New to the site-- Thought I'd share my favorite nymph



New member
Apr 20, 2011
Hi all...
I just joined the site and I wanted to share my pride and joy pattern with you all: My golden stonefly nymph.
It's proved to be a great big brown producer in the larger streams of central PA. It's drawback is the 30 minutes per fly it takes me to tie it.
Let me know what you think!


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pretty cool looking fly, you should post a step by step recipe.
Looks killer, and welcome to PAFF!

A step by step would be great, but here's an easy one, what size hook?
step by step please... unless that's a "secret" pattern?
I can begin to guess the materials, but I'm only going to state the background is Bounty. (I'll the the original poster reply to the materials)
You are correct... I believe it's quilted.
I will work on a step by step, after I get some more tied.
Very nice. Very realistic. But i am not a big fan of the ultra realistic looking flies. It seems like cheating. Sorry.
Nice fly and welcome to the site.
The only problem I have with a fly like this is that I'm afraid to fish it because it took so long to tie and I would not want to loose it.
Looks like a killer to me, give us a bottom view if you can. Thanks for the post.
I think realistic patterns are the best.

I think buying pre-made parts, legs and wing cases is almost cheating.
I totally agree with you on that MKern...
whheff wrote:
Nice fly and welcome to the site.
The only problem I have with a fly like this is that I'm afraid to fish it because it took so long to tie and I would not want to loose it.

Yeah, those are the kind of flies you wade into dangerous territory to release from a the hang up!
I would never fish with any fly that took me that long to tie. It looks very nice though.
I have no problem fishing with flies that take over 30 minutes to tie.
I have plenty of PT's and others that only take a couple minutes.

Also, I think if most casual tyers take about 10-15 minutes per fly.

Remember tying is a hobby seperate from fly fishing. If you think about it that way 30 minutes isn't bad.

I also think of it as...If that fly is going to take me twice the time to tie, but is garrenteed to catch me a fish (of any size) it's worth it.
While I don't tie realistics, I am known for tying fairly complex flies. I'm a very SLOW tyer; it takes me 45 minutes to tie one of my stonefly nymphs. If you want to talk about stress, think about the risk of losing one of these nymphs on the first cast. Obviously, I don't allow that thought to enter my mind. Now, the second cast...that's a bit different. By the second cast the fly has already been used ;-)

Dave R.
Dave I know what you mean,it takes me 15 min to tie one of my woven stonefly nymphs and I hate losing them,even on the second cast.
My thought process on the stream is always.... If I can get that snagged fly back in less time than it takes me to tie a new one, it's worth it. The only exception is that if it spooks the pool for me to retrieve it and I think there's a good chance of catching one there.

anyway, it's a nice looking fly. I'd fish it if I could tie it. All my flies took 30min+ when I first started tying lol.
It took me a while to get over losing my self-tied flies. It's weird I know, but for me the frustration has no rhyme or reason. For example, losing a BWO emergers or a pheasant tail doesn't irritate me as much as losing a soft hackle. I guess maybe its a "favorite" thing...I love my soft hackles.
That's amazing!!!! It looks so real. I thought you just took a bug and threw a hook through it.

I figured id post a pic of my favorite nymph too.


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