Newbie Fish and Chips Day on the LL

Have fun mananna gent! Hope it works out
thebassman wrote:
what tipped should I use for tricos? I have 6x that I am putting on now.

I was planning on 7x for tricos on the 28th
Bassman, we'll get you setup with what you need, we just need to have the fish cooperate and rise!
Well that doesn't sound too promising.
FYI: I will be the fool with the GoPro on his head and a weird stick with no reel......
Well its 2:30 am and I'm up before the alarm. Hoping all is well because I'm leaving in an hour (I think).
Things look good, see you all at 530 or so. I have a feeling H-A will be right today!
Foxgap239 wrote:
I have a feeling H-A will be right today!

Today? ;-)
Heritage-Angler wrote:
Foxgap239 wrote:
I have a feeling H-A will be right today!

Today? ;-)

There's a first time for everything Ed. :lol:
Just got in from some warm-water fishing with my brother and am looking forward to seeing the posts about today's gathering.

Hope you all had a great time and caught some fish! (I did not, btw. But Pete avoided the skunk)
Just got home, had a great time today. Caught my first trico trout. Fished the Lackawanna trico hatch last summer and got skunked every time.

But I still don"t like the tiny buggers.
Caught 6 or so and missed about 8. It was a good day on the water and it was nice to meet some fellow PAFF members. The more I fish midges the better I get at it. Midge fishing definitely helped me out today for sure.

Stopped at the hatchery on the way home. The trophy trout they have in the one lock are ridiculous.
Volksnurse wrote:
Foxgap239 wrote:
delta_dog wrote:
No comment.....I want him to bring my rod!

Correction, that would be my rod. Formal title has not yet passed! :-D

You know he'd paying you in pennies right?



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Some more pics from the "Pre-Fish & Chips Day". It was nice to see everyone, and I hope you had a good time.

Hope we get an even bigger turnout next week (28th) for the real "Fish & Chips Day".



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  • martin0206 and his waderless gf.jpg
    martin0206 and his waderless gf.jpg
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And more pics...


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    not muddy LL.jpg
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  • PAFF Newbies on the LL.jpg
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Man, am I envious.......
I had a great time this morning. I was fun listening to Fox whine about missing so many fish and the look on his face when I handed him 300 dollar bills was priceless! Mabey he'll learn not to mess with me :-D . He's just lucky I didn't pay with pennies. That would have been 30,000 pennies or 165 lbs of metal to haul around :-o .
Yup, Dave - you missed out.

The stream was just about perfect - nice flow, and just enough color so the fish were less spooky.

We were all happy to meet CathyG - she's awesome! Hope she can make it for next Saturday's gathering. We're gonna have a blast!
Trico fly + 7x tippit + 50 year old eyes = Think I'll stick to nymphs!

Seriously, had a great time. Not a hit on the trico, but the action heated up when I switched to the green weenie.

Nice seeing you guys.
Thanks to everyone who attended the pre week festivities. Everyone that said they'd come did and it was quite a turn out. Let's see, we had, H-A, Delta-"definitely a"-Dog, Paparise, FPike, CathyG (nice lady!), Docsab, MrWhisker, Martin06 and his cute better half, Kathlyn, oops, Carolyn (damn good fisherperson too), Bassman (I think we lost him) and of course, the Frustrated Trico Fishermen, Me. At least today I was frustrated by not landing fish but I had plenty on and yes I was whining like a baby about it, so what, sue me! I think I got everyone that came, my sincere apologies if I missed anyone.

The reason I'm the last one to check in is that I stopped at the "gentlemen's" club on the way home. It takes a while to get rid of 300 dollar bills! :pint:

Good bunch of people, can't wait until next week. I'll start the list Monday so we can make sure we get all the food groups covered.