Manor Hotel! Slate Run

That is really bad. I have no words to describe how bad it is!
Max has grown on me like moss. Give me a weekend without wife and kids and I would probably understand him a little better.
I think I might pop in and look for Robin. My wife and I usually go to Waterville if we're going out for a meal, but the Manor's bread is top notch. Haven't been in since the owner took a spill late winter. If I find her, maybe I'll get some leaders out of the deal.
troutbert wrote:

His posts are different than what most people write, but James Joyce's writing was also unusual and he is considered to have been a literary genius.

Having studied Joyce quite a bit, I can honestly say that you are greatly overstating the similarities of quality and thematic coherence in Maxi's posts. Non-sequiturs do not a genius make.
I'm with Sal... I think someone may want to check in and make sure all is well.
troutbert wrote:
Maxima is making and selling leaders.

He's having fun fishing with friends.

I'd say he's doing alright.

His posts are different than what most people write, but James Joyce's writing was also unusual and he is considered to have been a literary genius.

Here's an example of stream of consciousness writing from James Joyce's Ulysses:

a quarter after what an unearthly hour I suppose theyre just getting up in China now combing out their pigtails for the day well soon have the nuns ringing the angelus theyve nobody coming in to spoil their sleep except an odd priest or two for his night office the alarmlock next door at cockshout clattering the brains out of itself let me see if I can doze off 1 2 3 4 5 what kind of flowers are those they invented like the stars the wallpaper in Lombard street was much nicer the apron he gave me was like that something only I only wore it twice better lower this lamp and try again so that I can get up early

So writing in a style of severe ADD makes one a literary genius?

Considered by whom (or is that who?).

I could do that too, but I chose to not. But mostly because my mind works faster than my fingers.;-)

I like Maxi's writing much better than that. His writing has references to trout fishing and PA streams etc. that I'm familiar with.

I agree with that, even if it didn't have references to fishing.
My 2 is let him write as he pleases as long as he adheres to the rules on here.

Read his threads and posts if you wish, or ignore them if it somehow disturbs you.

As far as comparing Maxie to James Joyce or any other acclaimed and accomplished writers or poets...the word "doggerel" comes to mind.

To each his own if this is considered high art or some great literary piece.... :-?

See guys, this is why you just respond with one word. "Wow".

Am I appalled? Impressed? Confused? Intrigued?

Maybe a little of all of those wrapped up. But that's it, we have a literary genius on paflyfish! It has been declared, and so it shall be. No rebuttal!!!!!
I would honestly love to run into Maxima on a stream someday, or at Hotel Manor (actual name), and share a conversation with him.

CLSports, I wouldn't on a stream - I plan on fishing!
$0.02: If I'm in the right mood for it, I like Maxi's posts. If not, I move on. Beauty is in the & mind of the beholder. It's the same reason I like some of the stranger John Lennon lyrics ("I am he as you are he as you are me and we are all together").

Or, to quote Yukon Cornelius, "You eat what you like, I'll eat what I like."

As a matter of self-analysis, the common foible in my posts is they tend to be a bit pedantic. Besides, doesn't stream of consciousness writing seem appropriate for this forum?
afishinado wrote:
My 2 is let him write as he pleases as long as he adheres to the rules on here.

Read his threads and posts if you wish, or ignore them if it somehow disturbs you.

Thank you Captain Obvious? ;-)
James Joyce's Ulysses: This is supposedly the greatest novel in the English language, according to critics. TS Eliot said he recognized its genius immediately. Virginia Wolff said it was too obscure for her upon her first reading but recognized its greatness later.

I tried only once to read it, and after 100 pages, I did not know what I was reading: it was way too obscure for me (over my head?).

Joyce's Ulysses is the only book I have ever started to read that I did not finish reading; and at nearly 70, I am not planning to try it again. It is way out of my league.
rrt wrote:
James Joyce's Ulysses: This is supposedly the greatest novel in the English language, according to critics. TS Eliot said he recognized its genius immediately. Virginia Wolff said it was too obscure for her upon her first reading but recognized its greatness later.

I tried only once to read it, and after 100 pages, I did not know what I was reading: it was way too obscure for me (over my head?).

Joyce's Ulysses is the only book I have ever started to read that I did not finish reading; and at nearly 70, I am not planning to try it again. It is way out of my league.

I tried reading Ulysses several times, and also gave up.

But, read some of James Joyce's other work. Such as "Dubliners," which is a short piece.

And "The Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man," which is book length.

They are much more accessible.

I first read it for a course and we went through it chapter by chapter, while reading The Odyssey in parallel. It made much more sense as it was broken down in this way but we only scratched the surface. I've re-read a few time it since and used companion writings to better understand it.
SO maybe that's all we need for those posts.. some companion analysis of symbolism, theme, and subtextual references.
Maxi makes reference to Ginsberg and other modern poets in some of his posts so you might be on to something here.

Not sure I consider his stuff high art but hey who am I to say?

So now we are talking about James Joyce on a fly fishing site. I guess maxis post can't be all bad.
CLSports wrote:
I would honestly love to run into Maxima on a stream someday, or at Hotel Manor (actual name), and share a conversation with him.

Holy F U ( k.

I know I’ve had a few and posted some crazy ish on here in the past but this is great. Thanks Maxima, I hope to meet you some day.
Max I prefer the wagon wheel
I used to eat at a restaurant in the Hyatt in Cherry Hill NJ called Ginsberg and Wong.

Great fishing for Pickerel in NJ Pine Barrens.

Jewish and Chinese food.

Neighbor lady's last name is Wang.

Also saw a bass eat a baby duck.

Awesome Reuben.

They would hit anything shiny.

My dog tried to eat the neighbor lady

Didn't find any Ginseng though I wasn't looking for it.

Stayed in the Hyatt for a month.

Went back later and caught a 5 pounder.

Awesome Sunday brunch, too.

In a runnoff pond at an apartment complex

Expensive but I wasn't paying for it.

Neighbor lady's last name is Wang but she pronounces it wong.

Wait for it...