Liquid gold is coming...



Well-known member
Aug 24, 2008
We need a bunch of spaced out rounds like this. This will be a welcome shot of rain!

343933116 139166859017507 487672782149199989 n

Screenshot 2023 04 28 at 07 02 14 USGS Current Water Data for Pennsylvania
Saw the thread subject and thought someone was polishing a lot of wooden furniture this weekend. We're all ready to see red turn to green.
Not gonna celebrate until I see the gauges on Tuesday. Every “heavy rain” prediction I’ve seen so far this year has turned out to be a pisser. If you’re considering canceling your trip this weekend I sure wouldn’t… creeks probably fish well until at least Sunday mid morning.
Yeah, it's like being at a restaurant and asking for a glass of water and then they pour a full 5 gallon bucket down you're gullet 🤣.

Based on the mild winter, back in mid January I selected the upcoming week my vacation. If I were fishing smaller streams that would be awesome but I'm going to be fishing of blown out River with 80 ft sycamores floating down it. Guess I'll take the dogs on hikes in the woods, watch the river flowing through the trees and hopefully get a decent day or two towards the end. ☹️😭
Sorry Kray for your time off timing. Looks like a soaker for sure...
I don't think it'll get dangerously high but it will be up there. Keeps the timid off the river 😁. Just need it to clear enough to get some action 😉
I recall some surprisingly good fishing on the West Branch @ 2300 CFS about 2 years ago...
Sorry Kray for your time off timing. Looks like a soaker for sure...
From the map, it looks like Calvert County MD will be getting 3-5". I was looking forward to planting azaleas this weekend.
I know the streams and aquifers need rain. But this really is playing havoc with my weekend golf plans. The turf conditions have been ideal recently — firm and fast. That looks to be changing with the weather here in MD over the next few days.

On the bright side, this rain likely will give us a break from kids baseball games tonight and tomorrow.
I know the streams and aquifers need rain. But this really is playing havoc with my weekend golf plans. The turf conditions have been ideal recently — firm and fast. That looks to be changing with the weather here in MD over the next few days.

On the bright side, this rain likely will give us a break from kids baseball games tonight and tomorrow.

+1 on the golf conditions but it's been crazy windy every time I've gotten out. I'm talking 2-3 club wind. If they got their fertilizer down a little while back and we have a week of rain / too wet to mow, there's gonna be some thick rough
Definitely could use the rain. Fished below Coburn two weeks ago and again this week and had four really great dry fly fishing days for Grannoms then March Browns tan caddis. I know I was able to wade around to fish I normally couldn’t reach. Not sure I”ve ever had better conditions there. On a side note, somehow forgot my reels and my XP.
Had to borrow Kid’s 6wt sinking line to use on a 4wt SLT. Casting was…..interesting.
Do not recommend this tactic.
On a side note, somehow forgot my reels and my XP.
Had to borrow Kid’s 6wt sinking line to use on a 4wt SLT. Casting was…..interesting.
Do not recommend this tactic.
Who hasn't done that? A few weeks ago, my son forgot his reel and I had an extra with WF-3-F line. First time he underlined a rod.
No doubt. I keep wondering why my line was difficult to lift off the water. Also I’m a southpaw - so imagine my fumblings switching over to reel in a those browns….not the most graceful thing to watch.
I'm so happy to say, It's gonna rain!
Totals are underwhelming so far, just as expected. I’ll be pleasantly surprised if we even get an inch over 4 days.
Totals are underwhelming so far, just as expected. I’ll be pleasantly surprised if we even get an inch over 4 days.
I agree..I got home from work and only had a half an inch in the rain gauge so far. That is less than I was expecting.