PAFF Jamboree History


I'll try and get my Son to make some more of the bologna, he did very well this deer season, so he's got plenty of meat.

Last year I made some sloppy Joe's with deer meat, that when very well. This year I'll think of something else I can make for all.

You are the man Paul. You became ill and left early last Jam I was at and we didn't get much chance to talk. Looking forward to it.
PaulG wrote:

I'll try and get my Son to make some more of the bologna, he did very well this deer season, so he's got plenty of meat.

Last year I made some sloppy Joe's with deer meat, that when very well. This year I'll think of something else I can make for all.


I tyhink I ate like 6 of those sloppy joes........yummy!
I have no idea how I missed sloppy joes. Lame!


That deer bologna does kick some butt. I look forward to it every year.

I am going to try to fry some scrapple at the jam. Too many of you have not tried it.
With the Jamboree only a few weeks away, I'm thinking some of the guys who have attended in the past but don't visit here regularly may be checcking in.

We tried to get a short history going and here is where Maurice got us so far:

Jamboree History:

Those more knowledgeable please fill in blanks, make corrections, etc.

1999 Woodward, PA (John, any dates on your photos?) did you guys stay at Hemlock?Woodward CG
2000 Coburn, PA Hemlock Acres CG
2001 Henrietta, PA, Henrietta F&G Club
2002 Coburn, PA Hemlock Acres CG
2003 Coburn, PA, May [most likely, weekend between mother's day and memorial day that year?], Hemlock Acres CG
2004 Cedar Run, PA, [May 28-30][same?], Petticote Junction CG
2005 Coburn, PA, May 20-22, Hemlock Acres CG
2006 Coburn, PA, June 2-4, Hemlock Acres CG
2007 Gaines, PA, June 1-3, Kenshire KG
2008 Coburn, PA, May 16-18, Hemlock Acres CG
2009 Coburn, PA, May 15-17, Hemlock Acres CG
2010 Coburn, PA, May 21-23, Hemlock Acres CG

I think I can figure out the dates from 2003 onward, but it may take a couple days.
The "Jam" , as i've come to know it from talking to you folks on here , is the name i believe will stick , and i think it spans the generations in a way that all understand that it's "a large festive gathering" of flyfishers celebrating their pastime. I'm going to make it this year barring catastrophe , i have an old friend who lives in Glen Iron who has been bugging me for years , the only place i fished Penns was at the Selinsgrove end when i lived in liverpool. Something that i've noticed is that there is no mention of the cave in any of y'alls posts , from what i've heard over the years there is a float trip/tour of the cave in a boat. And also from conversations with flyfishers that area is supposed to be loaded with big fish? To tell the truth i'm more interested in meeting yinz all than fishing , i'm retired (forced retirement from an accident) i can fish most times i get the urge but the oppertunity to meet you folks is rare , i'm looking forward to it , and also excited about becoming part of the history.
Yes, there's a cave. Yes, there's a boat tour of the cave. Yes, it costs money. Yes, there's big fish (mostly stockers, and they're fed), and no, you can't fish for them. It is a neat tour, though. One of those things you should probably do once in your life, but a 2nd time isn't necessary.

Yeah, the entire jam is more about meeting people and celebrating the sport. Actually taking part in the sport is somewhat of a side show....
I can't call the fishing a side show, but the socializing and celebrating the sport is #1. Unfortunately, with fishing taking the #2 spot, showering and sleeping are distant 3rd and 4th.
#1: Fishing with others that are equally nutty about the sport.
#2: Socializing
#3: Fishing, regardless of who it's with.

In other words, I'll miss part of the fire ring if I'm out catching a spinner fall with a few good people. If I were fishing alone, or with a few lone rangers, I'd rather be at the fire ring.
I've put in for off and had it accepted. Looks like I'll actually be attending and not just fishing the same area at the same time. Nothing like fishing in the rain on vacation days.:)

Is it too early for the annual "Roll Call"?
Squaretail wrote:
I've put in for off and had it accepted. Looks like I'll actually be attending and not just fishing the same area at the same time. Nothing like fishing in the rain on vacation days.:)

Is it too early for the annual "Roll Call"?

Glad to hear it. I've just missed you several times in erie. I'd like to finally put a face to a message!
I don't think it would be fair to the fish to have David and Squaretail fishing together!
:-D :-o :-D :-o :-D
oh, I think they're in trouble any way you cut it, with the gathering of fine fishermen that are descending upon them thanks to this board. If the weather ever conspires to be in favor of the fishermen, those fish are in trouble.
In 2003 the Jam was probably on May 16-18 and in 2004 it could have also been from May 14-16 or 21-23 as there were two weekends that occured between Mother's Day and Memorial Day. I have pictures on my computer showing I created the image file on 5/31/04. I think that is when I scanned them (they would have had to be developed) because I did not have a digital camera at that time. I do remember GD's on Little Pine on Sunday and have a vague recollection they were "unexpected," so I'd lay my bet we were at Petticote CG for the 21-23 dates.

