New Flies just off the vise

Guys, stay on topic.

Why does it seem like every thing Leteras ties is the same thing over and over again in different colors? Is that the Steelhead way?

I don't get it.
He has 3 materials and is trying to sell them.

I also agree, going way too far down on the bend of the hook.

When I started tying, I did that to all my flies. Especially the nymphs.
short shank,wide gap,heavy wire-
When I said I never lost a fish I meant due to tying them with the bend like that. I have lost fish but not due to tying them that way. Plus controlling a steelhead is easy. You point your rod towards the current causing the fish to fight the current and your rod. If the fish turns and runs at you point it the other way toward the bank. Most of the time steelhead will almost beach themselves doing this.
By the way ramcatt try reading the regulation book you get with your license. You are aloud to fish in the lake at trout run. But guys like you that can't read have to rely on pictures only. Too bad PA dosen't make a pop up regulations book with big bright pictures for you.
69.12a. Special regulations applicable to Lake Erie tributary streams.

(a) The following Lake Erie tributary streams are designated as Nursery Waters—Trout Run and its tributaries; Godfrey Run; Orchard Beach Run; and Crooked Creek (where posted). It is unlawful to fish, wade or possess fishing equipment while in or along Lake Erie tributary streams designated as Nursery Waters.

please tell me how you caught that in the lake... when its a pile of ice
your on the bank of the stream the wall is the other side
open water = stream = illegal = Leteras

Leteras.... I don't care what you do or how you do it, but just wondering why you keep posting and stirring the pot? Do you like abuse? Just wondering.
I totally agree, I want to know that too. But what I don't understand is everyone else. Yea, he spammed us before and stuff. But, his last couple posts he hasn't advertised anything, at least blatantly. But you guys are commenting anyway. Just give him a break. I mean, you guys provoke him and IMO he doesn't even act disrespectful unless one of you says something to him that is demeaning, hurtful, etc. Seriously, if he bothers you that much, why even comment? Why respond to his posts? Just ignore him if he bothers you that much. I never really thought I would ever be defending him (even still I'm not). All the constant low-blows, personal attacks, and demeaning comments is getting really old. Yea they conversations are kind of funny but it's just not right. Just my two cents. Maybe it's because I'm young and naive but some of this stuff makes me not want to post because I think I'll get heavily criticized...
Ramcatt you must be blind behind me to the right is all open water. Why don't you get a life. Man I get under your skin that much. You might as well be my puppet because I can pull your strings and make you dance.
jdaddy wrote:
Given that I am a newer tyer, what is the opinion on how far the tubing goes into the bend? I don't care about the posters flies specifically, I am asking for a standard for my own tying.

The apex of the bend. These went too far around the bend IMO.
Well I have never had a problem with them. If you keep the barb on the heavy scud hooks like I use there is no way the fish will throw the hook. It will snap you off before the hook comes out.
Besides I didn't come on this forum to argue with guys. I run into that a lot at fly shows with older guys comming over to put there two cents in how they tie the greatest stuff. I just brush it off because I test all the flies I tie and I know they catch fish. I have never had a problem with catching fish. The bottom line is do you want to catch fishermen or fish. I personally would rather be out on the water with my reel screaming.
I just noticed that you're the guy who came up with the Luminous Maximus Caddis pattern.. haha I thought your patterns looked strangely familiar.. had to page through my one issues of eastern fly fishing to see if this was in fact you.

My father loves and has done quite well with that pattern so.. those who are in doubt go out and try it. I'm sure his others work well too.
I hope Letera's knows most of us are joshing him because he can take it and dish it out-
beside 54 replies and still going vs. 3 or 4 for most posts isn't going to hurt business.
I don't take anything personal on here.
A bunch of adults battling it out over a forum, wow. Nice ties!
Thanks for the compliment.
Material is too far down the bend of the hook. I'm a newb and I even know that.

And spare us the unsubstantiated claims...
Well maybe when you get a few flies under your belt you can criticize. haha