PAFF Jamboree History

I was at 2009. I can now confirm I was at 2002. I have email traffic from Tuesday May 14, 2002, wherein a bunch of us debated whether to move the date, which was to be the following weekend, so that must be Friday May 17th onward. I can recall being there for at least two other Jams at Hemlock, but will need to sort out what years. One I remember we spent partly inside JF's camper/addition because it was raining hard (surprise!) and we didn't have the pavilion. Not sure what year that was.

For anyone who is interested in poking around to refresh their memory, I found a 2008 Jamboree thread preserved on the Web Archive (aka the Wayback Machine) at this URL.

Folks talked about their plans to attend or not.

By the way, did this site have a different web address (URL) at some earlier point in history?
GlockMan wrote:
Cant you guys come up with a better name than Jamboree?

It's no use. I tried to get them to change the name before the first one. I didn't go because it sounded so gay. In fact the first one I went to was the last one. It wasn't gay for the most part.;-)
Will wrote:
One I remember we spent partly inside JF's camper/addition because it was raining hard (surprise!) and we didn't have the pavilion. Not sure what year that was.

I think I have pictures from that Jam, when Jonas actually spoke to us on the inside of John's camper. If I locate them, it will show us the date, I hope.
You have me for 2010, but I also attended in 09. Shakey's longneck slide guitar solo was on my guitar, and was certainly the best that thing's EVER been played.
I asked Jack this but he wasn't sure. Are we sure the date is right for the Jam in Henrietta? I got email traffic from me to Padraic and Paul telling them all about Hemlock Acres in early 2001 and this message from Paul on 5/15/01

"Will - I'll keep an eye out for you! My site #is 64, all the Guys in tents will be in #75. Down towards the meadow! Paul"

That is clearly a HA reference (I've never been to the Jam anywhere else). Could Henrietta have been 2000? I wasn't there that year, or 1999 and I think the Henrietta jam took place before I began to attend these things (sporadically).
You can add Jayl and Maurice to 2009 or was it 2008?

That was when I met them for the first time we sought out a fishable stream during the torrent. We headed over to a nearby brookie stream and each headed to the stream that paralleled the road but was out of sight a couple hundred yards in.

After an hour, I walked back out to the road where we had entered the woods but low and behold the the car was gone. Hummm, maybe I just made a mistake.

So I walked up the road a little ways- nada. I was like those bastards, gonna leave me here miles from anywhere. Damn them. I began to walk back down the road- occasionally shouting out to them. As I neared a bend, thought I heard a yell.

As I rounded the bend, their they were. Sitting there all comfortable dewadered and having some beers.

In my code book, if you lose someone you dont move the CAR! Jagoffs.

Anyways- that's when we started the bar tour with a stop at the aforementioned Brownie's mountain tavern. I remember we were hungry and were going to get something to eat till the bartender started taking some wrapping off of a frozen pizza and we dedcided to leave.
What the hell did we end up doing for food that day? One of the great mysteries of the world, imo.
Not sure. But I do remember going to another bar named Brownie's too. Neither of which I could recommend for eating.

What's the odd's of going to 2 bars named Brownie's out in the cut?
Jay was it 09 or 08?
I was also there in 08 and 09.
My first night there it was pouring down rain - as usual - around the campfire. Remember Jacks nonstop jokes that kept coming through the raindrops late at night
Jack, sorry I don't remember which year I was at Coburn, but it was a year JeffK went.
Paul, I saw Lou last night, he's our conservation coordinator.

That must have been 08.


Brownie's mountain tavern is on the hill. Brownie's valley tavern is in Millheim. Pretty sure they are both under the same ownership.

I am present at every jam since the kenshire one.
They are owned( at least they were) by the same guy, I met him a couple of times. It's been awhile since I been back to brownies. I stopped going there when he closed the kitchen and stopped making the Brownie bugers.

