New Forum Coming Soon

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Bamboozle wrote:
Things I didn't like:

* Short window to edit posts after the fact.
Yes! And, no window AT ALL to edit posts with photo sharing. Always wondered why on both accounts.
Bamboozle, there is definitely a preview button for posts even if it's not on a reply.
If your images are clunky you just need to tighten the kanooder valve.
Thanks for all the work. This forum is outstanding, I've learned a ton. One of my favorite places on the internet.
ryansheehan wrote:
Bamboozle, there is definitely a preview button for posts even if it's not on a reply.
First off, I am talking about replies using a PC, not a phone. The two MAY differ, I don't know.

It's hard to explain BUT this reply was made by clicking the Reply button under your post. That is also how I get the Quote. That method gives you the Preview option.

However, if instead you go below the last comment on the topic or thread, there is also a box for a reply. If you enter your reply in that box and click Submit, you get no option to Preview. Your post just appears.

If you enter a reply in that same box and click the blue button that says Reply, everything you typed disappears.

So, if you go that route, meaning using the Reply box at the end of the thread and you want to Preview, you have to copy what you typed, click on the blue Reply button and paste your text back into NEW box that appears.

It works, but it's stupid and unlike any other BB software I have ever seen where you just reply at the bottom of the thread where you have Preview and Submit.

Unless I am missing some display option, what is also strange is if someone uses the Reply button under a specific post, it doesn't nest their reply any differently, meaning in threaded mode (like Facebook), it displays it in a linear mode meaning first post first, last post last.

Confused yet?
See, all this is exactly what I'm worried about
laszlo wrote:
See, all this is exactly what I'm worried about
Maybe they should also add and Ignore button so when I start blathering about stuff, you can just hit the Ignore button and not worry about it. ;-)

Trust me, it will be fine and easy when it is done!
While I am not a daily poster I do read the site most days. In the winter it's one of a couple things keeping me going through the slow times.
I appreciate everyone who contributes. Thank You!
We are still on for the backend work to begin on Monday. There will be no interruptions until we make the cutover mid-week. For some number of days, I'll have to do some cleanup to get the new site ready to open.

Again the goal is all forums, threads, posts and users come over. NOt sure about the attachments. Everyone might have to log back in and create a new password.

I will start using more security to keep bots out. One of these security measures is called captcha for authentication and specifically new users. Bots have been the scourge on the site for me and need to stop them from creating new user accounts.
"Go brake a leg"...
It feels like Christmas, when I was 9 years old.
I hope(pray) you will not lose the past Info as the tying area contains a plethora of information.
I might try to do a New Forum Zoom Meetup after the Holidays. That way I can review the new site, try and answer some questions and also get a can chance to meet up online if anyone to catch up.

Quick update.

The developer started the process to migrate the site yesterday. Much of the work is behind the scenes for now. In a day or two the site will shut down. The new site will be set up and migration of the old forum will take place. After a few days the new site will be turned on and opened back up.

The new site will like pretty plain with now real them configured. My goal is to get as much as we moved, then start cleaning things up for a better look and feel after we are up and running again.

So expect the site to be down over the weekend and back up early next week.

Thanks for the upgrade and update!!
One thing that I'm sure you know about but it would be a tragedy to lose is the google search. When you type any search into google and use the word "PA" all the paflyfish comments come up. Twice as fast as searching onsite and I'm sure it promotes your site. The comments from the early 2000s are gems.
Any news did the new site start ?
The data (forum files) from the old thread has been copied and tested. There have been some complications in getting all old files into the new test database. Once those issues have been corrected I think the developer will start the transition over to the new site. Seem like we are delayed several days. I'll get another update over the weekend and hopefully post a new cutover date.

So still in wait mode with the developer. Seems like a lot of conversions tests have worked all but a few. He seems to be held up on a few other projects too. Kinda of like someone working on your house.

-2 weeks

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