Kayak Rant

I don't think anyone is complaining about having to share. We are complaining about the rude/ignorant/clueless people we have to share with. If everyone was more respectful of others everyone would be much happier.

This is the whole point I was trying to make. Thank you. Why should bad behavior be excused or tolerated?

Do I have a right to shoplift at sheetz? It's a public place. No.
These Cretans are stealing my valuable leisure time! I want reparations.
If a group of yackers are running through their line and I decide to walk out in the middle of it then I'm an *****. If I'm fishing a run and they run right through me they're an *****. There is no other side to this, sharing public water requires respect which is greatly lacking.
for every rude ignorant person in a kayak/boat/canoe i've met, i've also found equal numbers of rude ignorant anglers... so i leave it alone.

If i'm worried about sharing, i hit up a brookie stream in the mountains...

it's the summer..
Yesterday, the kayakers I encountered on the Juniata were courteous and friendly (as most usually are).

However, a couple guys in a bass boat sped right past me and buzzed the shoreline I was fishing throwing wake waves and making a mess. Jerk fishermen.
Dave_W wrote:
Yesterday, the kayakers I encountered on the Juniata were courteous and friendly (as most usually are).

However, a couple guys in a bass boat sped right past me and buzzed the shoreline I was fishing throwing wake waves and making a mess. Jerk fishermen.

+1 True story.....

While wade-fishing the other day on the Susky, all the yak people paddled behind me or on the other side of the river.

Then comes a jet-boat fishermen all rigged up with 6 rods in his rack, barreling full-throttle down the river right in front of me throwing a chest-high wake into me....unbelieveable!
Do I have a right to shoplift at sheetz? It's a public place. No. These Cretans are stealing my valuable leisure time! I want reparations.

Would you take a kayak? :lol:
afishinado wrote:
Dave_W wrote:
...However, a couple guys in a bass boat sped right past me and buzzed the shoreline I was fishing throwing wake waves and making a mess. Jerk fishermen.

+1 True story.....

While wade-fishing the other day on the Susky, all the yak people paddled behind me or on the other side of the river.

Then comes a jet-boat fishermen all rigged up with 6 rods in his rack, barreling full-throttle down the river right in front of me throwing a chest-high wake into me....unbelieveable!

In Nevada, we referred to those types out on Lake Mead as "bassholes."
I'd venture to say that maybe 50% of the people in Kayaks and Canoes don't know what they are doing, and 100% don't give a darn about fishermen and what they are doing.
Isn't this one more reason why the summer is the worst time to fish? Seriously, all the other three seasons you've pretty much got the water all to yourself.
Chaz wrote:
I'd venture to say that maybe 50% of the people in Kayaks and Canoes don't know what they are doing, and 100% don't give a darn about fishermen and what they are doing.

Don't be so presumptive and judgmental. I have a kayak and have for about 7 years. I just used it to take a pleasure float the other day. It is an angling kayak, and I also enjoy angling from it once in a blue moon. I also fish a lot and respect fisherman because it is one thing I love in life almost as much as sucking oxygen, drinking water, and continuing to live. So clearly not 100%. Either way, public water is public water and if is open to all.
I think instead of singling out the poor behaviors of some, we should focus on the positive actions. Whether they are wading with a spinning rod, in a kayak, in a bassboat, or a float plane. There were probably 50 people in kayaks the day the couple I wrote about before annoyed me. None of the others did. But the interaction I recalled immediately was the poor one.

Have groups that represent fisherman and paddlers ever tried to work together to educate their members? I know it wouldn't resolve all the difficulties. It may alleviate many of them.

To be completely honest, I've been fishing for about 4 years now. I have no idea how a paddler would prefer me to react to their presence, or why. I know I'd like them to go behind me. But I don't know whats best for them. I suspect many of them are in a similar boat. Education could be the key.
Was wading the Allegeheny below the dam. Staying somewhat close to the shore and casting out as there were alot of canoes on the water that day. The preffered float line is over 50 yards across from me..Look up stream and hear an aluminum canoe grinding its way down the gravel riffle.. Had to step closer to shore (only 20 ft out) to avoid getting run over.. As they passed by and got about 50 ft away something started to tug on my leg. The fool was drifting a line behind the boat and buried a #4 Octopus hook into the back of my pant leg. Tried to yank the rod out of the boat before the line broke or I went down.. Not a single word from these clueless drunks...
phiendWMD wrote:
I think instead of singling out the poor behaviors of some, we should focus on the positive actions. Whether they are wading with a spinning rod, in a kayak, in a bassboat, or a float plane. There were probably 50 people in kayaks the day the couple I wrote about before annoyed me. None of the others did. But the interaction I recalled immediately was the poor one.
That would make a terrible rant.
Hi everyone,