Acristickid and TonyC were ther in 2010.Met so many guys I forgot many of them.
Jack, maybe a sign in at the night gettogether,before the drinking begins?GG
NOF###N name tags please,I still hate those things.
Maurice told us how good the burgers were all day. I was genuinely crushed when they tried to feed us frozen pizza.
gulfgreyhound wrote:
Jack, maybe a sign in at the night gettogether,before the drinking begins?GG

Better hang the sign up sheet on Wednesday prior then :pint: ;-)
Might need a new sign up sheet at this point. My first was at Pine Creek and I think I have been to everyone since. I look forward to them every year.
Add me to the 2010 list, Jack- I've made all but one Jam. My son Tyler has been there the past two or three years as well. It's all part of his education on how men behave when no women are looking. Important stuff for a 13 year old.

I agree with Will that Henrietta was in 2000, which was the second year.
Thanks. So if Henrietta was 2000, was 2001 back at Coburn?
Here's the history of locations and attendance for the Annual Spring Jamboree I started last year. If you have pictures to consult, or memories, on other board members who were present or any info to fill in the blanks, please post it here.

1999 Woodward, PA, Date?, Woodward CG?
Christian, TimB, Paul, JackS, Chaz, Lou Wentz, JF, TimMurphy, JeffF, Shelby, Padraic, Stan, Maurice, JeffKeller.

2000 Henrietta, PA, Date?, Henrietta F&G Club
Christian, Paul, JackS, Padraic, Maurice, Wainzoid

2001 Coburn, PA, May 17-19(?), Hemlock Acres CG
Christian, Paul, JackS, Lorraine, Maurice, Chaz

2002 Coburn, PA, Date?, Hemlock Acres CG
Paul, JackS, Roy, Maurice, DaveKile, Will

2003 Coburn, PA, May 16-18, Hemlock Acres CG
Jack, Gino, Brandon, Santino, Maurice, Padraic, Paul, JohnF, TimB, Christian, Merle, Tony, JackS....

2004 Cedar Run, PA, May 21-23, Petticote Junction CG
John, Chaz, Maurice, Padraic, Paul, Merle, Christian, Jack, Gino, Merle Andrew?, Jeff F, TimB, JohnF, Bede, Bede Jr., Tony, JackS......

2005 Coburn, PA, May 20-22, Hemlock Acres CG
Paul, Maurice, Merle, Jack, Gino, Brandon, Santino, Christian, Jack Steel, Bede, Bede Jr., JohnF, TomGamber, Tony, Andrew, JackS....

2006 Coburn, PA, June 2-4, Hemlock Acres CG
Christian, Jack, Gino, Maurice, Paul, JackS, TomGamber

2007 Gaines, PA, June 1-3, Kenshire KG
Christian, Jack, Gino, Brandon, Santino, Maurice, Jim C, TomD, Hank, Chaz, Bruno, Ryan & Father, Jay, Bruno, Matt Boyer, Tom, Hank, Sandfly, JackS, TomGamber....

2008 Coburn, PA, May 16-18, Hemlock Acres CG
Christian, Tony, Jack, Gino, Brandon, Santino, Maurice, Paul, JohnF, JackS, TomGamber, JayL, Acristikid, Fredrick, Albatross, Bruno

2009 Coburn, PA, May 15-17, Hemlock Acres CG
Christian, Tyler, Tony, Jack, Gino, Brandon, Santino, Maurice, Paul, JohnF, JackS, Fredrick, ryguyfi, Denny, TomGamber, lestrout, Tim Murphy, Albatross, Will, Shakey, Bruno, Hank, pcray1231, JayL, Bruno,....

2010 Coburn, PA, May -, Hemlock Acres CG
Paul, Christian, Tyler, Maurice, JimC, Jack, afishinado, fishidiot, DaveK, Gino, Brandon, Maurio, Santino, Albatross, dryflyguy, Tony, pcray1231, Shakey, MattBoyer, Groove790, ryguyfi, Fredrick, Trowpa, bikerfish, JDaddy, Redsun, TomGamber, lestrout, FarmerDave, GulfGreyhound, Nello, Bruno, Osprey, JayL, ....