Turkey I remember you saying that was in your near future. Wouldn't be the same w/out you there, so PM some dates that you think could work!

I'm in. I'm free anytime after Jan 1.
I'm definitely in. Had a good time with you guys last year.
Awesome. I'll get to work on picking a date and all that junk since the interest is there. Definitely gotta get Jared in on this haha! Probably aim for that window between the start of the northern PA trout season and Easter again (don't want to go too close to May as we don't want to start infringing on the "official PAFF JAM").

I'd be interested Squatch. Don't schedule around me at all though...pick your dates and if I can make it, I'll try to be there. Haven't fished NC PA that time of year, and it looked like you guys had a good time last year.
Easter is in March this year, so I'm thinking mid to late April. I'll keep you guys posted, just wanted to make sure there was interest again!
Just do not let it interfere with Grannoms on Penns. :)
Sas, it's better if you just set a weekend and I'll see if I'm available when the time comes around. I'll be there if at all possible.

If you miss the QG's there are still the MB's. I had a great time last year.
Good to hear, Csoult. I was hoping you'd be in again!
I'm interested, may stay t my camp if there your camp is full. The season opens April 13 so you'll want to have it after that weekend. I'll suggest one of the next 2 weekends.
That's what I'm leaning towards.

Camp won't fill up. It sleeps close to 2 dozen (maybe not 100% comfortably, but room is plenty!) The camp (which is in my family, but is legally chartered as a hunting club) usually ASKS for a $5 a night donation from visitors, just to help us cover our annual costs of utilities and upkeep.
I might be in; it will be difficult to get approval for both the NE Opener and a second fishing trip in the same month, but if I can swing it, I'm definitely interested.
That would be a strong showing from the Leb/Lanc crowd. Carpool if we all can make it!
I'm open to a car pool, but I will warn you I usually take off Thursday and Friday and make it a long weekend.
And by "usually" I mean, that's what I did last year and plan on doing it again this year haha!
I would be coming from Eastern PA, but like I said, I will have to see what my school schedule/work load will be the weekend you choose.