Newbie / Rookie Fly Tier's Swap

Mine are on the way, looks like they should arrive Thursday. Dave thanks for hosting
Sorry mine are just being mailed today. I hope you all enjoy them. I had fun experimenting. Looking forward to seeing everyone's ties.
pro4mance wrote:
My flys are finished and will be in the mail tomorrow. I did 2 different flys, posted the first recipe already. Got a little creative on the second fly not sure what it's called so.

Norm's Blood Nymph
Hook : size 12 nymph
Bead : 1/8th tungsten, Blood Red
Thread : Red
Tail : Black Micro Fibets
Body : Medium Shrimp colored vinyl rib

Received the flies yesterday. Here's a picture of Proformance's ties.


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mic wrote:
I will have mine in the mail tomarow also.I'll be trying these swap flys out in the leigh high,at rockport next sat,will let you's no how we did on sunday.looking forward to the next swap.

Mic - Received your ties yesterday.
My flies should have been received by now, did ya get them Dave?
sipe wrote:
My flies should have been received by now, did ya get them Dave?


Wanted to let you know last night but the forum was down. Flies did arrive yesterday
Latest Update:

1. J55tyger88 Muskrat Nymph and Triple Threat Caddis - Received

2. Stagger_Lee Frenchie and WMD Hot Spot Nymph – Received

3. DJS12354 Chartreuse Midge and Bead-Head Soft Hackle (CDC & Elk to follow) Received

4. Rolf Soft Hackles - Received

5. Mic Olive Wet Olive Wet and Caddis Larva - Received

6. PhiendWMD Olive Wooly Bugger and Sulphur Comparadun ? – One Down, One to go

7. Sipe Sipe’s Latex Stone - Received

8. Martin0206 Loop Wing BWO Emerger and Mercer Caddis Pupa - Received

9. PAgeologist Tan Elk Hair Caddis and Flashback Pheasant Tail - Received

10. Pro4mance - Received

11. Militades Halfback Nymph and Pink Squirrel – One Down, One to go

Also wanted to let you know I'll include a "Packing List" with photos and, who tied what for everyone. May even try to add in the recipes.

My wife, Joy, is getting a kick out of this and enjoys seeing the flies.
"My wife, Joy, is getting a kick out of this and enjoys seeing the flies."

Thats pretty cool. My wife thinks its silly that grown men can get excited over bug imitations. HAHA. She enjoys me, enjoying it. Im excited to see everyones flies!
My wife is amazed that I have the patience to tie flies considering that I have no patience with anything else. She laughs at me all the time.

Cant wait to see/use/copy everyones flies. They all look great from the photos.
After see all the flys that you guys tied,i don't think mine were as nice,but I guess that's what qualifys me as a newbie.If we have another swap I promice to kick it up a noch.
PheindWMD and Militades

Are you close to mailing your flies? If you need to only send one tie instead of two, I don't think anyone is going to be overly upset.

I'd like to get the flies mailed out to everyone soon.

Not to be a PITA, but any update djs
pro4mance wrote:
Not to be a PITA, but any update djs

Have not received any updates. If no contact by Saturday night, I will get the ties I have received ready to go on Sunday and have them in the mail on Monday morning.

Looked at the emerger swap that launched shortly before our and they are running two weeks over the deadline.

My questions to our participants:

1. Should we call this and I'll ship the flies out on Monday, returning the flies tied for the people who did not get their ties to me?

2. Give one more week for the outstanding ties to arrive?

3. Hold the flies for the ones not received yet and mail those to everyone when they arrive?

What's everyone's thoughts on this? I want to be as fair as possible to all involved.

Well i understand if they need more time to tie or fix their ties but if they arent responding and havent been in touch, ship em.
I agree. Ship them.
Ship them, organizer keeps their flies.
sipe wrote:
Ship them, organizer keeps their flies.

If the consensus is to ship, I will hold the extra flies for a couple of weeks and then return. Certainly not fair for me to keep them.
Dave, if you are talking about my extra flies, you keep them, you hosted. Norm
Yeah keep extra flies. Thanks again dave.