Newbie Fish and Chips Day on the LL

Tricos will be prime those weekends, and the spinners will fall about 8:00am. Depending on the air temps, they will be done by 10:00 or so. Then terrestials and maybe BWO and caddis will produce. Midges always seem to be around, but the trouts will key on the more delicious bugs if they are hatching (or falling).

The Lil Lehi in the Heritage area stays cool, even during hot spells, since it gets a lot of cool springs feeding it. You can ffish all day, though the trouts may not be active when the bugs are laying low.

maybe......just maybe will I finally be able to make it out to one of these!!
What is the date for this? Would like to attend but need the exact date.
Thank you
I might try to venture down for this. Sounds like a good time.
Cathy, always a good time and the 'old timers' really help out us newbies. Hope I can make this one but I won't know until a date is firmed up and we get closer
I think I could do either weekend. Looking forward to it!
CathyG wrote:
I might try to venture down for this. Sounds like a good time.

I hope you can make it. Dave and team have great things to say about you and I would love to meet you.
jaymason wrote:
What is the date for this? Would like to attend but need the exact date.
Thank you

Much to the chagrin of my buddy JT, it's looking like July 14th is going to be the date.
Ed (aka Heritic-Angler) has not chimed in here. In most cases one would think no news is good news but in Ed's cases he's probably preparing a soliloquy that will tear me up!

Oh Ed where is thee????????????????????????
lestrout wrote:
Tricos will be prime those weekends, and the spinners will fall about 8:00am. Depending on the air temps, they will be done by 10:00 or so. Then terrestials and maybe BWO and caddis will produce. Midges always seem to be around, but the trouts will key on the more delicious bugs if they are hatching (or falling).

The Lil Lehi in the Heritage area stays cool, even during hot spells, since it gets a lot of cool springs feeding it. You can ffish all day, though the trouts may not be active when the bugs are laying low.


Les, you should come up and join us. These newbies could OD on the info you could share with them!
Looks like I will be missing my first Newbie jam of the year. Unless something changes, both dates are booked .. I would say have a beer for me but I prefer you catch some fish for me instead :)
Foxgap239 wrote:
Oh Ed where is thee????????????????????????

I'm just waiting patiently. This is a tough time of year for me to plan anything, as I often don't find out if I have to work until the day before.

Usually, I keep a few extra vacation days in store, so I can do things like organize a trico jam. Not this year, as I've had to burn my extra days already.

No use speaking up unless I know I can be there - unless you leave yourself open to a smartazz comment, which is inevitable at some point. :cool:

Something I'd suggest - check with Dave at the fly shop to find out if there's anything going on down there on your chosen day. It'd stink if there's an event already going on when you guys want to set up your picnic. Table space is at a premium this time of year down there. If it's OK, he can at least guarantee you the tables in front of the shop to use, and they're under canopies.
Heritage-Angler wrote:
Something I'd suggest - check with Dave at the fly shop to find out if there's anything going on down there on your chosen day. It'd stink if there's an event already going on when you guys want to set up your picnic. Table space is at a premium this time of year down there. If it's OK, he can at least guarantee you the tables in front of the shop to use, and they're under canopies.

Good advice. Thanks buddy, see you at zero dark thirty!
Is there a date yet?

Gotta love an EDit.

Heritage-Angler wrote:

Table space is at a premium this time of year down there.

But that won't be a problem as volksnurse and gfen have Honda Elements which are my favorite vehicle...

Volksnurse wrote:
Is there a date yet?

Gotta love an EDit.

Heritage-Angler wrote:

But that won't be a problem as volksnurse and gfen have T.G.E.B.'s which are my favorite vehicle to make fun of...

F.Y.P. :-D better watch it ED remember who your talking to. :-o
Stag, unless the area has a serious heat wave the LL will be under 70 degrees. There are no WW fish worth targeting.
by Chaz on 2012/6/27 20:22:28 Stag, unless the area has a serious heat wave the LL will be under 70 degrees. There are no WW fish worth targeting.

And to think I thought you knew what you were talking about.....see I have been wrong before. ;-)
Stag, unless the area has a serious heat wave the LL will be under 70 degrees. There are no WW fish worth targeting.
It interests me how quickly water temps rise, drop, and why. For example .. we are going to be having 5 days of temps in the 90's.

If the LL was in my yard how high would temps get in those really hot hrs of 1PM - 4 PM?

How quickly do water temps drop when the sun starts setting?

Is it different than the Nesamany for example and if yes, why?

Why do limestone creeks stay cool even in heatwaves?

etc, etc...

Seems like dumb questions but I never gave this any thought abt this b/ it didn't interest me & I never had to. Also, this is the newbie forum and rules state anything goes no matter how dumb the questions are :)

Good deal I just put in a request for vacation day to attend.