Orvis Announcement

I agree with globug15. It’s the same with guitar playing. Just because you buy a Gibson Les Paul and a Marshall amp doesn’t mean you’ll play like Jimmy Page( that’s the guitar player from Led Zeppelin for you young folks, 😂).
There were some marked down to $475 at the Orvis outlet near me, which seems like quite a cut. I believe rods from the outlets get no warranty, though.

Almost every "new" rod I ever purchased was purchased AFTER the manufacturer discontinued the model or product line.

They were all purchased from dealers, I got no less than 40% off and all came with the full (useless) warranty.

In my case this was a long time ago so we aren't talking anywhere NEAR $1000 plus MSRP. The good news is based on completed eBay sales I seen, I could sell most if not all of them in 2024 for no less than what I paid on discount but in a lot of cases considerably more.

I didn't buy them as an investment, I bought them because I like them so the fact they are still being sought ain't a bad thing... I somehow have a feeling that won't be the case with rods priced well over $1000 in 20 years but who knows...

I agree with globug15. It’s the same with guitar playing. Just because you buy a Gibson Les Paul and a Marshall amp doesn’t mean you’ll play like Jimmy Page( that’s the guitar player from Led Zeppelin for you young folks, 😂).

Well, you could have spent $876,000 on Mark Knopfler's 1959 Gibson Les Paul Standard a week ago at the Christie's auction with makes a Helios seem awfully cheap...

Don't know if would help your playing though... ;)
You are absolutely kidding yourself if you think a 300$ redington is gonna perform on par with a 1000$ T&T or Winston- not even in the same area code.
I think any fly rod's perfomance is relative to the user's skill. A fly fisherman with inept casting ability is still going to be inept with a $1000 T&T, or Winston rod. There are lots of folks out there with more money than skill.
I have a 1972 Les Paul I bought for $395 and it’s not my favorite guitar lol. I prefer my Fenders. It’s like buying a Winston thirty years ago when they were using IM6 graphite. I have an Orvis Rocky Mountain rod I paid $185 for in 1992. The equivalent would be about $600 today if they still made them.
to rich for my blood. i have two young children. one of which will need braces soon! i might have to start yard saling for rods lol
My 2 cents....
People can spend what they want on a rod. None of my business and I dont judge. My butt starts puckering around 500 and completely seals off at 600.

You don't have to tell me, been on an almost 3 year journey to find my ultimate 6wt. Hindsight tells me that I should have snatched up the method 690 for $425 and stopped my bitching about the price. Looks like my options now are $795 and up which makes me think the search will continue for another 3 years or I'll just give up 🤣.

Too many bad casters take the bait and end up with gear they can't properly use. Almost wish they start a labeling system: beginner, novice, intermediate, advanced and expert to keep people from buying the wrong gear. Guessing they won't because it might hurt their sales
I really don't THINK people who spend a lot on tackle do so because they think it will improve their skills, they do so for the fit & finish and the benefits that come with improvements in manufacturing.

There can also be performance improvements because something is lighter, thinner or has a better this or that which can make the experience more pleasurable.

Whether those "improvements" are worth the extra $$$ and whether a person cares or is willing to spend that $$$ depends on the person.

But there is a reason Scottie Scheffler ain't bangin' balata balls with persimmon woods... ;)

In regards to the guitar analogy...

I'm not much for electric guitars but I've heard people playing on import flat tops and Lowden's & Martins at $10-$20K, not to mention violins at 10 -20 times that amount and horns in the stratosphere.

The common denominator is the good players can play on anything while the mediocre players are still mediocre regardless of what instrument they pick up. However, they BOTH sound better and usually have an easier time executing on the good stuff.

Buy what you want or spend at the price point you feel comfortable...

There is nothing wrong with either but there is something wrong with smugness FROM either...
I think any fly rod's perfomance is relative to the user's skill. A fly fisherman with inept casting ability is still going to be inept with a $1000 T&T, or Winston rod. There are lots of folks out there with more money than skill.
Dear wildtrout,

Your last sentence needs the words, "or brains added to it." ;)


Tim Murphy :)
I've guided or fished with people that purchased super fast performance rods but had beginner skills. They've struggled with their gear and excelled with lower end stuff I've lent them. Some have asked to buy my gear at the end of the day because it was so much easier to use.

I don't think most are buying for componentry or finish... they're getting caught up in hype or salesmanship at the shop. A Redington CT 590 would be more than enough for 85+ percent of Pa trouting
At the end of the day we’re all mostly chasing invasive species and then letting them go.

It’s the enjoyment of the experience that most are after. And if a high end rod adds to someone’s experience, far be it from me to begrudge them of that.

If you’re out on the river judging someone else’s approach, ability, gear selection, or whatever else- just bear in mind that what you’re doing is holistically just as useless as what they are.
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I took a rod build class with Jack Mickievicz a long time ago. He said rod manufacturers change and “upgrade” rods year to year to sell new ones just like auto manufacturers. As an example, he said a set of stainless steel guides cost less and would hold up just as well as more expensive guides unless you are fishing eight hours a day seven days a week for years.
I guess if you need high end stuff have at it. If an indie pro says you need it, then you need it. Like the $100 thou pick up truck. One for every seat.
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I personally don’t care what orvis, Sage, hardy, winston or ugly stick is coming out with. I don’t care what the price is or how it compares to other rods. Buy them and enjoy them if you like, but they are not for me.
Big fan of what orvis has been doing for the past 10+ years (maybe in the late 90s you could dog on some of their work but they’ve since dedicated themselves to getting back to quality gear). Sure they have their knocks but their rods are great and customer service is too. But to say they aren’t true anglers is innacurate. Literally the guy at the helm worked his tail off and is a renowned fisherman, and so are much of the staff.
The angst and hatred and jealousy, (there I said it) that people who want to fish inexpensive tackle have for folks that want to indulge themselves never ceases to amaze me...
I have not seen any angst, hatred or jealousy in any responses to a question seeking the opinions of others. Indulge away If that’s what makes you feel good but please don’t think anybody is jealous of your gear.
Beyond thankful I'm not a "gear junkie" and can fish rods in the couple hundred dollar range and be happy. To each their own I suppose...
Too many bad casters take the bait and end up with gear they can't properly use.
It sounds like there should be a good used rod market.
The angst and hatred and jealousy, (there I said it) that people who want to fish inexpensive tackle have for folks that want to indulge themselves never ceases to amaze me...
Yeah, that's a thing. But, as was said a few times: If it makes you happy and you can afford it, all good. My curiosity about where the market will push back actually has an undertone of resentment. My resentment is not about haves and have-nots. It's about the gullibility of some (many) buyers that leads to ever-increasing prices without a proportional increase in performance. This is not universal, just my concern.
rod sales are slowing down... they had a big bump with the pandemic, now everyone has rods, and because the economy is sliding, they'll have a hard time to continue selling 1k$ rods.