Does anyone have any evidence to shed light on these or other missing dates?

So, I say (taxing my brain on people I remember specifically, I'll be adding):

1999 Woodward, PA, Date?, _______ CG?

2000 Coburn, PA, Date?, Hemlock Acres CG

2001 Henrietta, PA, Date?, Henrietta F&G Club
2002 Coburn, PA, Date?, Hemlock Acres CG

2003 Coburn, PA, May 16-18, Hemlock Acres CG
Jack, Gino, Brandon, Santino, Maurice, Padraic, Paul, JohnF, TimB, Christian, Merle, Tony....

2004 Cedar Run, PA, May 21-23, Petticote Junction CG
John, Chaz, Maurice, Padraic, Paul, Christian, Jack, Gino, Merle Andrew?, JohnF, Bebe, Bebe Jr., Tony......

2005 Coburn, PA, May 20-22, Hemlock Acres CG
Merle, Jack, Gino, Brandon, Santino, Christian, Jack Steel, Bebe, Bebe Jr., JohnF, TomGamber, Tony, Andrew, ...

2006 Coburn, PA, June 2-4, Hemlock Acres CG
Christian, Jack, Gino, Maurice

2007 Gaines, PA, June 1-3, Kenshire KG
Christian, Jack, Gino, Brandon, Santino, Maurice, Brother Jim?, Chaz, Bruno, Ryan & Father, Jay, Matt B, ...

2008 Coburn, PA, May 16-18, Hemlock Acres CG
Christian, Tony, Jack, Gino, Brandon, Santino, Maurice, Paul, JohnF,

2009 Coburn, PA, May 15-17, Hemlock Acres CG
Christian, Tony, Jack, Gino, Brandon, Santino, Maurice, Paul, JohnF,
2010 Coburn, PA, May 21-23, Hemlock Acres CG
For what it's worth Jack, I've been to every Jam except the 2002 event in Coburn. As far as filling in missing dates or who else was there in a specific year I won't be much help; my Jam memories are all a tad blurry :)
Being rather fatigued, yet highly caffeinated tonight, I dug through the archives to find info on what Jams I've attended. My avatar was taken at my 1st in '03. Since then I only missed '07 and '08. Barring a catastrophe, I'll be at '10.

Christian, good to hear from you. Hope all is well. Are you planning to attend this year?

peace-tony c.
tocar wrote
My avatar was taken at my 1st in '03.

Obviously a Jam pic, the raingear gives it away...
Tony, yes I plan to attend this year. It will be the kickoff to a full week of camping/fishing for me. After the Jam I plan to head for Raystown. I have a camp and a boat there now and between chasing stripers and being about halfway between Yellow Creek and the Little Juniata I am looking forward to the break from traveling for work. Might even sneak in some turkey hunting if I feel like waking up that early.
I've missed one jam, the one in gaines and had to leave early , the one at Coburn.

The one thing I enjoy about the jam is showing everyone my honey holes!

Thanks for all the additional information, Christian, Tony, Paul and all others and keep it coming, I'd like to try to get a fairly accurate history constructed and then it will be easy to keep up from year to year.


1999 Woodward, PA, Date?, _______ CG?
Christian, Paul

2000 Coburn, PA, Date?, Hemlock Acres CG
Christian, Paul

2001 Henrietta, PA, Date?, Henrietta F&G Club
Christian, Paul

2002 Coburn, PA, Date?, Hemlock Acres CG

2003 Coburn, PA, May 16-18, Hemlock Acres CG
Jack, Gino, Brandon, Santino, Maurice, Padraic, Paul, JohnF, TimB, Christian, Merle, Tony....

2004 Cedar Run, PA, May 21-23, Petticote Junction CG
John, Chaz, Maurice, Padraic, Paul, Christian, Jack, Gino, Merle Andrew?, JohnF, Bebe, Bebe Jr., Tony......

2005 Coburn, PA, May 20-22, Hemlock Acres CG
Paul, Maurice, Merle, Jack, Gino, Brandon, Santino, Christian, Jack Steel, Bebe, Bebe Jr., JohnF, TomGamber, Tony, Andrew, ...

2006 Coburn, PA, June 2-4, Hemlock Acres CG
Christian, Jack, Gino, Maurice, Paul

2007 Gaines, PA, June 1-3, Kenshire KG
Christian, Jack, Gino, Brandon, Santino, Maurice, Brother Jim?, Chaz, Bruno, Ryan & Father, Jay, Matt B, ...

2008 Coburn, PA, May 16-18, Hemlock Acres CG
Christian, Tony, Jack, Gino, Brandon, Santino, Maurice, Paul, JohnF,

2009 Coburn, PA, May 15-17, Hemlock Acres CG
Christian, Tony, Jack, Gino, Brandon, Santino, Maurice, Paul, JohnF,