Newbie Fish and Chips Day on the LL

Would love to attend. Can only make the 28th. 21st I'm on vacation.
28th for me. I have a retreat I have to be at on the 21st.....
Based on the input I've read so far, looks like the 21st is the date with the 28th in reserve as a rain date. I think we should make a decision on date no later than this Friday, so get your comments in soon. Also, start PM-ing me if you are coming and what you can bring. We will need a grill first and foremost, so anyone who can help there, let me know.

21st definitely out for me but I'm trying for the 28th. Should know in a few days and if it is a go I plan on getting up there early. I won't get up as early as the foxes and other wild life but early none the less ... damn just realized I haven't fished since fathers day. If my date works out I will do the burgers or dawgs depending what everyone wants to eat

I'll be there both days. Don't want anyone to miss out if they need help, but can't make the chosen day.

The picnic idea is cool, but I'm more concerned with helping people that would like help.

Fear not, newbies, we gotcha covered.
I'm assuming we are trying to hit the tricos w/ a mid day picnic? If so I may not be in for the picnic. Gotta get back to the wife and kids sooner than later in order to be able to fish another day.
We have tickets for a concert on the 21st and I'd rather not do a lot of driving on a day where I go to re-live some of my youth. (Going to see Steve Chapin and other members of Harry Chapin's band)

That being said, the 21st is a no-go for me, but I'll come down on the 28th. I do have a portable, full size gas grill that I will bring down, along with some meat to cook on it for that day.

If I was closer to Allentown, I'd hand the grill off for the 21st.


PS - When I told Joy the departure time to get in some morning fishing, she krinkled her nose and said : "Have a good time with your friends"
Dave - What's the earliest you can get Joy up for this? If you can get out the door by 6 or 6:30, you'd be OK for fishing.

Let's do this. Seems like more guys are not able to make the 21st. Ed and I will be there on the 21st but we'll make that a fishing/help day only. We'll make the 28th the official Fish & Chips day, this way if you can't make the 28th, we'll still be there to help you out on the 21st and if can make the 28th, we'll have our picnic plus more fishing. Does that work for everyone?

By the way, if you can make both days, that's great too.
I can do either day but am waiting to hear back from my brother so I'll be making one of those dates. Thanks for making yourselfs available. I'm looking forward to it.
Foxgap239 wrote:
Let's do this. Seems like more guys are not able to make the 21st. Ed and I will be there on the 21st but we'll make that a fishing/help day only. We'll make the 28th the official Fish & Chips day, this way if you can't make the 28th, we'll still be there to help you out on the 21st and if can make the 28th, we'll have our picnic plus more fishing. Does that work for everyone?

By the way, if you can make both days, that's great too.

Cool, thanks so much for doing that guys, as I can only make the 21st
I will be there the 21st at 0dark30 waiting for my new toy!!! And to fish of coarse!!! No pressure Fox I know you senior citizens need your sleep. ;-) :-D :lol:
Just to be clear the date is the 21st and a picnic of some sort on the 28th?

And where exactly is the meeting spot? I've never fished down that way and want to come down but I need an address or something to mapquest directions to. I'd like to get there by 6 or 7.

CathyG wrote:
Just to be clear the date is the 21st and a picnic of some sort on the 28th?

And where exactly is the meeting spot? I've never fished down that way and want to come down but I need an address or something to mapquest directions to. I'd like to get there by 6 or 7.


Fishing the 21st!
Here ya go Cathy:Little Lehigh
CathyG wrote:
Just to be clear the date is the 21st and a picnic of some sort on the 28th?

And where exactly is the meeting spot? I've never fished down that way and want to come down but I need an address or something to mapquest directions to. I'd like to get there by 6 or 7.


Cathy, this address will not only get you to the creek, it will also getting right to parking and our meeting spot.

Heritage Fly Shop
2 Fish Hatchery Rd.
Allentown, PA 18103

I have a grill at my house in Bethlehem but can only do the 21st so I don't think that will help...
Go ahead, Fox... way to PAFFYAO for the newbies (again!). And the Heretic-Angler is trying to drop some knowledge as well? Nice.
Heritage-Angler wrote:
Dave - What's the earliest you can get Joy up for this? If you can get out the door by 6 or 6:30, you'd be OK for fishing.



When I suggested leaving at 5, I got the suggestion that it be a trip without Joy. She's not a morning person on weekends.

I had looked at possibly doing a hotel, but the proximity to Dorney Park has the prices up and I'd rather not be in a hotel where a bunch of park-goers are running up and down the hall when I'm trying to sleep. (The older I get, the grouchier I get :) )

Given how she indulges me, I'll come down on my own this time (or with the guys, if they are interested in attending) and wait for cooler weather to bring Joy down for a "Fishers and Family" type outing that will be later in the day.

If it's just me, Pete and/or Dan, I'll be there fairly early.

Making my plans for the 28th. Have grill will travel. I can also bring a canopy if it will help.
