PA Opening Day plans

The brook trout were never extirpated in PA.
You're right. They weren't. That means they've endured far worse conditions than they are facing today. Far, far worse.

Thanks for being positive Troutbert šŸ˜‰
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First the OP. If I fish on Saturday, it will be in one of my ponds for perch or whatever happens to bite. That would likely be true, even if my hip was better. I've never been a big fan of opening day, and I stay away from the native streams so as to not give away their locations to the freezer fillers.

Or.. " If they stocked where are all them palomino fish". The things you hear on PA cricks....
I have trees need cut up but it looks like wind potential on Saturday. I try to stay out when its windy with all the dead ash trees.Might impact your burning plans?
Smart move.

The winds on Saturday night brought down some large trees on my property. I checked on Sunday, and I didn't even make it to where the remaining ash trees are (paths were blocked).
You're right. They weren't. That means they've endured far worse conditions than they are facing today. Far, far worse.

Thanks for being positive Troutbert šŸ˜‰
I wasn't being positive or negative. I was just being factual.

Someone said that brook trout were extirpated. I simply pointed out that they were not extirpated.
I wasn't being positive or negative. I was just being factual.

Someone said that brook trout were extirpated. I simply pointed out that they were not extirpated.
I'm aware..I was twisting your words for my intended use. It's a joke..... Maybe a bad one, but a joke nonetheless.

I'm aware..I was twisting your words for my intended use. It's a joke..... Maybe a bad one, but a joke nonetheless.

Next you're going to insinuate that fish can tolerate a photo. Or two. Or being caught more than once. And that they can survive droughts. And floods. I see your tactic - you're trying to take away all current discussion topics on this board...
Itā€™s a shame this innocuous thread like many others on PAFF had been railroaded into something not intended, but as long as it wrecked... ;)

Most stocking doesnā€™t bother me however what bothers me more is the elitist attitude of many holier than thou fly anglers and their attempts to make fishing all about what THEY deem important and enjoyable at the expense of everybody else who doesnā€™t embrace their views or methods.

Hey, Iā€™ll admit I am long over the days of getting up at dawn on the Opener and heading to the crick with a stringer and a jar of Pautzkeā€™s. Over the decades I have been fishing Iā€™ve passed through many stages including the s$$#ole fly fishing snob stage. These days I have a hard time understanding the fascination some anglers still have chasing fish planted for their enjoyment...

...But they do and probably always will.

I donā€™t try and understand the why of it or try and change the behavior because it is as fruitless as trying to convince someone in the drive through line that there is MUCH better food to be had than is available at McDonald's.

If I go out at all on Opening Day, Iā€™ll be fishing worms or corn...

To those that go out who can get over themselves and the various ā€œmissions,ā€ have a great time!!!

To those that cannot, stay home and quit fishing entirely because thatā€™s the ONLY thing that is 100% in favor of the fish & other critters you are so enamored with.

I'd go back and look at how that started. The culprits aren't who you think they are, unless you consider responding to trolling instigating.
Man, don't play victim on a fishing forum.

I'm out for a while.
Iā€™ve largely tried to stay out of these discussions as of late, and will continue to take that approach. Short version, I agree with the agenda being pushed, but I donā€™t always agree with the approaches being taken to gain support for it. The proof is in the pudding with how much it riles everyone up on here IMO. There arenā€™t two many Stockie lover/freezer fillers around here.

What I do dislike is how when it infiltrates a thread, regardless of who first went down that road, it immediately turns a lighthearted, fun topic I was enjoying reading about, into a tense attempt at scholarly debate, that while it has its place, just sucks to rehash over and over.

Iā€™m not fan of moderator enforcement, but IMO, this has reached a level of inconsiderate that it requires some out of bounds lines being applied. IMO itā€™s a good barometer of the current climate when you have forum regulars, positive contributors to the community, FFing, and conservation in general, bailing out and not participating because of the continual derailment of threads at every opportunity.

Everybody just needs to punt a little more and not take the bait at every opportunity. From both sides.
Itā€™s a shame this innocuous thread like many others on PAFF had been railroaded into something not intended, but as long as it wrecked... ;)

Most stocking doesnā€™t bother me however what bothers me more is the elitist attitude of many holier than thou fly anglers and their attempts to make fishing all about what THEY deem important and enjoyable at the expense of everybody else who doesnā€™t embrace their views or methods.

Hey, Iā€™ll admit I am long over the days of getting up at dawn on the Opener and heading to the crick with a stringer and a jar of Pautzkeā€™s. Over the decades I have been fishing Iā€™ve passed through many stages including the s$$#ole fly fishing snob stage. These days I have a hard time understanding the fascination some anglers still have chasing fish planted for their enjoyment...

...But they do and probably always will.

