"Micro" stream fishing

Chaz wrote:
There's no learning curve, you just go after a rain and use a big fly, on any stream with brookies and you'll catch them. You need to learn to cast acurately and this can be practiced in the ard using any debris for a target. I practice in the yard and I've been fishing flies for years.
When you're used to being able to stand 2 feet away casting, maybe splash around in the water a little bit at stocked trout, and they don't move or spook. Then you go fish wild brookies and you use the same tactics with consistent success, then you tell me there is no learning curve in wild trout fishing. Yes if its a wide open stream where casting a long distance is applicable then casting is all you need but he's not talking about wide open streams here. Hence, he's going to be learning something new.
djmyers wrote:
Someone with an ingenious mind should develop something like is used for archery and mechanical releases. That would be a lot safer for my thumbs! :-D

Take a length of mono and tie one end to a rubber band. Put the rubber band on your thumb like a ring.

When you go to slingshot, pinch a loop into the mono around the bend of the hook. Release like you're shooting a bow with a release mechanism.

That's what my engineering mind came up with. Never tried it, but I'm gonna.

Step away from the crack pipe..... :lol:

Seriously...thats pretty good. I coulda used one of those today.

I'll let you take my crack pipe but you'll never touch my beer bong.

You are a genius!!! I am going to try that the next time I am out for sure!!! Definitely worth the try, better than having a #12 adams stuck in my thumb like on Monday!

I knew someone out there would be able to help me out! Will let you know how it worked out. :-D
I put something together like was suggested. I took one of my 2 yr old Daughter's hair rubber band. It is about the size of a ring. Tied some 3/0 thread to it and it works great. The only thing is that you sometimes get snapped with the rubber band if you are pulling hard enough. The other idea I tried and worked well was to take the same thread and tie a loop onto the one end, put that on my finger and did the same thing. I also put some extra knots on the end I am holding with my thumb and pointer finger so that it wouldn't slip through as easily. Thanks again for the genious idea!!!
Hah. cool. Glad I could help. I'm gonna have to try it now.

Since it was your idea, I think you should be the one to name. Grab that beer bong and find us a name for it. :pint:
Haha... If only I didn't have a family thing going on early tomorrow morning. We might have to wait until next Saturday to get me back in the proper mindset...

I'm open to any suggestions on the name, guys.
Man, Jay, you are pretty friggin' smart! I say you should market it and sell it on ebay. I think we've all had mishaps involving bow casts, imagine how many people would pay 2 or 3 bucks for a kit with instructions. Hell throw in a free lasagna recipe and you'll be a bajillionaire in no time. :lol: I'm thinkin Sunday afternoon should be happenin', btw. I'm hopin for rain and cool weather 'cuz I miss trout fishin', but we can make it a bonefish/bass day, too/ Either way, I've been itchin' to get out. DJ, if you ever have weekdays off and can drive an hour or 2, PM me once the weather breaks and we get some rain. I don't have a Sal-like list of streams or anything, but I can put you on some small water with big fish, and I'm always looking for someone to go with me, so I'd be glad to show you some spots. Just bring your Jay-matic-5000 in case you need a bow cast. :-D
