Newbie Fish and Chips Day on the LL

looks like the flow is starting it's decline. it also looks like the incomming rain is staying south of allentown on the radar. My fingers are crossed.
No comment.....I want him to bring my rod!
delta_dog wrote:
No comment.....I want him to bring my rod!

Correction, that would be my rod. Formal title has not yet passed! :-D
Foxgap239 wrote:
Heritage-Angler wrote:
[Geez Stagger, that chick between Gene Wilder and the chubby chick looks like Fox with a wig on. :lol: :-o :-o :-o

That is just SO wrong on so many levels!

One ride in the T.G.E.B., and........POOOOOF. Mrs. Doubtfirefox. :cool:
Delta dog,
I guess it's time for me to fess up. I have been doing rain dance 'cause you got the rod from Fox before me.

I did not put any Jinx's on it's ability to catch fish though.

The rain has brought up the LL, but it is probably at an unfishable state as of 9:00 am today.
Chaz - see my post #172 in this thread. When I spoke to Dave a little after 10 this morning, the creek was off color, but it was green, not brown and muddy. It was fishable then, and it has come down to 178 cfs already. Dave was standing along the stream when I spoke to him.
What cfs makes the LL unfishable? Will it clear as it drops? I plan to leave early and I'll check the USGS site before I do.
Foxgap239 wrote:
delta_dog wrote:
No comment.....I want him to bring my rod!

Correction, that would be my rod. Formal title has not yet passed! :-D

You know he'd paying you in pennies right?
@VolksRn: Mrs.Doubtfirefox = $$$
CathyG wrote:
What cfs makes the LL unfishable? Will it clear as it drops? I plan to leave early and I'll check the USGS site before I do.

Great question. H-A, in your opinion, what is a fishable CFS assuming only off color but not muddy H2O?
Volksnurse wrote:
You know he'd paying you in pennies right?

JT, don't give him any ideas!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Delta dog, I guess it's time for me to fess up. I have been doing rain dance 'cause you got the rod from Fox before me. Sorry, I did not put any Jinx's on it's ability to catch fish though. Buffalo

I knew something was up!!! That just cruel! .......JT now that would be funny but I would NEVER do something like that to my buddy Fox. ;-)
CathyG wrote:
What cfs makes the LL unfishable? Will it clear as it drops? I plan to leave early and I'll check the USGS site before I do.

Hi Cathy - There's no magic number for "unfishable" on the LL. I've seen it at more than double the cfs it is right now, and it was fishable. It depends on how much rain we get in a period of time. If we get a substantial amount of rain in a short period of time, the creek rises quickly, and a lot of sediment gets mixed up, and/or runs into the creek.

In other words, the real question isn't at what cfs is the stream still fishable, but rather if the water gets muddied up.

Another question is whether it is wadeable. 250 cfs and below is surely wadeable, provided the water isn't the color of chocolate milk. I've waded it at higher flows, but with caution.

With the predicted under half inch of rain between now and tomorrow morning, unless we get that amount in one quick downpour, we should be just fine.

If I HAD to pick a safe level, I'd say anything under 200cfs by early tomorrow morning should almost be a guarantee of good conditions. Over 275 cfs, and I'd worry. This isn't a hard and fast set of figures....
Fishability is very subjective indeed. Some of my best fishing on the Tully has come on days when most others would deem it "unfishable".

Have at it, beginners, you'll find off color water makes trout alot easier to catch! Whooly buggers!!
The car is all packed and I'm ready to head up in the AM, assuming the rain does not hit all at once. Right now I plan to leave at 4AM, which barring traffic delays should get me to the lot at 5:15.

For those expecting me bearing gifts, rod/reel combo is packed, hackle I promised is set aside (for both of you), and the best gift of all, ME, will be there with a smile on my face and a rod in my hand! (JT, if you make one of your lewd comments, I will....................well I'll do something)

See ya in the AM guys and gals! :cool:
Foxgap239 wrote:
T ME, will be there with a smile on my face and a rod in my hand! (JT, if you make one of your lewd comments, I will....................well I'll do something)

See ya in the AM guys and gals! :cool:

Aw. That's just TOO damned easy. :oops:

Have fun, catch up with y'all on the 28th.
I don't know where Dave was viewing the creek, but as I crossed it this morningjust above the water plant it was mud. I think you'll see it as unfishable tomorrow morning since it's been raining all day.
We've had 3 inches of rain this week.
what tipped should I use for tricos? I have 6x that I am putting on now.