Manor Hotel! Slate Run

maxima12 wrote:
You boys and you know who you are! The Manor and Slate boys! You have it all! I will put this to test! The boy's, Manor Hotel, A rosey blond by the name of Robin, waitress. Give a good tip and I will send leaders. Give better, I will meet you! And a new beginning begins.

At this point, with big rollers, i would turn on" Turn of the century,by Yes!

The big feel, the feel of alive, the feel of free, you will have a hard time finding me, i dont think i have a #. Never liked #'s. Ask , Robin, in time it will happen.

Forget turn of the century, what about schindleria praematurus? I like the surrealism and my post a while back was an homage to the man's literary style. Keep em coming, max

Thats so wong
Dave, your dog didn't get a wong with the neighbor that's why she got bit wite? GG
A musical tribute:
Speaking of Asian names, I received a voicemail at work from a Pho King-Dailey. I wonder if she knows Wang? Not kidding about the call. We roared when we listened to to it.
Humm? Are we politically incorrect with these posts? Humm?GG
I have yet in 63 years, set foot in the Manor Hotel. Not that, I don't like the place. Just always thought being wet with hip boots on and smelling like fish, figured I would not be welcome!

maxima12 wrote:
I have yet in 63 years, set foot in the Manor Hotel. Not that, I don't like the place. Just always thought being wet with hip boots on and smelling like fish, figured I would not be welcome!


So look for an old guy in hippers that smells like a fish basket outside, got it. All jokes aside one day we will find the elusive Maxi and maybe I'll even get to try one of his leaders after a drink on the patio!
maxima12 wrote:
I have yet in 63 years, set foot in the Manor Hotel. Not that, I don't like the place. Just always thought being wet with hip boots on and smelling like fish, figured I would not be welcome!

If you've never been in, how do you know who Robin is?
Small world, Germania Dude. Robin, Husband and children live on Big Pine below Browns Run. Spent a whole lotta time there. Her 3 boys would fight over who gets to sleep next to me. Luke, Logan and Damien. Boys were young and I never came without #1 Best Stuff in the World, candy, gimmicks and stories. Boys are grown now and spread in different parts of U. S. Sure am proud of those boy's.

Sure am lucky to have a friendship with these fine people till this day. A old wise one once said. "HOLLAND", took me a while to understand and figure out. Well, I figured it out! HOPE OUR LOVE LASTS AND NEVER DIES. Yep, definitely, Holland!

Germania Dude, been your way too. The Germania General Store, man with a huge full beard and no front teeth! Never failed to stop and get a slice of cheese off the wheel. But you would to have known a little Germania History. This was time passed by!

Sometimes, as time passes by, by my choice, when old friends go, I decide not to go back. Not because I do not like it, I kind of want to remember it the way it was back then, not the way it is now! The way it was back then was a real Beauty!

Here's to ya, Germania dude:
Maxi you certainly do get around. I've traveled up there since the mid 1970's but not to the extent you have. Over the years we camped out of a pickup, stayed at friend's cabin in Leetonia, rented a cabin in Oleona, and now go to our place near Germania. I still have a lot to learn.

I've been reading a history of the Kettle Creek Valley on the website. A very good read. It's available here.
Salvilinus, Wonder if it was possible you rented a cabin in Oleana from Marty and Ruth Godra. They owned the little store, gas station there! It was funny, Marty, from Maine, used to ride Moose! They would pull their boat up next to a Moose swimming a lake and Marty would jump out of boat onto Moose's back. Ride it till it got close to shore, then jump off. Marty said it was fun but make sure you get off moose before he hits land. Godra's are gone from that little store. Nice people! Hope they have faired well!
Salvi, you had to know Dave at the Galeton Sporting goods store back then. Or , Smitty, at Smitty's gas station rt.6 below Galeton. I would think, gone now! And up the road to Port Allegheny, Punk Knell at Knell's Sporting goods. It was a lot of fun back then! I'll bet we got some stories to tell!


maxima12 wrote:
Salvilinus, Wonder if it was possible you rented a cabin in Oleana from Marty and Ruth Godra. They owned the little store, gas station there! It was funny, Marty, from Maine, used to ride Moose! They would pull their boat up next to a Moose swimming a lake and Marty would jump out of boat onto Moose's back. Ride it till it got close to shore, then jump off. Marty said it was fun but make sure you get off moose before he hits land. Godra's are gone from that little store. Nice people! Hope they have faired well!

Ruth passed away last year. Next time I see Marty I have to ask him about riding the moose!
maxima12 wrote:
Salvi, you had to know Dave at the Galeton Sporting goods store back then. Or , Smitty, at Smitty's gas station rt.6 below Galeton. I would think, gone now! And up the road to Port Allegheny, Punk Knell at Knell's Sporting goods. It was a lot of fun back then! I'll bet we got some stories to tell!


What about Ronnie German?
Ronnie German, by face maybe? Put me where he was and maybe a tale will follow!
No, sorry, Roulette, a garage shop, Smethport, no, but a wise one up that way, Ray Teats, adjustable minnow rigs! I can tie the Teat Rig. A slow cooker, I was. Respect for the Master! We all had respect then. And don't forget the Gaines Popper Dude. A perfect specimen of a gentleman! Much lost and to be truthful, I have not seen a big gain, anywhere the wise one's have left! Just a simplified version of easy living! Short hours, more money! $2.50 a fly, you got to be kidding but your not! Now, this high water has not hurt fishing, maybe just cleansed the debris away.


If i have done wrong, cleanse me away! Still here 33 years. When is enough a enough. Always kept it simple and was taken advantage of numerous times. But no reason to stop. Their loss, not mine! If i do not speak of you, a reason!

Let it be known to all, the golden boy's, Baldacchino, Woody, Chuck, Fran, Harry, Trouthunter, AA outfitters, Koch, Shires, Humphreys, Beck, Pa. T.U. Uncle Joe's, Reese, South Hills, Little Store, on and on and on and on. Harvey, Allen Bright!

If i would forget, i am dead! Bob Sentiwany! I am sure a thousand. or more, more. Time to stop, will tell another 20 later!

maxima12 wrote:

Or , Smitty, at Smitty's gas station rt.6 below Galeton.


I stopped in there one time and bought a few flies and some crackers and a soda, and talked fishing.

I thought it was kind of fun that a gas station sold trout flies. You don't see that often.
