Pure Cringe

Quick poll. Who guessed that stream instantly from the drone footage?
Wait. There was drone footage? Apparently I didn't make it that far.
I'll second what Bam said. The braces really work, and take Ibuprofen.

I got it from farm work as well. That is my story and I am sticking to it. Only I had it in both arms. Apparently my farm is bigger. :LOL: I couldn't even pick up a coffee mug without using both hands. It hurt so bad that I could no longer cast my bamboo rods and had to resort to plastic rods.
😂This story didn't seem so bad until the end.😂
Wait. There was drone footage? Apparently I didn't make it that far.
There is indeed drone footage.

You'd think that if they could afford a drone that they could afford a pair of cheap hemostats to remove the hooks.
Or decent fly fishing equipment.
Sure... Play those 6-7" fish for a full minute and admire them in dry hands for another full minute... How much attention do these guys need?!
Those guys were a mess. I stopped watching after the first mishandling. You could jump accross that stream.
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Quick poll. Who guessed that stream instantly from the drone footage?
I had it narrowed down to 2 places. It was either the drone footage or the holler he mentioned that really gave it away.
Come one, those guys are awesome, just ask them yourselves! Though if you ran into them in the woods, you might end up like Ned Beaty in your tightey whiteys doin some prayin....

This finally showed up in my feed, and it does hurt to watch. But here's a more honest take, perhaps. They just lack the self-awareness to cut away from the mishandling. In fact they friggin' zoom into the gore.

I see fly fishing videos every week with triple-nymph rigs wrapped around fish, a glow bug in the fish's arse, and the 10 minute fight to land it while hooked in said arse cut to 30 seconds. The biggest difference is the fly guy Tubers know to leave all that footage on the cutting room floor. These guys will get trolled enough to cut that footage (maybe?) unless someone is brave enough to educate. I was not brave enough even to browse the channel, so one of you can do that learnin part....