Jam food

MattBoyer wrote:
JackM wrote:
I am baking a large cake in the shape of the green drake. Of course, I am not, but maybe a half a pack of fig newtons or something if anyone is really hungry. I will have refreshments to share and will let anyone bum a smoke if they want.

But what about ice? ;-)


now THAT made me laugh out loud!
I'm already down for bring a cake. I can bring a second no problem. How's a triple chocolate cake and I also make a great carrot cake. I might also be entering the chili comp. I just gotta see how much I get done tonight.
Chili is done as of 11:00 last night! Kinda bummed, because the place I usually get my tenderloin (local raised at 4.99/lb) was out, so I settled on some eye round steaks instead. Not as soft of a meat as I wanted, but pretty solid flavor. I also had trouble obtaining habaneros up here in the Skook, so I had to use some scotch bonnet based hot sauce to add a little fire. It's a little less thick than I prefer, but that should help it hold up to some crock pot action.

With all due respect to the chefs I have worked with over the years to develop this recipe, I think I smoked them all. ;-) It's my best batch from home so far, considering I don't have a tilt skillet and scaled it down from a 20 gallon batch. Time and judging will tell, but I'm pretty proud of this one!

Wow!! That sounds pretty good Matt. Can't wait to try yours and all the others!!
Puttimg up the 'list' one last time. If you want added pm me an ill make the proper adjustments

Phish_On- Tenderloin/Smoked Salmon
Csoult- Dips
The_Sasquatch- Clam Dip
Wsender- Bacon Bourbon Jam
Freestoned123- Backstrap
Tiltaxp- Pulled Pork
Zenherper- Buffalo Chicken Dip
David- Oreos an Chipped Ham
Turkey- Bourbon
Swattie87- Sloppy Joes
Pcray1231- Kabobs?
PaulG- Lasagna/ Venison Bologna
Slackleader- Gumbo
Delta_Dog- Cookies 
Mooney4- Cake

Chilli Competitors 

TimRobinson- Chilli
Bruno- Chilli
MattBoyer- Chilli/Kabobs?
NickyBoy- Chilli
David- Chilli
Groove790- Chilli
Moony4/Heritage-Angler- Chilli

Starting the clam dip this afternoon. how big of a batch!?
Dang. This is looking good. :-D
Phish_On- Tenderloin/Smoked Salmon
Csoult- Dips
The_Sasquatch- Clam Dip
Wsender- Bacon Bourbon Jam
Freestoned123- Backstrap
Tiltaxp- Pulled Pork
Zenherper- Buffalo Chicken Dip
David- Oreos an Chipped Ham
Turkey- Bourbon
Swattie87- Sloppy Joes
Pcray1231- Kabobs?
PaulG- Lasagna/ Venison Bologna
Slackleader- Gumbo
Delta_Dog- Cookies
Mooney4- Cake

Chilli Competitors

TimRobinson- Chilli
Bruno- Chilli
MattBoyer- Chilli
NickyBoy- Chilli
David- Chilli
Groove790- Chilli
Moony4/Heritage-Angler- Chilli

Edited list. 86'd the kebobs.

MattBoyer wrote:
Phish_On- Tenderloin/Smoked Salmon
Csoult- Dips
The_Sasquatch- Clam Dip
Wsender- Bacon Bourbon Jam
Freestoned123- Backstrap
Tiltaxp- Pulled Pork
Zenherper- Buffalo Chicken Dip
David- Oreos an Chipped Ham
Turkey- Bourbon
Swattie87- Sloppy Joes
Pcray1231- Kabobs?
PaulG- Lasagna/ Venison Bologna
Slackleader- Gumbo
Delta_Dog- Cookies
Mooney4- Cake

Chilli Competitors

TimRobinson- Chilli
Bruno- Chilli
MattBoyer- Chilli
NickyBoy- Chilli
David- Chilli
Groove790- Chilli
Moony4/Heritage-Angler- Chilli

Edited list. 86'd the kebobs.

gfen's grilled babby jebus doesn't make your list? that hurts, phish. you wait, you are going to be truly happy when all is said and done.

i promise you that.

also, i've got 10# of pork shoulder going into the smoker tonight. hopefully it'll be right for pulling tomorrow afternoon.
Eat hearty my lads,drink with gusto, and sleep late as the wiley trout will await your flies. GG
gfen wrote:
also, i've got 10# of pork shoulder going into the smoker tonight. hopefully it'll be right for pulling tomorrow afternoon.

Smoked meat product. Nice! I'm going to need to find a farmer's market up that way, as I realized I am woefully undergunned in the smoked meat department. I blew most of my usual budget on chili, so I'll hafta figure something out. I guess ham sandwiches technically are smoked meat product, and I'm sure I'll find some sort of jerky, just not sure I'll be hookin' up the soprasetta this year.

too late now, but i realize that somewhere in my home i have a dehydrator and is hould've made an assload of jerky.

Phish_On- Tenderloin/Smoked Salmon
Csoult- Dips
The_Sasquatch- Clam Dip
Wsender- Bacon Bourbon Jam
Freestoned123- Backstrap
Tiltaxp- Pulled Pork
Zenherper- Buffalo Chicken Dip
David- Oreos an Chipped Ham
Turkey- Bourbon
Swattie87- Sloppy Joes
Pcray1231- Kabobs?
PaulG- Lasagna/ Venison Bologna
Slackleader- Gumbo
Delta_Dog- Cookies 
Mooney4- Cake
Gfen- Grilled baby Jebus(that just looks wrong lol) Pork shoulder?

Chilli Competitors 

TimRobinson- Chilli
Bruno- Chilli
MattBoyer- Chilli/Kabobs?
NickyBoy- Chilli
David- Chilli
Groove790- Chilli
Moony4/Heritage-Angler- Chilli
Saturday night will be the feast! Patrons can add there dishes to the buffet as the arrive back at the CG. I will have an extra table an power strip for those with crock pots to use.
Sloppy Joes are made.

Phish - I usually let them simmer and thicken up a bit more, but I left them a little wet to aid in getting them out of the canning jars they'll be stored in, and anticipating a potential long stay in the crock pot. If I'm not around and they look like they need to thicken up a bit, just take the lid off the crock pot for a while. Thanks again for spearheading this...see everyone Saturday!
Swattie, sounds good, they should be fine in the crock pot.
Phish_On wrote:
Gfen- Grilled baby Jebus(that just looks wrong lol) Pork shoulder?

babby, two b's. that way we don't offend any xians by suggesting with cook the christ child. i assure you they're so good, its like kissing jesus.

and pulled pork. i just stuck it on now. i imagine its proper form for me to set my alarm and check it throughout the evening.

Mmmmmmmm pulled pork. Yes it would be proper to set alarms. Don't want something goin wrong, god forbid.
I feel like I should pick up some bread for all this chili and such. Maybe biscuits or corn bread? Anyone else thinking this way with whats been offered up so far.
I just finished the first batch of clam dip. Mmm so good. I'm definitely going to have to double this recipe.