Newbie Fish and Chips Day on the LL

So what was the final date on this? I'd like to come, but could only do the 21st. On the 14th, I'll be up the other place with the family.
Stagger_Lee wrote:
If the LL was in my yard how high would temps get in those really hot hrs of 1PM - 4 PM?

How quickly do water temps drop when the sun starts setting?

Is it different than the Nesamany for example and if yes, why?

Why do limestone creeks stay cool even in heatwaves?

Stagger - if the LL was in your yard, you'd have a much bigger problem than worrying about water temps. ;-)

The Little Lehigh is a limestone spring creek. The creek has numerous limestone springs that feed into it, especially in the area of the lower C&R FFO section.

These limestone springs emerge through a layer of limestone substrate. This means that the water has a high PH, thereby helping to buffer the stream against the effects of acid rain. This is good for the aquatic plants, bugs, and fish.

Since the springs emerge from deep underground, the temperatures are typically in the low 50 degree range. This helps the stream maintain a more constant temperature by keeping it warmer in winter, and cooler in summer.

The LL never freezes in winter, and it takes a prolonged heatwave to get it over 70 degrees (at least in the lower fly stretch). The highest temperature reading I got last year was 68.1 degrees. I'm not saying it doesn't get warmer, but that's the highest temperature I recorded last year.

The LL never freezes in winter, and it takes a prolonged heatwave to get it over 70 degrees (at least in the lower fly stretch). The highest temperature reading I got last year was 68.1 degrees. I'm not saying it doesn't get warmer, but that's the highest temperature I recorded last year.

Did you take that temp with your rectal thermometer?
Good stuff HA .. thanks you have a way of 'blending' everything together in layman's terms

The highest temperature reading I got last year was 68.1 degrees. I'm not saying it doesn't get warmer, but that's the highest temperature I recorded last year.

That is pretty impressive considering (if I recall) we had a very hot summer last year. The LL is pretty fish-able, and holds its trout population well, all summer long, no?
delta_dog wrote:
Did you take that temp with your rectal thermometer?

It only smells like a rectal thermometer because you stuck it in your ear. :cool:
Stagger_Lee wrote:
The LL is pretty fish-able, and holds its trout population well, all summer long, no?

The four major Lehigh Valley limestoners (LL, Saucon, Monocacy, & Bushkill) all do pretty well, temp wise, but it's always a good idea to take temps in prolonged hot spells.

These streams are all urban streams, for the most part, and water runoff from rain that has come into the stream after passing over hot asphalt and concrete doesn't help.

Back in the day, when there was more shaded water from the tree canopies, and less development/parking lots/roads, these streams were pretty much immune to temperature issues. Even with these issues, they're still pretty good.

Something to keep in mind is that even though water temps can drop to acceptable fishing levels after a cool night, you can still overstress fish by playing them and releasing them quickly. They build up lactic acid from the fight, and then have to deal with the stress of elevated temperatures later in the hottest part of the day.

If you take a temperature reading near 70 degrees in the early morning, it's best to give the trout a break.....
I'm in. Not sure about Frank yet.
Hmmm...Sounds like fun.
I think I have plans for part of the 14th (but afternoon plans not am plans)
21st might work better
:) don't plan around me :p
What's the matter with doing both weekends?

I'm glad the spring fed factor was brought up, The Monocacy sure was cold swimming any time of the year when I was a kid
The 14th is a no go for me now too. Graduation party, who knew! Going to look at the 21st or 28th. I could use someone to call LL fly shop to see if any events are planned for either of those days. This way we know if we can use the picnic space.
Let me know if anyone can help me with that.
Foxgap Wrote:
The 14th is a no go for me now too. Graduation party, who knew! Going to look at the 21st or 28th. I could use someone to call LL fly shop to see if any events are planned for either of those days. This way we know if we can use the picnic space. Let me know if anyone can help me with that.

Ahh Stagger might be back in play with those 2 dates. I promise not to ruffle ur feathers .. and just keep it to fishing ;-)
Foxgap239 wrote:
I could use someone to call LL fly shop to see if any events are planned for either of those days. This way we know if we can use the picnic space.
Let me know if anyone can help me with that.

Yeah, yeah - I can take a hint. I'll call Dave tomorrow.

Stagger - ruffling Fox's feathers is one of the great joys in life. Some things just have to be done. :-D
Stagger_Lee wrote:
Ahh Stagger might be back in play with those 2 dates. I promise not to ruffle ur feathers .. and just keep it to fishing ;-)

Fishing is apolitical. We help you no matter what flag you fly! :p
by Foxgap239 on 2012/7/5 20:03:12 The 14th is a no go for me now too. Graduation party, who knew! Going to look at the 21st or 28th.

Fox really.....your killing me!!! :cry:
Hey I have to keep you at least 10 feet away! LMAO
If I'm available I can come help out...
I met Paparise out there yesterday to show him around a bit. It was ok morning, but will probably be better in a week or two.

There's so many miles of parkway on the LL, I imagine there has to be plenty of places to picnic...
Phil - Yes, there's many places to picnic along the stream. Finding an open spot that everyone can find could be a problem, without driving around a bit. The stragglers will also know where to find us.

Since everyone knows where the fly shop is, it makes sense to try to base the picnic there. It also helps that the owner Dave is PAFF friendly, and will support us, no matter what.

We gots friends. :-D

Fox - Both the 21st and the 28th are being held for us to use the tables and canopies at the fly shop. Dave asks that we let him know when we decide on the date, so he can post it at the shop. That'll make it official, and further guarantee we have a place to picnic (under shelter, too).

Keeping these events open to the public is a good way to attract new members to PAFF, and promotes good will to all. One can never have too many friends.

Heritage-Angler wrote:
Fox - Both the 21st and the 28th are being held for us to use the tables and canopies at the fly shop. Dave asks that we let him know when we decide on the date, so he can post it at the shop. That'll make it official, and further guarantee we have a place to picnic (under shelter, too).

Keeping these events open to the public is a good way to attract new members to PAFF, and promotes good will to all. One can never have too many friends.


Many thanks Ed. Okay guys, let's get a vote going, 21st or 28th? Right now I believe I can make either date. Also, PM me with what you will bring to the party and I'll get a list together.

I'll bring a case of water and soda, oh yeah and a 10' present for an anxious angler. :cool:
oh yeah and a 10' present for an anxious angler. :cool:


I could do the 21st. Ideas for food? I'm happy to contribute.
I'm in for AS SOON AS POSSIBLE or if that won't work for everyone I guess I'll have to settle for what ever date everyone else decides. I'll have to check with the cook as to what I will be bringing. I'm gonna have to bring something "SPECIAL" for you Fox!
My vote is that we plan on the 21st with the 28th being a rain date should we get torrential downpours and the river gets high and muddy.