PAFF Jamboree History

The definition fits:

Main Entry: jam·bo·ree
Pronunciation: \ˌjam-bə-ˈrē\
Function: noun
Etymology: origin unknown
Date: 1864
1 : a noisy or unrestrained carouse
2 a : a large festive gathering
b : a national or international camping assembly of Boy Scouts
3 : a long mixed program of entertainment
"A noisy or unrestrained carouse" is easily my favorite phrase of the day.
I don't think Rudy favors, noisy, unrestrained or carousing.
We need to figure out what Rudy's weakness is...I mean I bet I already know but I'm not sure its legal for us to chip in for that just to keep him busy for a night...he's got to have a price...
There is always this family friendly idea...

Jerry and George treat Jerry's girlfriend to a dinner of turkey and wine, followed by a slow movie; they hope that the wine and the tryptophan in the turkey will cause her to fall asleep, and she soon dozes off. Once she is asleep, Jerry and George happily play with the toys. Later, Elaine joins in to play with an Easy-Bake Oven.


Rudy is the Hemlock Acres CG owner, and the only person that has tried to order me to go to bed since my mom last tried it when I was 14. :lol:
In fairness to Rudy, he can be reasoned with and bargained with as well. He has a year-round business and relationships with repeat/regular customers to worry over. Though the weekend is always good for him, he does have some concerns over having us "take over" the campground. My conversations with him so far this year lead me to believe he is glad we are coming back and that he will be accomodating toward us if we try to be accomodating toward him.

Everyone should attend and expect a grand old time. But we all have to do our part to help Rudy with his concerns for his other customers.

Driving slowly through the campground, parking or stopping so as to allow other users of the roads and lots to go about their business, keeping extreme language to a volume that no one beyond your party has to listen to it, all of these things will go a long way to essentially being "left alone."

Anything destructive is the responsibility of the individual camper, but any such childish act will harm our reputation as a group that gathers there. One night of noisiness last year resulted in strangers that were campground guests to look up this website and post derogatory comments about the entire group. The reality was that only a small group of miscreants were responsible for the noise and the complaining party apparently lacked the fortitude or initiative to make his problem with the noise known when it might have been voluntarily abated.
GlockMan wrote:
No not trolling. I can just imagine that I tell my friends that I am going to a Jamboree that they will fall on the floor laughing. I don't have a suggestion for a new name, just floating ideas out there.

So are you a teenager...because that was the last time I let anything resembling peer pressure affect how I live my life. If you don't like the name and your buddies laughing makes you uncomfortable, stay home. Be a man call your own shots. I like calling it a "jam". Besides, I missed Shakey's performance last year.

You could just tell your friends you are going to spend the weekend shacking up with a bunch of older men in hip boots. That should go over well. :lol: :lol:
Glock Guy, these guys are definately not Cub Scouts. I don't have a problem with the Jamboree name.

What I have a problem with is that except for 2 they've all been on or near Penns Creek. I have no interest in fishing over browns in that setting.
Then don't. I didn't fish Penns at all during last years jam. There's plenty of streams within a short drive, any type of water you want. Last year the group I was with fished a few native brookie streams all day and then fished Spring Creek in the evening, before returning to Coburn for the campfire.

There's tons of water there, you can have any style you want.
Jayl, can I do my Jimmi impersonation?
Fish penns? LOL

The only way anyone is fishing penns is by maybe throwing a few casts because it's close, and because it's a ceremonial thing to do. It will be running chocolate brown and in the bushes.

I'm always good with anything related to Jimi.
I have been to four Jams at Coburn and only fished Penns once. That's what's nice about the location is that, in addition to it being in the absolute center of the state, there are so many alternatives.

Stop being such a fuddy duddy, Chaz. See that Glock...fuddy duddy is way worse than jamboree... :lol:
Glock Guy, these guys are definately not Cub Scouts.

I'm a tellin ye....they's all worse an' jumpier than a pile o' varmints at a gosh danged coonskinners convention.
Festus wrote:
I'm a tellin ye....they's all worse an' jumpier than a pile o' varmints at a gosh danged coonskinners convention.

:-D :-D

That does it - I'm puttin Gunsmoke in the Netflix que..... :-D
I don't remember how we came to the name Jamboree, but it has stuck all this time, so I don't think it's going to change. I've only missed one, the second one in Pine Valley. I always had a great time, except for the one that I had to leave because i was sick, so if you can make it, join us!

Fishidiot wrote:
Festus wrote:
I'm a tellin ye....they's all worse an' jumpier than a pile o' varmints at a gosh danged coonskinners convention.

:-D :-D

That does it - I'm puttin Gunsmoke in the Netflix que..... :-D

Lol Dave...

See how much you're missed Festus? I sent you that message a while ago about wondering where you went to. Glad to see you're back and at your best. I think you've had more posts than JayL and LJ combined since then!

And to all of those who are on the fence about coming to the JAM, just do it. Whether it's the name that bothers you, or something else, you'll regret not coming. I went last year for the first time and barring severe sickness I won't miss another one. And I don't have vacation time... I don't work, I don't get paid, and it is well worth it for me to come to the JAM.
Did Paul mention he makes a killer deer bologna?

Well I reckon that's 'bout all Ol' Festus needs ta hear. There's only 2 things that cin get Ol' Festus out of Potter and Tioga County, and one of thems that deer meat stuffed inta tubes an smoked just right.

The other thing Ol' Festus just hain't up ta talkin' about.