New nymphs



Jan 31, 2010
Looking for some different attractor nymphs to tie besides the staple ones (cj, prince, pt.. Etc.) any input is appreciated
Well, it sort of depends what all is covered by the "etc." in your post.

A couple that I like that are simple and are not currently all the rage and hence talked about almost continuously are:

1) Whitlock Fox Squirrel nymph. Very versatile in sizes 6-18 and simple to tie. The sloppier it is tied, the more fish it catches.

2) Plain old Muskrat nymph in sizes 8-20. This is just muskrat fur globbed on a hook, guard hairs and all with sort of a taper to the body so that it is bigger at the eye and smaller at the bend. Tie them weighted or unweighted. Put a turn of webby dun hen hackle on as a collar on some or a couple turns of black fur or black ostrich for a head on others. But this is mostly to relieve the monotony. They work as well just made totally out of muskrat fur. Once again, the sloppier the better. After a little while in the water, the fly will trail strands of fur back and this makes it even more effective. If you're set up to do a bunch at one, you can tie 40 of these things an hour. And there really isn't a better nymph anywhere.

So, there's two..
Squirrel nymph is good, second one I'm assuming is a walts worm type fly
Well, more like Walt's Worm is a Muskrat nymph-type fly (the pattern itself predates Walt's grandparents, let alone Walt himself..), but yes, that's one way you can tie it.

Other ways include the hackle collar and fur head I mentioned. They are also good with a black bead head, etc.

Unweighted, fish will even rise to them on the surface. Whether they think they are a caterpillar or some such, I have no idea. But they work that way as well.
Not sure if this qualifies purely as a nymph, but last year I started tying and fishing hares ear soft hackles...dead drifting like a nymph and swinging them. They are fun to tie and consistently catch fish.


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Yeah, I've been meaning to tie a bunch of different soft hackles, just never get around to it or forget about it. Anybody ever fish/tie wiggle nymphs like this one..?
Think up your own patterns, use some Orvis Holofleck on nymph wing cases, krystal flash ribbing, thats the fun part about tying your own flies, you might come up with a real killer.
I like to fish Wiggle Nymphs during Stonefly "hatches". I use one that has one hook up front and just a shank in the rear. The front hook is just a thorax with flashback wingcase, and the rear hook is usually a biot body. They're deadly along the banks in deeper water.
can someone post a picture of a walts worm with the recipe?
wrangler412 wrote:
can someone post a picture of a walts worm with the recipe?


Take a hook.
Lead, when desired.
Dub hare's ear colour dubbing.
Sorry gfen, I just have never seen one before and really have not heard about them being fished in the Western part of the state too much until I joined this forum site.

it really is that easy. looks like a little brown mouse turd. or a hare's ear with nothing but dubbed body. no rib. no wings. no legs. no nuttin.

so why couldn't one use a 2x short 2x heavy hook with a thin marabou tail of matching colour[?] and have a walts wiggle worm working wonders?
One version of a Walt's worm:
Nice looking fly when wet. Looks like I'm going to have to tie some up tonight!
try this looks killer
Sorry, i thought this was an x rated post.

Carry on.
pellet fly, = walts worm...
Pellet fly = walts worm?

Is there a fly called a pellet fly that resembles a walts worm? Or are you suggesting that is what the walts worm is taken for?

I catch a lot of wild fish on the WW. Somebody better tell them they shouldn't be eating it because they shouldn't know what a pellet looks like. Lol
This nymph has caught steelhead, salmon and even cutthroat trout for me. Its called a cross dresser. Its a great attractor.


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