Jam food

Pcray- I will put you down as a 'maybe' for the kabobs.
Depending on how much tenderloin finds its way into the chili, I may also be packing some kebobs as well.

Working on getting a list together. Also I may make a voting sheet for the chilli. Or we. Like just put out a cup at every crockpot an like said before drop a fly in th cup. Whomever has the most flies wins. Easy enough.
I just had a bowl of the chili mmmmmmmmmmmmmm gooooooood.

I will win best cheese plate
this could be one of the best jams ever!!!

i have not decided between renting a car or motorcycling.that will determine the food i bring.

www.shakeylee.com haha
MattBoyer wrote:
PaulG wrote:

Sounds like we're going to have a food fest, lots of good stuff, hope my stomach is better by then.

I was thinking about making a pan or two of lasagna, plus the deer bologna.


You bringing the pot again? :)



I will be bring the COFFEE pot ;-)

I have got a 'rough draft' of the list of food. I will finalize it today after work an post it up this evening. Pretty good menu so far.
Phish_On- Tenderloin/Smoked Salmon
Csoult- Dips
The_Sasquatch- Clam Dip
Wsender- Bacon Bourbon Jam
Freestoned123- Backstrap
Tiltaxp- Pulled Pork
Zenherper- Buffalo Chicken Dip
David- Oreos an Chipped Ham
Turkey- Bourbon
Swattie87- Sloppy Joes
Pcray1231- Kabobs?
PaulG- Lasagna/ Venison Bologna

Chilli Competitors 

TimRobinson- Chilli
Bruno- Chilli
MattBoyer- Chilli/Kabobs?
NickyBoy- Chilli

Note- This is just a preliminary list. I will add an subtract names an dishes as needed. Feel free to pm me with any question/suggestions/ideas
I might be able to talk my sister into making brownies or cupcakes. Something along those lines. I'll talk to her today at work.
Get her to make those ice cream cones cupcakes she brought in!!!!!!
Those icecream cone cupcakes where the shizz! I'll ask her, but I'm thinkin brownies would prolly be the easiest. We could do them at the resturant a day in advance, an keep um in the cooler till we leave.

Sasquatch- No we are not brothers. Brothers from another mother maybe, but not blood related. We work together.
Haha, no not roadies for phish either.
Talked to my sister. She said she will make brownies for us.
We played tournament paintball together for probably 8 years. As well as worked at a local field. Now I work at his restaurant. He got me into fly fishing.
You have me down for oreos and chipped ham...which I will likely have on me... but sign me up for the chili cook-off! Elk and (secret) sausage chili is on my agenda!
You got it David.