I donā€™t try and understand the why of it or try and change the behavior because it is as fruitless as trying to convince someone in the drive through line that there is MUCH better food to be had than is available at McDonald's.

If I go out at all on Opening Day, Iā€™ll be fishing worms or corn...

To those that go out who can get over themselves and the various ā€œmissions,ā€ have a great time!!!

To those that cannot, stay home and quit fishing entirely because thatā€™s the ONLY thing that is 100% in favor of the fish & other critters you are so enamored with.

Now, I'm sitting here wondering who peed in your Wheaties. But then, I didn't even read half of the responses. That said, If I was going to fish opening day this year, I'd likely be using spinning gear, and be using bait or hardware, and fishing a stocked stream. I'd likely even keep a few for dinner. There is a stocked stream about 20 minutes from where I live where I have had decent success on opening day and had a decent size stretch of the stream by myself. I even used a fly rod. In fact, there were no other cars parked near mine until I was leaving.

But not being a big fan of opening day started even before I started fly fishing for trout. I hate crowds. Back in the day, my brother and i would sometimes fish for crappie or even catfish on opening day. I remember hauling his rowboat on top of my Ford Pinto. It fid down over the top of the doors. Now, that was a sight.

Question: Does this make me a panfish snob? If it makes you feel any better, I dislike FFO regs, too.

P.S. I saw the winky face. I'm just playing along.

P.P.S. I just noticed that I only need 4 more likes to get my next participation trophy points!!!
Now, I'm sitting here wondering who peed in your Wheaties. But then, I didn't even read half of the responses. That said, If I was going to fish opening day this year, I'd likely be using spinning gear, and be using bait or hardware, and fishing a stocked stream. I'd likely even keep a few for dinner. There is a stocked stream about 20 minutes from where I live where I have had decent success on opening day and had a decent size stretch of the stream by myself. I even used a fly rod. In fact, there were no other cars parked near mine until I was leaving.

But not being a big fan of opening day started even before I started fly fishing for trout. I hate crowds. Back in the day, my brother and i would sometimes fish for crappie or even catfish on opening day. I remember hauling his rowboat on top of my Ford Pinto. It fid down over the top of the doors. Now, that was a sight.

Question: Does this make me a panfish snob? If it makes you feel any better, I dislike FFO regs, too.

P.S. I saw the winky face. I'm just playing along.

P.P.S. I just noticed that I only need 4 more likes to get my next participation trophy points!!!
As an ex coach, I'm not a fan of participation trophies, and fought that idiocy tooth and nail, there's one from me if it makes ya feel better. ;)
Last year I fished a particular "Stocked Trout Waters" section because it is right next to park where I take daily walks for my new hip. :)

My MO there is Tenkara to pi$$ any fly fishermen who might show up...

I also fished a small open, but privately stocked stream up the road from me with spinning gear more than a few times. Last year I had the pleasure of meeting a 15 year kid alone on only his 2nd fishing trip and teaching him how to use his spin-casting rod & reel. He caught his first fish (non-trout) on bait I provided!!

Somehow I believe I would have missed that wonderful experience if I had my FFO, trout-centric agenda hat on that day... ;)
That assumes that every angler is a trout angler, or fishes specifically because of stocked trout
No it doesnā€™t. Nothing that I said or reported had anything to do with ā€œevery angler.ā€ The stocked trout anglers interviewed on the streams were interviewed about their expenditures.
Environmentalist: The environment is to be saved, preserved, set aside, protected from human abuse.

Conservationist: The environment is something we use, so we have to conserve it and take care of it, so that others can use it in the future.
Good catch pcray. Conservation is hardly ā€œthe study ofā€ anything. Widely accepted is that terms which refer to the ā€œthe study ofā€ generally end in ologyā€¦.In fact Conservation is the wise use of, not the study of.
As an ex coach, I'm not a fan of participation trophies, and fought that idiocy tooth and nail, there's one from me if it makes ya feel better. ;)
I'm not a fan of participation trophies either, and often joke about it. Therefore, I gave it back. ;)
If angler whims are the only thing that dictates management this whole conservation thing doesnā€™t work coherently.
ā€œWholeā€ by definition is broad in scope. Wise resource managers are opportunistic and go for what they can get when they can get it regardless of the driving force behind the opportunity. Whole, as in immediate all or nothing, is generally a big loser in resource conservation and management.
The brook trout were never extirpated in PA.
Understood, I was using a broad stroke. Even though they were not extirpated in PA, the impact was still severe.
ā€œWholeā€ by definition is broad in scope. Wise resource managers are opportunistic and go for what they can get when they can get it regardless of the driving force behind the opportunity. Whole, as in immediate all or nothing, is generally a big loser in resource conservation and management.
Well right now itā€™s nothing, no one would mistake whats going on right now as all