New Forum Coming Soon

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Staff member
Dec 13, 2021
So I am ready to start moving forward with the new forum. This process may take a couple of months. I have spent a lot of time make sure the new forum will have all the features we will need.

• Mobile access
• Easier way to add pictures
• Options for notifications
• Secure access
• Modern style
• Plus all the features we have today

What I don't know is if we will be able to haul over all the old content or user names. If not the plan will be to leave the old site up in a view only mode. But I don't know.

Currently trying to find a developer to assist me do the heaving lifting on all the backend work. The current goal will be to have this in place before the end of December.

I will keep you posted in this thread here as to progress and dettails.
Great news. Please let us know if we can contribute some $$ to the cause.
Thank you,

Hoping I don't have to ask but will do. Not sure much it will be with the developers. The sponsors on the site have really been able to keep things going. For now, I ask that as always please continue to support them, as they do for us.

So I'm working out the details with a developer that can get the new site going. Looking better this week than last with somebody that can help. He is even telling me that he can migrate the old forum and users to the new site. This is very good news, but still not sure it can be accomplished. I'll find out more over the next few days.

I'm still not sure this can be done, but optimistic. So no matter what there will be some trade-offs going to a new site and once I get closer I will go over what they might be for us.

Still no timeline other than before the end of the year.
So last night I had one of the first steps take place with an upgrade of the hosting services. We moved from a 2 CORE CPU to an 8 8 CPU and unlimited storage.

Basically a faster server and an unlimited amount of storage for pictures. I seems a little zipper to me?
So much faster on my end. Very excited for the update. As always thanks so much for everything you do Dave!
Great news as I've had major issues using the current site for months.
So I just moved this back into the General Forum. The cutover for the new forum looks like it will start the week of December 13th. Not sure actually when, but the site will be likely shut down for some number of days that week. I'm not sure how long either.

I know that's not a big help, but just wanted everyone we have some changes happening soon.

One major thing is everyone will likely have to log back in and reset with a new password. This will be an email from me inviting you back to the updated forum.

There will be many new features, the mods and I may not nor them all. We will all have to work together to figure some of this out. I will likely bring the site up in a bare-bones look and feel. This is to get everything back online. Once we are working I will turn off and on certain features and modify the theme to improve the style.

It might feel kinda of raw once we cutover, but I'll polish it up once I know we are functioning as normal.


1st, a huge thanks to you and your moderators for the years of fun and information this site has provided.

2nd, thank you for enhancing/improving it now.

3rd, (suggestion) you may want a landing page as a placeholder for when the site is down next week. You probably already considered the, but I thought it couldn't hurt to throw it out there. :)
Thanks to all the mods for their hard work. Love the site.
Will there still be avatars ?
Fredrick wrote:
Will there still be avatars ?
I can see where you'd be concerned. lol

I'm hoping I'll still be able to attach a file as easily as I can now. I never had problems sharing photos. Dave, thanks for all of the time you put into all of this.
Fredrick wrote:
Will there still be avatars ?

Yes there will be avatars and new thing called banners. So users can make kind of an intro page for themselves.
wildtrout2 wrote:
Fredrick wrote:
Will there still be avatars ?
I can see where you'd be concerned. lol

I'm hoping I'll still be able to attach a file as easily as I can now. I never had problems sharing photos. Dave, thanks for all of the time you put into all of this.

Yes file attachments will be very easy and photos should be something everyone can do. Mobile uploads should work too.

I have much more space added to the site so we can upload larger images as well.
Fly-Swatter wrote:

1st, a huge thanks to you and your moderators for the years of fun and information this site has provided.

2nd, thank you for enhancing/improving it now.

3rd, (suggestion) you may want a landing page as a placeholder for when the site is down next week. You probably already considered the, but I thought it couldn't hurt to throw it out there. :)

This current forum is basically 15 years old, so we are due for an upgrade.

I am having a developer help me on this project and will discuss the landing page idea. Thanks
I'm old and don't like change
I can't wait as this forum platform has always my least favorite of all where I participate and because I have been having issues with the Firefox browser for months and have to use Edge to post.

Things I didn't like:

* Short window to edit posts after the fact. (My own typos bother me ;-) )

* No option to Preview unless you select Reply.

* Clunky image posting.

Something I'd like to see besides a longer edit window and a preview option on every reply box:

*Local image hosting IF possible.

After the debacle with Photobucket going pay and spam & privacy issues with other free sites, I just stopped posting photos to BB's.

One BB I frequent has adopted local image hosting (with obvious restrictions) and it is much simpler and safer and allows me to post an image if I want to. Ironically, I hardly ever do because NOT doing it for so long has dulled my interest but regardless, it's a nice option.

Bottom line, whatever you do, I'm sure it will be an improvement and thanks for PAFF!

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