I haven't been a member in a long time and that is because I am not very good with a computer, but here I am. I am friends with Squaretail, and have been on two fishing trips with him. Once to West Virginia, and before that to State College. He is a much better fly fisherman than I am, but he is a great guy and I have enjoyed his friendship.

As you all can tell from my username, I am a canoeist. A canoe/camping trip is my favorite thing to do in the outdoors. I've canoed many rivers in my native Pennsylvania, I lived for 17 years in Greensboro, NC. I've canoed a lot of rivers in North Carolina, Virginia, and West Virginia. I bought my Old Town Tripper way back in 1984.

I am also a fly/spin/wade fisherman. I totally understand all of the frustrations with floaters.

What I do when canoeing and seeing a fisherman is politely say that I can see that they are fishing and that I do not want to disturb the water if at all possible. Is the water deep enough that I can paddle behind you? If it isn't, then I tell them that my rods are reeled in and the paddles are out of the water.

I again politely apologize and never ask if they are catching anything.

Jim Casada is a southern outdoor writer who regularly fishes the Nantahala River in western North Carolina. That is a great trout stream and also popular with rafters and kayakers. He thinks that if the water is as undisturbed as possible, a trout won't know the difference between a floating watercraft and a passing cloud.

I'm not a biologist so I just don't know. What I do know is how to behave and conduct myself in my canoe, which be polite, respectful, and disturb the water as minimally as possible.
How is Dan doing? I haven't heard from him in a long long time.
I wish I could tell you about Dan/Squaretail. I haven't heard from him since our trip to the Elk River in West Virginia. We had a great time there.

I live in Lancaster County, Manheim Township, PA. If you want someone to go canoeing or fishing with chances are I am not very far from you.
I want to edit my post a little bit if I may. When Squaretail and myself, and his friend Jeff, were at the Elk River in West Virginia, it was post Fourth of July.

There were no hatches and we were fishing the tiny #32's on 10x tippet. I had never done anything like this before but it worked. I caught all of my trout off of the tiny #32 dropper.

I want to get back to canoeing though and how I can help other anglers. I know it can be frustrating when other people on the water floating flat out don't give a $h!t about about others trying to spend a day fishing.

A little bit of consideration to everyone else enjoying the water is all it takes. I admit that I drink beer on canoe trips, but at the same time, I do what ever I can to make sure that I never ruin anyone else's fishing trip.

Ah bummer. I haven't heard from him since slaymaker, my brother and I fished falling springs 2or 3 years ago or so. Think about him from time to time. One of the most natural and pure fly fishers IMO.
Hope he is doing well, along with his dogs.
32's on 10x? Now that's totally not my style. I'm more of a 4"/6" fly on 1x/0x. :lol:

I'd be into fishing and kayaking(or canoe) with you sometime. I live near east Petersburg. I'll pm you some info.
I live in the Northfield town homes next to the tennis courts at Bent Creek, which is very close to East Petersburg. I am enough of a regular to be on a first name basis with the bartenders at Chancey's.

Squaretail's dog, which is named Chickie is a Fox Terrier. Jeff's dog is named Arlo. He is one of Chickie's pups. I am good with dogs. My neighbor gives me free hair cuts for walking her dogs. I get free hair cuts for doing that little. They are Standard Poodles, which are very smart dogs. They listen to commands and don't shed since they have hair and not fur. Poodles are great dogs.

My canoe is presently wasting away in my garage. Let me know if you want to go canoeing sometime.

We can be the one's who set the example on how to be considerate of wade fisherman while we are canoeing at the same time.

I need to know what kind of vehicle you have. Carrying a canoe, especially a vintage 1984 Old Tripper takes a little bit of preplanning. I kind if know what that is and what to do.

I know cars/trucks/suv's, etc.

I run the outside going in at the Manheim Auto Auction detail shop. In someways, I'm a vehicle expert.

