New waders

"usually get a pretty good deal on it"

dude, you're the epitome of extreme couponing. "ok, sierra's got it at XXX off, combined with this offer for free shipping on the 3rd sunday deal with the moon in aquarius' house means another 10% off!"

i need one of those $XX off $100 cabelers' coupons. make it so! plz.
gfen wrote:

"usually get a pretty good deal on it"

dude, you're the epitome of extreme couponing. "ok, sierra's got it at XXX off, combined with this offer for free shipping on the 3rd sunday deal with the moon in aquarius' house means another 10% off!"

i need one of those $XX off $100 cabelers' coupons. make it so! plz.

I'll work on it.

I didn't pull the trigger on the nice lamps at Hobby Lobby that were on sale, then 40% couponed. If any one sees them go on sale again please let me know.
They go on sale every month or so at michaels or the other one, too. Got mine for 60% off coupon from the paper.
I apologize for getting snotty the other day. Bad week I guess.
I must ask though. If this gear failed right away, why didn't you take them back to the shop? I can't imagine why a authorized simms dealer would not take back high end gear that failed within the first 30 days, let alone right out of the box. This is especially true snce you bought both the waders and boots from them (or did I misread you last post?). At the very least, I (and may be others) am interested where you purchased them so that I can avoid this place at all costs in the future. A good dealer should have given you the over the counter exchange option for the waders and go to bat for you on the boots. In fact, when I told TCO (SC) I needed studs because the vibram was wearing down, they asked how old they were and they were willing to go to bat for me to get replacements from simms. I didn't pursue it though b/c they had a lot of miles on them and it just didn't seem right to me. In hindsight, I was partly to blame for not putting the studs in right away, which i believe accelerated the wear.
Even Michelin tires wear out eventually.
Thanks Gfen, didn't think of other stores carrying them.

Maniac, it's no problem. Its kind of funny because I went off a couple weeks ago about cheap people/cheap gear. But I didn't apologize cause I am an ***.

I was wearing Orvis Bootfoot XT's that I had gotten on clearance. While I didn't notice the foot pain early on, a looong day on the Delaware let me know the next few days were going to be hell with them. So I went to "the worst fly shop in Roscoe" (joke, they had an article written about their being rough, I found them pleasant). I noticed the bootie "dampness" right off the bat but everyone ( not the dealer) telling me it was condensation. Now I am a sweaty dude, so I accepted it. But it got worse and worse along with seam leaks. I was still in first year where they would repair any issues free but it was right in season and I was fishing daily. Redsun, had sent his back and they lost them for a couple months. Others got the "you didn't dry them, you wore them too much, etc" headaches when sent back. I just didn't deal with it.
The boot failed within first couple months. The rubber came off about 65%. I emailed Simms and they said all boots are made in China and they could not repair. They suggested I see a cobbler, you know, in 21st century America there is one on every corner. Someone here suggested I shoe goo them and that worked like a champ.
I see. i would have given simms a chance to repair the waders and the boots. Without doing so, it's hard to tell how they would have handled it.
The boots might be a different story though. Were they vibram?
The simms site has a list of authorized re-solers (I think it costs 70.00), but a couple of months-old pair shouldn't breakdown like that. I am really surprised they didn't honor their warranty though. Perhaps they wanted to see the boots before hand to make sure you didn't pull a fred flintstone and try to stop your truck with your feet! :)
I guess your point is, which i can understand, is why should I have to make my case for boots that aren't that old?

Any chance the shop got "seconds" gear to save a buck? otherwise it is hard to see how two pieces of quality gear (they are a leader for more reasons than just advertising). May be you just had bad luck that day?
owner operator of 1 pair of Redington Barrierflex that are 14 years old and still good aside from several patches,also own a pair of redington Sonic Pro zip models that are even better than my first pair.i am very satisfied,but i will be lookin at Simms for boots probabaly a pair of Riversheds #14 or Freestoners #14. with both type of cleats.
jdaddy wrote:
I have been very unhappy with my Simms G3s and I take exceptional care of my gear. Booties have leaked from day one. Its not unbearable, but certainly not reflective of $440 waders. The Simms Rivershed boots have been horrible and I would never recommend them.

I don't see how one can't look at the LL Bean waders. Unconditional lifetime warranty. That can't be beat. None of the "you didn't dry them properly, you wore them too much, blah, blah, blah" you hear from some of the other companies. If you are dead set on Simms because you want a cool name (Simms, Patagonia, Loop) then get the G3's at LL Bean. They will stand behind them.


Don't buy simms unless you get the 50 % guide discount...

I have some necks of grizzly on their way 400 on ebay 3 nights ago for Metz number 2. Gotta love those discounts.
stevehalupka wrote:
Don't buy simms unless you get the 50 % guide discount...

Gotta love those discounts.

What, taking advantage of a guide discount from someone else?

Do you do anything honestly?

(Cue the "just leave Britney alone!!1!!" response)
lol i said it just to get a post out of you... no kidding.


Nice to know you so despertly need my attention as to resort to these measures, but I'm sorry, I'm just not that into you.
... I did really sell my own grizzly (that was discounted by fly shop owner) for 400 though. I used the money to purchase cs5 and am now living honest. With that said, how would you like to get together and fish fat ***? You could cast your cool sage rod, head bang to some pathetic music, and go on and on about cool you are online.

The number of things wrong in the above paragraph are astounding, you may carry on as if you know me while I understand exactly what you are. If you wish to carry on, you may feel free to PM me your missives.

Good luck with that.
you are just one miserable, miserable soul w. a pathetic vendetta for a 24 yr old... I'll pm you whenever I decide to venture out your way. You do the same if you ever leave your little comfort zone or laziness as you like to call it.
stevehalupka wrote:
you are just one miserable, miserable soul w. a pathetic vendetta for a 24 yr old... I'll pm you whenever I decide to venture out your way. You do the same if you ever leave your little comfort zone or laziness as you like to call it.

Glad to see you guys are getting together for a day of fishing......maybe we can make a Jam of it?
Will there be boxing?
afishinado wrote:

Glad to see you guys are getting together for a day of fishing......maybe we can make a Jam of it?

You won't show, always an excuse...and I'll be sad.