New nymphs

While it seems a bit self serving for an out of the gate post, I gotta say I do like the downright garish look of the body material.

Define "braid," though? Is it like that body braid stuff, just woven up mylar or is it like a thread? Its fancy fo' sure.
It has six strands. I use three for the bottom and three for the top. It is a woven body. Its like a thicker thread like material. I have it in all the colors you can think of. It was killer for the steelhead for me and I have a picture was just sent to me from Pyramid Lake in Nevada with a Lahontan Cuthroat that fell to it just recently.


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So, its sort of like a psychadelic embroidery thread then?

I'm too lazy to weave flies, I think, but that's one ridiculously colourful fly. Stocked fish go nuts for it too, I take it?
Thats a definite. I have killed the stockies with it too.
Check out this fly. It's my Luminous Maximus. It glows in the dark. Its killer in the early morning, evening and if the water is stainded. I have caught fish when other guys have been standing on the creek waiting for it to get light enough to fish.


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do you sell it in SPAM colors?
That picture actually came from Eastern Fly Fishing magazine thats why the list of materials are on there. I do sell flies but am not pushing them on here.
I wish i had any motivation to tie such intricate flies.
That fly is not hard to tie. It took me about 1 minute to tie it. I tie and sell many woven flies. Once you get the hang of it there is nothing too it.
I'll have to give it a shot one of these days
Here is another woven fly fo mine called the 6 Burgh Feeler. It has caught anything from landlocked salmon to trout.


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