Liquid gold is coming...

Yes, somewhat, but Potter has many more good streams. The Kettle guage hardly moved.
Rain over Potter now and the levels are going up.
That last shot of rain helped a little bit in the NC region. Better than nothing at all..
Just shy of 3 inches since Friday 30 miles north of Harrisburg.
Screenshot 2023 05 01 at 72155 AM
After all that, I don't understand all the red spots. I'm no geologist or hydrologist, but do they just drain faster than all the others?
After all that, I don't understand all the red spots. I'm no geologist or hydrologist, but do they just drain faster than all the others?
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More rain hit the east and southern part of the state. I haven't looked for the rainfall totals, but it was a good amount in the blue and black dot areas. Some streams are now blown out for several days while others I think are in much better shape than last week. But we all have our own opinions.

It's important to understand the coloring system the USGS uses for the stream gauges. These are based on mediums for the time of year. Black certainly always means High, but Low is really dependent whether it is Low in May or Low in August. Just like cold in January is different than cold in August.

Below is the flows over the last year and the medium for Penns. Last couple months we were below the medium, but now we are above. All streams are different is the obvious statement, but at 1,760 cfs there will be no fishing on Penns for several days.

Screenshot 2023 05 01 at 74632 AM
I know it's selfish but I always root for Penns to be blown out leading up to our May trip. I think the fish have been pounded pretty good due to low water. We will be in Ingleby at the last cabin (a friends) on the right heading upstream. It has a bench on the opposite side of the creek. Stop by and say hi if you are in the neighborhood.
Jeff P- I know that spot well. My buddy has a cabin on Ingleby Rd. That spot never disappoints when there is bug activity. Best of luck on your trip.
After all that, I don't understand all the red spots. I'm no geologist or hydrologist, but do they just drain faster than all the others?
They're tailwaters.

When other stuff gets high, they hold flood control dams back to avoid downstream flooding. So when everything else blows out tailwaters are often low and clear, at least near the dams.

As non-dammed streams drop and flooding concern abates, they'll open up the gates and the tailwaters get high.
I was to leave today for a 3-night camping & fishing trip in Clinton Co. I pushed it off until Tues. but Wed. is looking better, slightly. Creek levels appear ok on the USGS site, but I would like to avoid tent camping in the rain. Grateful for the rain though.
I was to leave today for a 3-night camping & fishing trip in Clinton Co. I pushed it off until Tues. but Wed. is looking better, slightly. Creek levels appear ok on the USGS site, but I would like to avoid tent camping in the rain. Grateful for the rain though.
or you could be camping in some snow!
It's ironic, we either get rain induced flooding, or we get dry spells with stream flows that are way below the norm for a given time of year. It's always an extreme, one way, or the other. The days of moderation seem to be a thing of the past. I am thankful for the rain we got though.
It's ironic, we either get rain induced flooding, or we get dry spells with stream flows that are way below the norm for a given time of year. It's always an extreme, one way, or the other. The days of moderation seem to be a thing of the past. I am thankful for the rain we got though.

It's always been that way. Weather patterns hold for a while then change. Air masses, jet streams, NAO, ENSO, and all that. An average is an average between extremes, it doesn't actually happen very often.

Everyone was worried about dry conditions making it a rough summer on trout. Now its wet. Neither the dry nor wet has much impact on what will happen in August and September, we're in as much danger as we were 2 weeks ago.
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